t w e l v e

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You: it's him!!!!

Leia: eh?

You: it's Connor!!!!

Leia: eh??

You: LEIA!

Leia: PADME!

Leia: i know this is serious when i get called by my codename

Leia: what is going on? XD

You: he said he lives in castlefield


Leia: Connor Miller also lives there

Leia: it could be him

You: doubtful for two reasons

You: 1) this Connor told me he's Scottish. Connor Miller is not Scottish.


Leia: well you did think this guy could be some 69 year old creep

Leia: i was just trying to make you feel better, love, and justify your first completely ridiculous ideas

You: not helping, Aphro

You: help me tell me what to do i am so confused

Leia: well as a first please tell me you didn't react crazily when he told you where he lives

You: i actually didn't react at all

Leia: good

Leia: you know exactly what i think you should do but you don't want to do that so i have another idea

You: okay i'm listening

You: or reading or whatever

Leia: give him clues about your identity

Leia: take it slow

Leia: i see you typing and if the message starts with "but" i am not reading it

Leia: i see you have stopped typing

You: -_-

Leia: you will have to tell him eventually

Leia: after a while it will start getting weird

Leia: if it hasn't already

You: fineeeee

You: eventually

You: but for now i have an idea

Leia: oh boy don't even tell me

You: suit yourself xD

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