Chapter 3 part 1

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Chapter Three: New place, new people

Song of Chapter: Butterflies by Zendaya

He was sooo cute! But I guessed he noticed that I was starring at him so he came up and introduced himself.

"Hey I saw you moving in and decided to come say hi. It's not often that we get new neighbors. Oh and my name is Bennett!"

Bennett has baby blue eyes, blonde shaggy hair, with freckles. And let me tell you he is tall! He's like 6'1! I'm only 5'6.

"Hey well I'm Meredith!"

"Where are you from?"

"Alabama!" Aw man there goes my country accent.

"Whoa that's far away from here. So what grade are you in?"

Man he asks a lot of questions. But I'm that I've already met someone. "I'm going to be a Sophomore. You?"

"Same! What high school are you gunna go to? Sorry I'm asking so many questions." He laughed. His laugh is so adorable.

"I'll be going to I think Lady Bird Johnson High School."

"Well looks like we will be going to the same school" he winked at me. Oh my I'm already starting to love Texas!

*1 month later

It's the first day of school and I'm soooo nervous. But even being nervous can't stop me from looking my best! My long brown hair is pin straight. I'm wearing a blue tank top with a bow in the back, faded skinny jeans, galaxy vans, a blue diamond in my first ear piercing and a small purple heart in my double, and I have little make-up on. Just a little mascara.

Once I was happy with my appearance I went downstairs, ate breakfast, brushed my teeth then went over to Bennett's house.

Him and I have become bestfriends over the past month. I mean we still flirt but we've never really considered ourselves as a couple. We find it to weird. We were more meant to be friends.

When I got over to his house he was waiting for me on his porch. He looked as good as ever! The weird thing was we were sorta matching.. I swear we didn't plan this out. But anyways he was wearing a blue spurs shirt, faded jeans, and blue foams.

"Hey! So are you ready for your first day of school?"

"No I'm so nervous!!!"

"Don't be! I mean who wouldn't want to talk to a beautiful girl like yourself?" He said while winking. Well it looks like I'm now blushing.

"Why thanks! Wait.. What time is it?"

"Shit. We have to go. Like now."

"Race you to our stop?"

"Oh you're on Monroe."

So I ended up winning! Like always!

"Wow you're good Monroe" I could tell he was out of breath. I was sorta but not completely.

"Not everyone can keep up with me." I said while attempting to wink. I failed. The next thing I know he's laughing so hard he can't talk.


"Are you done laughing?"

"Yeah I'm good! so let me see your schedule!"

So I gave it to him and it turns out that I have a locker next to him and we have 3 out of 6 classes together along with lunch.

*At school

When we were walking down the halls there were a lot of whispers. I'm trying to be like self centered or anything but I knew they were about Bennett and me. I mean they were starring at us and talking. Oh well.

When we got to homeroom I saw a really cute guy. Man Texas has a lot of cute guys. But he was different. He had straight kinda shaggy but short hair. His eyes were green with brown and some grey streaks in it and he was about 2 inches taller than me. He was also muscular. He was wearing light jeans, a black Trukfit shirt, a pukah necklace and the Air Jordan 5 Grapes. He was everything I look for in a guy. He was perfect. Just looking at him gave me butterflies.

I guess Bennett saw me starring at him because the next thing I knew he was waving his hands in front of my face.

"Earth to Meredith!"


"You're lucky I caught you starring at Austin before he or Taylor did!"

So Austin is his name.

"What's so wrong with looking at him?"

"He's a player first of all and his girlfriend Taylor is a complete bitch. The last time she caught a girl looking at Austin she beat their ass. I mean I'm pretty sure you'd whoop her ass but," I was laughing so hard that he soon started laughing to. We were laughing so hard people started to look over at us.

It's a good thing we calmed down when we did because our teacher, Mr.Thomas walked in the room.

After sitting through 1st period and hearing nothing but rules the bell finally rang.

"I hate the first days of school!"

"I know all they do is go over rules like we haven't heard them before!"

"Right! Aw man.."


"We don't have our next class together and I don't know anyone!"

"My friend Alex is in that class! look there he is right there! Hey Alleeexxxx!!!!"

"Hey Bennett!" Alex was wearing a red Chicago Bulls shirt, dark jeans, and red Lebron 11s. After they were done doing there broshake (it's the handshake boys always do!) he introduced me.

"Alex this is Meredith! You and her have the next class together so can you help her out if she needs it?"

"Of course anything for a pretty girl like herself" he said while winking. There I go again with the blushing! I'll admit Alex is pretty cute. He resembles that Austin kid a lot too! But I still think Austin is cuter.

"Well thanks!"

"Well I better get to class! You two can compare schedules or whatever but no funny business Alex!"

"Whoa dude I just met her! I won't pull anything on her just yet!" he yelled down the hall making people stare at us and Bennett start laughing.

"Okay then" I said while laughing. We got into class and took our seats then the teacher came in.

"Alright students I'm pretty sure you already know the rules so I'm going to give you the period to do as you please! Just don't do anything you wouldn't do in front of your parents!"

"So let me see your schedule!" Alex turned around and said to me.

I gave it to him and we have 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th together.

Picture of Bennett on the side!

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