Chapter 14

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Title- Drama, Lies, and Tears. Cheers to the Teenage Years.

*Meredith's POV

I was frozen. I couldn't move, make a noise, cry, or anything. I just stood there. Why would he do this to me? I heard footsteps behind me but I couldn't bare to turn around. I couldn't take my eyes off of the love of life cheating on me.

"You know you've got a lot of nerves." the person behind me spoke up. It was a guy but I couldn't make out the voice.

Bennett pulled away from Taylor "Can't you see I'm busy he-" his eyes met my watery ones. "Mered-" I wiped my tears and held up my hand. "Stop. Don't say anything because everything you're going to say is a lie. You know it and so do I. Don't even try to give me the bullshit of 'it's not what it looks like' because I stood here and watched you," I shook my head and the last thing I wanted to do was be lied to straight to my face. "god I'm such an idiot." I'm going home. I don't need to put up with this shit. I turned around and saw Robert behind me.

"You're not an idiot. I am," I stopped and turned around to see Bennett with his hands on his head. "I only did it because a man has needs babe and you wouldn't fulfill them."

"Don't call me babe. And you're not a man, you're a coward. You're a lying, low life, self centered, no good, cheating coward. That from this point on I no longer have to put up with. But before I go can you at least tell me how long?" he looked up and grabbed his neck "1 month." I shook my head. "Did you even feel the same way I felt towards you?" a tear ran down my face and he ran over to me. "Of course. Meredith, I love you soooo much but you wouldn't have sex with me so I found someone who would. More like a no strings attached." he got closer to me but I pushed him back. "Well are you happy? You got you're so called needs covered and broke the one who truly loved you's heart."

I'm now done. Done with him. Done with this day. Done with this party. Done with these fake people. Done with everything. I just want to go home and cry myself to sleep. I was about to go inside when I heard him groan. Time to wrap it all up "But have fun with your skank. Try not to end up on 16 and pregnant. Oh yeah and if you do make sure you name the baby after me," I turned around. "I'm leaving my own party thanks to you asshole. Way to ruin my 16th birthday." with that I made my way out of Austin's house and started towards mine.

I wish I could walk faster in these heels but sadly I can't. "uhhg stupid heels." I heard someone laugh from behind me on the sidewalk and I turned around to see Austin. I took off my heels an sat on the curb and he quickly sat next me.

I looked up at the sky seeing that all the stars are out and shining beautifully. "Hey look there's the Big Dipper." I said while pointing it out to Austin. "Meredith I know you don't want to talk about what happened right now but you're going to have to sometime." Austin said while looking at me. But I knew if I look back at him I'd start to cry. "Oh look it Orian's Belt!" I tried to sound cheery while avoiding the topic. "Stop trying to avoid the topic." he sighed. "There's the Northern Star!" I pointed at some random star because to be honest I had no clue where it was. I just remember the name from Peter Pan. Austin then grabbed my arm turning my focus to him. "Meredith. Stop."

I sighed and looked at the ground. "How can you treat someone like royalty but they treat you like crap in return? It's not fair." my tears were forming again but this time I'm not stopping them. It was quiet for awhile and I finally looked up at Austin who was staring down at me. "Why do I always get treated like this?" he wiped my tears away "We accept the love we think we deserve." he then hugged me and at this point I couldn't control my crying. He held me so securely and made the pain go away. "Don't let me go." I sobbed quietly into his shoulder. "Don't worry, I wasn't planning on it."

A/C- short chapter sorry but what do you think about the end?

Comment what you think!



and enjoy(:

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