Chapter 16

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Title- Memories Turn to Ashes

Meredith's POV

"Alright Austin and Robert go start the fire. Tyler and Zach you guys go get marshmallows, graham crackers, chocolate, and beer from the store," I started laughing at the expression Zach gave us when she said that. "Zach we all know you have a fake ID so just stop." Sarah laughed out. "Mer and I will go get all the stuff that involves the he devil!"

Everyone broke out to go do what they were told. Sarah and I sprinted up to my room. "Alright first lets get all these pictures off of your closet door." we started taking the pictures off gently just so it'd be more fun to destroy them. Wow that sounded harsh. Oh well.

I have so many pictures of him... just wait until she sees all the sweat- "Oh dear god. Please tell me these aren't all his." I let out a small, embarrassed laugh. "Oh well it looks like we have more to burn." wait I can't burn his clothes. That wouldn't be right.

"Sarah I wouldn't feel right burning his clothes so can we do something else with them instead?" she sighed. "I guess but where's all the gifts he's given you?" I started getting all of the stuff he's ever given me and man was there a lot.

I picked up the giant pink gorilla and the memory of that day surfaced my mind.


It was a breezy summer night and we were at the carnival. He was wearing cargos, elite socks, a nike sweatshirt, and the new shoes that came out just that morning. He was definitely a sneakerhead.

Me on the other hand was wearing flip flops, a baby blue v-neck, and tattered shorts. "Hey you look cold do you want my sweatshirt?" I smiled and shook my head.

We were walking and then came across a basketball booth. "I'm going to win you that pink gorilla." he smiled at me confidently.

"Bennett you really don't have to. These games are rigged and I don't want you spending all your money on me."

"Nonsense! I bet that I can win you the gorilla on my first try." god he's so cocky.

"Let's make it more interesting. What are we betting for?"I smirked "A kiss if I win" wait what? he's my bestfriend.

"Okay and if I win you have to tweet nice things about me for a week." yeah that's lame but it's all I could come up with at the moment.

"You're on." he payed the man 5 dollars then started shooting. I'll give it to him the kid isn't half bad.





five baskets in a row.

"WE HAVE A WINNNERRRR!" the man at the booth screamed to everyone. "You can choose anything you want."

"The pink gorilla for my lady." I started smiling like an idiot. The man handed him the stuffed animal which was then handed to me.

"Time for that kiss." nerves filled in my body from my head to my toe. He slowly started to lean in but his phone started going off. He answered it then walked off. I felt relieved but sad at the same time.

"Hey sorry about that. It's my mom called me saying she's here so we need to go." I nodded my head and we made our way to her car.

The ride home was quiet. An awkward silence. We pulled up to his house and he walked me next door to mine.

"So about that kiss?" he smirked and started to lean in again but were interrupted when Mitchell came out of the house.

"I'll be back later. Love you Mere!" Mitchell kissed the top of my forehead than ran off to his car.

"It's getting late. I'll see you tomorrow. Thanks for everything. I had a great time." I kissed Bennett's cheek then ran inside to my room.

I went to sleep with my gorilla next to me and a smile on my face.

End of Flashback

"Are you okay Meredith?" I looked up and saw a confused Sarah. I felt a tear drop off my face.

"Yeah I'm fine. Let's go meet up with the boys." she gave me a warm hearted smile.

We made our way out of the house to my backyard and everyone was there. I took a seat next to Zach and he put his arm around me.

We laughed and talked about all the stupid things we've ever done. Zach's was the funniest and Rob's came in second.

Zach told us all about how when he was younger he put a walkie talkie in his mailbox and when ever someone would walk by he'd say the craziest things. One time a teenage guy was walking by and he said you are the last avitar then they guy started freaking out. But the thing is the guy tried to do the things a regular avitar would do.

Robert told us about how when he was younger he lived in walking distance from a Walmart. One day his friend and he walked up there and took the automatic carts. They got a ball and threw it at each other down an isle then got kicked out. He said his dad was so pissed at him but it was worth it.

We all ate until we couldn't eat anymore. I had about 5 s'mores... oops.

"Alright I think we should drink to the bad memories." Tyler gave me a cup of alcohol and we all took a drink.

"Meredith I believe you have some things to burn." Sarah said while handing me all of the pictures of us. And when I say there were a lot I mean a lot.

I looked at the picture on top. "Our very first picture together." I ripped it to shreds and threw it into the fire. God did that feel good.

Picture after picture after picture. Note after note after note. Memories to ashes and anger to smoke.

I paused when I came across the picture of us looking into each other's eyes. "You know someone randomly took this picture," I showed it to them. "we really looked like we were in love. Well at least I was." tears were escaping my eyes, I tried to stop them but there was no use. I took a seat and Austin came over to me, he offered me his hand.

"What?" I looked up to him. "I want you to sit with me." I got up and we went to his seat. I sat in his lap and cried into his chest.

I must of fell asleep because I woke up to the sound of everyone laughing. I looked up and saw Robert in the stuffed gorilla?

"What did y'all do?" there heads snapped at me. "Are you mad?" Alex asked. "No this is freaking hilarious."

It turns out that while I was sleeping Robert cut a hole from top of the gorillas stomach to the bottom, took all the stuffing out, then got in it.

"Robert twerk." I laughed out.

"I got you!" he started twerking to the song Alex turned on which was Don't Drop That Thun Thun Thun.

I was laughing so hard I felt a six pack coming in. I started videoing him then put it on Instagram.

'This is what bestfriends are for😂 To cheer you up when you're feeling down. I love y'all sooooo much❤️'

Robert got tired after the song was over and passed out in the gorilla suit. "Thanks for making tonight better y'all. I love you." I love them so much it's not even funny.

"We love you too." Alex said.

Everyone soon started falling asleep but I was wide awake. Thanks to my nap..

"Hey you wanna go do something?" Austin whispered into my ear. "Yeah but what?" I look around to all of our sleeping friends. "Lets go on a night adventure."

A/C: What did you think(:

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