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You: his name is Connor

Leia: so?

You: do you think it's our Connor??????

Leia: you mean the Connor that goes to our school and the Connor that plays in that band which is also the Connor that you think is hella stuck up?

Leia: yeah that's not the only Connor that exists

You: ha ha ha

You: very funny, Aphrodite

You: also, the texts you sent him? so hilarious

You: now he thinks i have a thing for him

Leia: aw, don't be mad, angel

Leia: it's not like i was lying

Leia: and plus you did give him my codename as something to call you by

Leia: i think it's a given that i should have a little fun as well

You: i do not have a thing for him

You: but, Aphro, what if he is our Connor?

Leia: and you're saying you're not interested in him? ;)

Leia: here you are obsessing obsessing over him and then you tell me "oooh, Aphro, i don't like him at all"

You: i haven't even met him!

Leia: listen, if you're so curious if he's the Connor you think he is why don't you just ask him?

You: because then he'll know i'm interested

Leia: you just admitted you're interested in him

You: not in him... just... interested

Leia: sure ;)

Leia: and even if he knows you're interested so what?

You: because if he does end up being Connor... he's, well, Connor

Leia: maybe he's not so bad

You: i don't know i feel like he always thinks he's better than everyone else and if i tell him who i am maybe he'll start acting that way with me

Leia: so you're saying you do like him as a person?

You: yeah, but... when i have the advantage over him

You: it's kind of fun talking to him

You: he's funny and he's kind of sweet, to be honest

You: what if that all changes when there's no longer any mystery connecting us?

Leia: well, love, maybe that's just a risk you have to take :)

Leia: and you don't have to do it right now

Leia: see how it plays out for a bit and then choose the right moment when to tell him

Leia: but you eventually will have to

You: i know, Aphro

Leia: i wish you the best of luck

You: thanks

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