t w e n t y

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You: Connor? Are you there? 

Connor the Weirdo: hey! what happened? where did you disappear off to? 

Connor the Weirdo: um, look, about the whole thing that just went down...... 

You: my phone went all glitchy and it wouldn't let me send messages 

Connor the Weirdo: oh 

Connor the Weirdo: but, look, aphrodite, about what you said... can we talk about that? 

You: i'd rather not 

You: listen i kind of promised my friends i would calm my fritatas, so i'll ask this as calmly as possible 

Connor the Weirdo: calm your whatatas???? 

You: did you know about who i was since the beginning? was it all a prank? 

Connor the Weirdo: what? No! 

Connor the Weirdo: why would you even think that? 

You: how did you figure out my "identity"? 

Connor the Weirdo: when i was talking to adeline i caught a glimpse of her phone when you called her and it said "leia" on it and then i remembered that adeline, you, and natalie had nicknames for each other based on star wars 

Connor the Weirdo: you were princess leia, adeline was princess padme, and natalie was skywalker 

Connor the Weirdo: is it weird that i remembered that since you guys used those back in middle school only? 


You: um 

You: no 

You: i think it's really sweet 

Connor the Weirdo: why would you think it was a prank? 

Connor the Weirdo: do you honestly think i would do that to you? 

Connor the Weirdo: do you honestly think i would play with your feelings like that? 

Connor the Weirdo: i understand that adeline is your best friend and that she probably doesn't have the best opinion about me after what happened at camp but i didn't think that she would hate me so much to spread rumors about me 

Connor the Weirdo: i have never in my life pranked or 'played with' a person to the degree of hurting their feelings like that 

Connor the Weirdo: i thought you knew that i thought you knew ME 

Connor the Weirdo: at least that's what it seemed like 

Connor the Weirdo: like we had a connection 

Connor the Weirdo: i can't believe that you would think i would do something like that 

You: Adeline doesn't hate you, Connor 

You: i know this because... 

You: i am Adeline 

Connor the Weirdo: wait hold up 

Connor the Weirdo: YOU'RE ADELINE?

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