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Connor the Weirdo: hey

You: hi

Connor the Weirdo: i wanted to talk about what you said earlier

You: yeah, i'm sorry for calling you obnoxious

Connor the Weirdo: technically you called my butt obnoxious

You: well, sorry for calling your butt obnoxious

Connor the Weirdo: it's fine

Connor the Weirdo: i've had other people call me obnoxious. my butt needed some of the action eventually. xD

You: other people have told you?

Connor the Weirdo: yeah

Connor the Weirdo: i can be a bit selfish i know i'm trying to work on it

Connor the Weirdo: honestly sometimes i don't realize that i'm being self-centered unless someone tells me

Connor the Weirdo: usually my friends are the ones telling me to snap out of it, but sometimes i'll do something stupid

Connor the Weirdo: sorry if i hurt you

You: sorry if i offended you

You: i shouldn't have reacted like that all bathshit crazy and out of nowhere

You: and after ignoring you as well

Connor the Weirdo: hey it's okay it's not like it's your duty to talk to me

You: but i do like talking to you

You: you seem like a pretty decent guy

You: it's just that i tend to be on my guard a lot

Connor the Weirdo: gotten hurt by someone else before?

You: not really

You: people always assume that but honestly it's because i'm kind of the person on the sidelines you know

You: i'm always the person that likes to watch what happens but not participate

You: and with that i guess i've been overanalyzing people

Connor the Weirdo: oh so you're one of those people

You: yeah i guess

You: i like analyzing stuff, people included

Connor the Weirdo: psychology interests you?

You: yes

You: i like to know why people do the things they do

You: some of them are really nonsensical but almost always there's a reason behind it all

Connor the Weirdo: some people are really good at that kind of stuff

Connor the Weirdo: getting to the core of things

Connor the Weirdo: i know a girl like that

Connor the Weirdo: one time i was at summer camp back in the 8th grade or so and this girl, her name is adeline, was there as well

Connor the Weirdo: i came there with a friend

Connor the Weirdo: to the camp i mean

Connor the Weirdo: and i guess i kind of ditched him to hang out with this girl, alison

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