Chapter 11

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*Tiana's POV*

The next morning, I felt like there was a black hole in my stomach. I was having yet another episode of mixed emotions: me crying one moment (since I was going to leave my only family behind), and feeling nervous the next (because I felt things were not going to turn out well at all) and completely happy again (since I was going to get to travel around the whole country).

I had a backpack of all the things I would possibly need on what would seem to be the longest road trip of my life: my iPod Touch, a notebook full of poems, my trusty set of Stabilo markers, Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher, my year-long pass to Disney World Orlando and stacks and stacks of clothes. I was watching the new episode of the FairlyOdd Parents while waiting, so I decided to use my new Twitter account.

In a day, I've had more than two thousand followers, those who seem to be bombarding me with questions about Luke, and others just send me cusses and hate. Well, that isn't the most wonderful experience in the world, right?

@tianaxknowles this day's just started yet i feel i already dread it :(

Just as I press 'Tweet', I hear the loudest beep of what seemed to be a bus outside our room. I peeped out our veranda, and there it was. A grand, white bus parked outside our apartment, causing huge traffic but seemed to be completely unaware of it.

My first instinct was to envelope Kenzie in the hugest bear hug I could do, and bid her a really emotional goodbye. I was definitely the mushy type, but who knew if I could make it alive of this one, right? "I'm going to miss you so much, you assface," I said, crying into her sweater.

She pat my back, and said, "I'm going to miss you more, Lima Bean Breath. Are you nervous about all this?"

I withdrew to wipe my tears away, because I was definitely looking like a clown with all this mascara running down my face. "Of course I am! I mean, what if our bus gets run over or I get mobbed by crazed fangirls, right?"

"No, no. You know that's not what I meant, Tatiana. Are you nervous about being with Luke for the next six months?" she asked, pushing some hair away from my face. Oh shit, the dreaded question. How did she expect me to answer this?

"Why would I be nervous about being with Luke again? Remember, I stopped loving him a long time ago, Kenz," I lied.

She took a deep breath, and replied, "Well, I have a piece of advice that's sure to come in handy. Don't stop whatever makes you happy from happening. Whatever's destined to be will be."

I was about to respond, when the bus blew its goddamned horn again, signalling me to hurry up. "Yeah, I'll keep that in mind. Listen, I really have to go! Bye, Kenz! I love you so much!" I shouted, slinging my backpack around as I shot out our apartment door.


The moment I came face to face with the 5SOS tour bus (if it did have a face though), Ashton came out of the automatic door, and welcomed me in, with the cliche jazz hands.

"Hi, I'm Ashton, the drummer," he said with the most charming smile in the world. He extended his hand for me to shake, and I did as I should.

"Hey, I'm Tiana. Yeah, I've heard," I say with an awkward smirk on my face. I examine his blink-182 tank top, and say, "Wow, I really like your taste in music."

"Oh, stop it you!" he says like a freaking retard, which makes me burst into laughter. "Anyway, do you need any help with your bags? The others sent me to meet you out here, because they said that if it was anyone else, there might have been a fist fight or a slap fest or something."

I smile. "That's a fact." I hand him over my backpack, and step into the... goddamn most gorgeous tour bus I have ever seen in my seventeen fucking years of existence. Oh my God, this looked better than any house I've seen on Cribs. And this is a BUS! It started moving slowly, away from the home I had known for two years of my life.

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