Chapter 1

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Chapter One: Things Change

Song for chapter: Miss You by Miley Cyrus

"Please don't leave. Please don't give up on me. I need you... Dad you're the only one who gets me. My life won't ever be the same without you!! You're always there for me no matter what! What are the boys going to do without you? What am I going to do without you? Please dad. Please. We need a dad in our lives. And not just any dad we need you! I love you so much! I can't loose you!!" I could barely talk my stomach was in a knot and my heart was beating through my chest. I was crying so hard. I knew this was it.

"Princess I'm sorry. This is just one battle I can't win. I'm so sorry that I have put you, your mother, and brothers through this much pain. Cancer isn't something that is easy to beat. But please never forget that I love you all so much and you guys have never disappointed me. You all mean the world to me and I could never ask for anyone better than y'all. Meredith I'm especially proud of you. You've never let me down. You're growing up to be a beautiful, intelligent, courageous young women. And no matter what happens I want you to know that I will always be proud of you. You are going to go somewhere in life. I know it!... I may not be down here physically but I will always be here mentally. Not only will I be here in your mind but in your heart also. I love you Meredith. I wish I could stay here with you but god is calling for me and I can't go on longer in this much pain. As I'm breathing my last breath I want you to know that you guys have given me the life I've always dreamed of. Take care of everyone for me. I love you princess."

"I love you too daddy."

And just like that he was gone. Gone out of my life forever. Never to return. Words can't describe how much pain I was and still am in. In that moment I felt my heart break, my eyes burn with tears, my stomach twist, my head burst, my throat swell, my words scream and my life go down hill. I just couldn't get over the fact that my dad just spoke his last words to me. My world had just came crashing down. Not only did I lose my dad but I lost my number one fan, supporter, backbone, bud, shoulder to cry on, and most importantly my bestfriend. I had just lost my dad to cancer.

*Hey guys! This is my first time writing a fanfic! So I hope you enjoy it! Meredith will be played by the young Miley Cyrus and in this story she doesn't cut her hair! Comment what you think! Oh and... VOTE! Also thank you for giving my fanfic a try!!!

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