Chapter 16

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*Luke's POV*

I can't believe it.

Michael and Tiana got away with sneaking out of the bus to go on a date.

It's been around six hours ever since I was able to talk to Tiana about it, and I'm still mad as hell. My fists are still curled up into balls, and it feels like my head is steaming from anger. I can't believe that they could actually get away with sneaking out and going somewhere probably more romantic than Starbucks. Well, Tiana really didn't get away with fooling me.

I stomp my way out of my bunk, and head for the bathroom to freshen up. Nobody else is awake, thank God, so no one could see how I look. I actually look and feel like crap whenever I'm mad, so I grab some soap and allow bubbles to lather in my hands.

"Luke, is that you?"

Oh great, exactly the person I needed to be awake.


I don't reply, and I carry on with covering my whole face with soap.

"Luke!" he says cheerfully, opening the bathroom door wide. Shit, I forgot to lock it.

"What?" I hiss, as I rinse the soap from my face. I wipe it all off with a towel, and refuse to meet Michael's eyes. Oh God, I couldn't look at him without feeling betrayal and anger inside of me.

"Looks like someone didn't have a great night's sleep, huh?" he asks, once I finally hang my towel to dry. He looks like an overly happy retard, like someone had sprinkled sunshine all over him. With the crooked smile and distant look in his eyes, that dick.

"Back off, okay?" I tell him, pushing him away by the chest. I open the ref wide open, and find a bagel that I could eat. I remove it from the plastic it's in, and shove the whole thing in my mouth. Well, I don't look angry. I feel like choking, to be honest.

"Hey, dude. You seriously have a problem, what's up?" he asks, taking me by the hood of my sweater, which nearly makes me fall to the ground. "WHAT THE FUCK, BRO?" I shout in his face, my tone raising. "CAN'T YOU TELL THAT I WANT YOU OUT OF MY FUCKING FACE, YOU PILE OF HORSESHIT?"

"WAIT, WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST CALL ME?" he asked angrily, his eyebrows furrowing. He has me by the collar of my sweater, and I'm trying my best to keep my feet on the ground.

"A PILE OF HORSESHIT, YOU HEAR ME LOUD AND CLEAR, CLIFFORD?" I shout louder. Michael looked like he was about to throw a punch at me, his hand raised in the air.

He should go ahead and try his luck.


*Tiana's POV*

I was dreaming of cotton candy clouds, and ice cream fountains and going to a jungle where snakes were made of licorice.

Or something like that. But, I was pretty sure that it didn't have anything to do with mad men frantically screaming.

And that's when my eyes popped open.

Angry curses flying back and forth, swear words popping up in almost every sentence. What the hell was going on? I opened my bunk a little bit, and the words became clearer. I was able to identify their voices. Holy shit, why were Luke and Michael fighting?

"Wait, wait. I don't even understand a bit of this shit! Why the fuck are you calling me horseshit? What the hell is your problem, Hemmings?!" I hear Michael ask. I peep my head out a bit, and there I see them both: eyebrows furrowed, sleeves raised. But, I don't think they seem me, so I duck my head a little bit back, so I won't seem obvious.

"You don't fucking know? Well, would you mind explaining to me the fact that you sneaked out of the tour bus with Tiana last night, and you're about to get all of our asses kicked if Bob finds out?!" Luke starts.

Oh my God, how the hell did he know? I bring my hand to my mouth in surprise.

"How do you know if-"

"Let me finish speaking, you idiot! Add to that, you're flirting with the girl I fucking loved first. You take her out on a date, and totally bend the rules of the contract. Do you even have fucking respect or something? You know I love Tiana, yet you act like such a dick and try to steal her from me, is that right?" Luke yells at the top of his lungs. I'm surprised Calum and Ashton aren't awake from all the chaos going on.

But, then Luke's words zap back to me. "You're flirting with the girl I fucking loved first?" Wait, what?! Was I hearing this all correctly? Luke didn't love me, he never did. And based on what happened on our disastrous first date, he still doesn't. Or does he?

"Wait, fuck you Luke. We're fighting over Tiana, is that what I'm hearing?" Michael asks, confused. His tone goes down, finally. Like he doesn't understand why they're fighting over me.

"Yes, it's exactly what you're hearing," And I hear someone bump into a counter. Probably Luke had shoved Michael or something, I don't know. But, I was chewing my nails to nubs.

"You know that I loved Tiana before you did. And I still love her up to now, more than you ever will. Instead of having the decency to kindly step away and give me the second chance I deserve, here goes goody-two-shoes Michael: always wanting to steal the girl of his best pal.

"Is that how you like playing your game? Remember when you dated Calum's ex, or when Ashton's girlfriend fucking cheated on him because you came into the picture?"

Michael probably had enough of Luke's bullcrap, because he replied in the scariest tone I've ever heard him speak. "You better listen good, Hemmings. Because I'm not gonna repeat this anymore. You may have had Tiana's heart first, but I fell in love with you before you did.

"I saw her one day in the cafeteria, sitting alone. She looked so sad, looking at you flirting at a group of blondes then. I saw her, and unlike you, I saw her past her pimples and thick glasses and braces. I loved her before she looked like what she looks like now. She dumped me without saying it then, Luke. She loved you too much, that she couldn't even consider me.

"But, guess what? I found my opening now. You broke her heart, and you're just lucky enough to get into this shitty deal. But, she doesn't love you anymore, Luke. She doesn't love you. She loves me! She gave me a chance. She gave me the opportunity to make her happy, to make her complete, to not screw up big time like what you did.

"So, could you please face the facts that she doesn't want you back? That as of now, I'm the one with the chances of being hers, and not you. If it weren't for this deal, she wouldn't even be in any place near you."

I heard him spat, and angry footsteps charge towards my direction. I pretend to be asleep, as I feel my head throb from the dozens of questions buzzing in it.


Yes, I am aware it is pure crap. But, I just wanted to update one last chapter for the weekend to get all this tension out of my chest, so you're welcome! :)

AND BY THE WAY, HAVE YOU LISTENED TO MIDNIGHT MEMORIES? You don't really have to answer that, but I just want to say my favorite songs are Story of My Life, Diana, Happily and Half A Heart :)

Okay, then. Please do the usual vote, comment and share! Love you forever! x 

- AussieFreaks

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