Chapter 10

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Chapter 10- I Love You But

Meredith's POV

Why is he getting mad at me? He's the one who hasn't said or done anything and it's my birthday!

"What's the matter?" Austin said while keeping his eyes on the road but looking over at me often. "Bennett is mad no wait pissed at me because I'm with you! But he didn't offer, say, or do anything for me! And it's not just that I find it pretty sad that he doesn't even know how much I love him because he's either always mad at me or ignoring me!" just talking about this is bringing tears to my eyes. I don't know how much longer I can take of him treating me this way.

"Alright first off what an ass and secondly take a deep breathe and call him. Maybe he has a good reason to be mad. He's probably just jealous." Moments like this truly make me love Austin.

I dialed his number...

One ring

Two rings


"He hater buttoned me!" Wow real mature Bennett. "He seriously ignored your call?" he chuckled. "Austin this isn't funny." alright I'm taking back what I said about the loving him part.

We pulled into school and he parked the car then looked at me. "I'm not laughing at you I'm laughing at how immature he is. Like he's lucky to have you! If I had a beautiful girlfriend like you I'd do everything in my power to treat her right and avoid arguments. If I even saw your name on my screen I wouldn't hesitate to answer but that's just me." I looked over at him and a tear slid down my face. He's the greatest friend I've ever had. I wiped my tears. "Thank you Austin. Can I just say that there are more than one million words in our language and not a single one of them can describe how much I love you." it's true he's my rock. My bestfriend and I care sooo much about him. He smiled "I love you too."

He got out of the car and opened my door. I smiled "Thank you." he returned the smile and said no problem. Once I shut my door I ran into his arms and gave him a huge hug which he returned. We were hugging until someone interrupted us with a fake cough. We pulled away and looked over to see Zach and Bennett.

Bennett was give me a death stare that felt like he was burning holes through my skin. Anyone could feel the tension between us. "Hey Austin um Alex needs us so why don't we go uh find him." Austin shook his head and they left leaving me with Bennett. Great.

He rolled his eyes at me and that's when I had enough. I turned around to go meet back up with Austin and Zach when he grabbed my hand and spun me around. "Look if you're just going to yell at me then save because I really don't want to go to first period with red eyes." the next thing he did caught me off guard. once I realized what he was doing I immediately kissed him back. We pulled back seconds later. I rested my head on his chest and he put his head on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me this morning. I guess seeing you with some that likes you made me jealous. I didn't mean to make you cry but for your birthday I didn't want to text or Instagram how I felt about you I wanted to say it to your face. I love you so much and I'm so grateful to have you. Your the light of my life and I have no clue what I would do without you. You are my bestfriend and my rock. You're perfect in every way and I don't care if I have to tell you that 24/7 so that you'll understand. Meredith Mariah Monroe I love you." I took my head off his chest and wiped my tears. "Bennett Ryan Smith I love you too." I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him passionately and he did the same. I pulled away "We should probably get to class. I can't get a detention." we laughed and walked to our lockers together with our hands intertwined.

When we got into class I took a seat in between my boys. Austin smiled at me and I smiled back. Then Bennett released my hand because our teacher walked in.

End of class

"God class is so boring " I hate Mr. Thomas's class he teaches us nothing. "I know he just needs to shut up sometimes." Austin said. I looked over at Bennett and he looked worried? I looked straight ahead to see Taylor. Man when that bitch get back? Right when she was about to walk past us she stopped. "Better keep a close eye on your man Meredith. It seems he doesn't have eyes for just you." She smirked and walked off.

Bennett was standing there like he was paralyzed and his face was red. I hit him in his arm. "What the hell was that?!"

A/C: Sorry for the boring chapter but the next few are going to be drama filled and feisty! So what did you think? where's Taylor been? Be sure to like and comment! Sorry if there are any mistakes! I was rushing to finish!

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