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You: what if furniture is actually alive and we don't actually hit ourselves on it but it hits us when it's mad

You: maybe that's why it hurts so much when you hit your pinky toe

Weirdo: okay it's not even the middle of the night

Weirdo: it's like 9 AM and you're having these thoughts

Weirdo: what the heck, leia? 

Weirdo: but i do appreciate you texting me first for once

You: it is a legitimate question 

Weirdo: no not really 

Weirdo: go to school 

You: i've been excused 

You: a trip with the choir :) 

Weirdo: no fair 

Weirdo: the rest of us have to sit through physics while you get to go on a trip 

Weirdo: with your favorite rocket ship hey 

You: haha sucks to be you 

Weirdo: :/ 

You: i'm going to go now and enjoy my lovely trip while you pay attention in physics ;) 

You: have fuuuun 

Weirdo: we're studying about specific heat and stuff 

Weirdo: so many formulas 

Weirdo: i highly doubt it 

Weirdo: leia? 

Weirdo: come back, leia 

Weirdo: pleaseeeee 

Weirdo: fine fine i'll pay attention

Guys, I am so sorry for this very very late update! I've been so busy and I've been working on something that is going to be very good, I promise! It's not even nearly finished, but it will eventually be posted even if that's a long while from now, but I am so very excited and I simply had to share it with someone! Also, it was my best friend's birthday and you know, for best friends you go big or you go home, so I went big. Hahaha! Anywaaaay, I promise that updates are going to continue as they were before and I'll make this one a double update, because I truly am so sorry for this update being so late. 

I AM LOVING THE NEW COVER! IT IS AMAZING! And that's all thanks to my dear friend, basicity! She is an amazing writer and just a generally great person. You should totally go check her stories out! <3

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