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Weirdo: so how was the trip? 

You: loveeeely 

Weirdo: well you're in a good mood 

You: and it's all because of you 

Weirdo: um thanks i guess 

You: so how have you been, loveeer?

Weirdo: good 

Weirdo: lover? 

You: what are you wearing? ;) 

Weirdo: ??????

Weirdo: leia, are you drunk? 

You: my name is not leia ;) 

Weirdo: yeah i know but you told me to call you leia 

Weirdo: and you didn't answer my question 

You: the only thing i am drunk on is my love for youuuuu

Weirdo: this is so weird 

You: so, what's your name, sexy? ;)

Weirdo: i thought you didn't want to exchange names 

You: well, i want to now ;) 

Weirdo: uh, it's connor... 

You: oooh connor such a sexy name

Weirdo: there is something weird going on here 

Weirdo: leia? 

Weirdo: leia? 

Weirdo: are you there???? 

Weirdo: is everything okay? 

Weirdo: you were acting so weird and now you're not answering any of my texts 

Weirdo: to be quite honest, i'm kind of worried

Okay, okay, I know I said that I would be back and that updates would be back to normal, but I got caught up in some other stuff. However, updates should go back to normal in the course of this coming week, but after that I won't be updating until September's early days. After that updates on this story only will resume as they were before. If you read my last announcement, you probably know that everything else will be on hold until further notice due to me working on something else for the time being that will be posted as soon as it's ready. The only thing that I will post apart from updates on this story will be my Watty Awards entry and maybe a requested One Shot here and there. 

Thank you in advance for being understanding and patient. I hope you're enjoying this story! :)

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