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Connor the Weirdo: i just bought a sack of potatoes

You: why do you need a sack of potatoes, weirdo? XD

Connor the Weirdo: my three weirdo friends and i, the king of the weirdos, are making freeeench friiiiiiieeees

You: and here i am, having bought a pizza

You: not made, but bought

You: you do realize you can also buy french fries, right?

Connor the Weirdo: very true, my young friend, but it takes away the magic of making the french fries

You: i am only a year younger than you

You: you do recall that slight detail, right?

Connor the Weirdo: yes, my friend, i do recall it, because that is the only ever so slight personal detail you would tell me and it does make you younger than me, so i shall call you my young friend

Connor the Weirdo: speaking of personal details, how are we standing on the name front?

You: first name princess last name Leia

Connor the Weirdo: i shall succeed in knowing your real name one day, your majesty

You: challenge accepted xD

Connor the Weirdo: wrong choice of words, m'lady, for i seek the thrill of challenges

You: oh boy xD

Connor the Weirdo: from tomorrow on

Connor the Weirdo: now i have french fries to make

You: good luck to you xD

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