Chapter 5: New Girl

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{~song for chapter: Me & Mr Jones-Amy Winehouse~}
Abriana's POV:
~a week later~
It's been a week since I last saw Nate..
It's good now..
Well..not really..
For this past week Derek hasn't been home a lot..
He stays for a couple of hours & leaves me alone..
I wait up until I finally fall asleep..
He ends up coming in the morning..
I feel he's cheating on me..
To be fair..
It's like I feel no love for him anymore..yet I'm still protective of him..
So it's like I love him kind of?
I lay down again in bed
It's 11pm..
Derek's not home..
I walk down the stairs tearing up
Daniella runs down the stairs & scares me by grabbing my waist
I scream & she looks at me
Her face drops
"Why are you crying?" She asks
"It's nothing" I lie
my eyes are glossy & bloodshot
"Bri talk to me."
"There's nothing-"
"Sit down" she says frowning
I sit down
"Why are you wearing Dillon's shirt?" I ask pointing to the large shirt on her
She bites her lip
"Daniella Francis!" I gasp saying
"What? I was alone with him..things got crazy.." She says
I roll my eyes
"Really with him though?"
She sighs
"It's only a one night thing.."
"Whatever I don't care." I say
"Why are you so cranky babe?"
I sigh
"Dani..I've been going through hell this past week..Derek isn't home with me anymore..he sprays cologne on himself everyday & leaves all dressed up..he comes home in the morning..I think he's cheating.." I say tearing up
"What? Omg Bri I didn't know-"
"It's okay.."
" need to go out..let me drive you around.."
"No Dani..please..I rather stay home at this point" I say running up the stairs
I hear her sigh loudly
I close the door & I slide down it
I realize the texts I sent from earlier
Which were texts of me asking if he was coming home..
He read them but didn't reply..
I throw my phone across the room
I let out a huge cry
I hear footsteps
"Don't come in here Dani" I say
She bursts through the door & holds me
"I'm here I'm here" she says
I wake up with Dani in our bed
I move her arm off me
I climb out of bed
I wash up & I head downstairs
I make myself some coffee & breakfast for everyone including myself
I hear the front door crack open
I bend down to look in the refrigerator
I hear small footsteps as if someone's sneaking in
I peek my eye out to see Derek with his jacket off & fixing his shirt
I stand up & I take a sip from my coffee
"Good morning" I yell out scaring him
"Your awake.." He says nervously scratching his head
"Yes..where were you? Again!"
I say pissed
"I was out with the boys.."
"Bullshit they all stood home." I spat at him
"Listen don't act all tough okay? I'm still in charge of you! Your not in charge of me..I do whatever I wanna's none of your business to know where I was last night" he says
"It is since I'm your girlfriend of how many years again? Oh yes 2 damn years! You haven't even gotten me a promise ring..I understand you couldn't get me a engagement ring..but that now your being cheap Derek" I say
"I'm not cheap okay?!"
I yell
"Your cheating on me aren't you? That's the reason your out so much.."
He softens up
"What? Baby I wouldn't ever cheat on you.."
"Bullshit..leave me alone Derek" I say walking away from him & grabbing a cooking pan
"Whatcha making?"
"Nothing for you." I say rudely
"Babe..your teasing me with that shirt your wearing..every time you reach over it lifts up showing that sexy Latina ass you got.." He says biting his lip
I smirk
"Too bad you ain't getting none tonight"
"What? Now I'm being punished!?" He says shocked
"Hell yeah you are. You talk to me rudely & expect for me to forget it..not tonight..I'm tired of it..go wash up you smell awful" I say scrunching up my nose in disgust
He glares at me & goes up the stairs
I fry some bacon
I hear
"Omg that's what I'm smelling form upstairs.."
I look behind me & I see Dillon with his hair ruffled up
"Hello to you too..breakfast is ready get the gang up!" I say
He nods & goes upstairs
He yells at the top of the stairs
"Get yo fat asses up its time to eat!"
I laugh loudly & he runs over to me & tickles my sides..
I laugh & I look at the corner of my eye to see a freshly clean Derek glaring at us both
" you go ruppster" I say handing him his plate
He smiles & closes his eyes
"I'm in heaven" he says
"You haven't even took a bite out of it" I say giggling
"I don't have to...your a awesome cook that's why I say it." He says & sits down to eat
Daniella,the twins & the rest of the gang..go eat
I'm eating & Derek hasn't touched his food yet
"Eat damnit" I say angry already
"Not hungry"
"Why you made me serve you then?"
"Yo Luh can I have your plate then?" Dillon asks
I move his plate over to him
"Here you go Rupp since you & the gang love my cooking..who wants 2nd's?"
Everyone puts up their plates
"Okay then" I say giggling & grabbing the plates
I'm washing the dishes after I just prepared dinner
It's in the oven now cooking..
I see Derek come out spraying himself down with Versace cologne
"Out again?" I say sass in my voice
"Yes.." He says looking at me
"I might as well hook up with someone since you don't show me love anymore"
"You wouldn't know damn well...I love you.."
" love me..but your leaving right?" I say frowning
"Just leave Derek like you always do.." I say
He sighs
"I didn't mean-"
I say tearing up
He opens the door & leaves
I didn't think he actually would leave but he did..
Here I am now crying & almost done with the dishes
I'm bored & mostly everyone is asleep except Dani
"Let's take a ride somewhere."
"Yeah I like that" I say
I get in her fancy yellow Lamborghini
"Let's go chica" she says & she punches the gas
I'm screaming as she's going 100 miles per hour at this point
"Dani chill out we're in a 40 mile zone.." I say gripping on the seat tightly
She slows down & I see a familiar car parked in a very lit house
"Stop here" I say & she parks the car a step away from the house..
I climb out of the car & I walk to the door
I put my ear over it & I hear Derek's voice
I tear up hearing a girl's laughter..
I proceed to follow them as they leave the door
I end up not hearing anymore sounds
I'm about to leave when I hear a loud moan
My blood boils
I knew he was cheating..
I look through to see a sandy blonde haired girl with green piercing eyes kissing him
Him undressing her
My vision goes blurry as I tear up
I run away & I climb in Dani's car crying
She hugs me & I tell her everything..
We go back home & i wash up & head to bed..
I can't fall asleep knowing I was right about him cheating...
I get a text as I'm about to close my eyes
Dani's in her room sound asleep
I look at my phone
"Nate🙄: busy?😉"
I look around
"Not really.." I text back
"Nate🙄: come over."
"Nate🙄: yes now."
I sigh & I throw a jacket over my pjs
I'm embarrassed to go over to Nate's
in a large black hello kitty shirt with matching panties & bra underneath
With my basic grey sweats & fuzzy slippers on
I tie my messy hair up in a messy bun
I put some lipgloss & I sneak out of the house
I get to Nate's mansion
Everyone is asleep but him
He lets me in & we go up to his room
He lights up a blunt
He hands it over to me
I smile faintly & inhale some of it
"What's on your mind?"
"Oh..nothing..just nothing.." I say
He holds me in his arms
Which feels oddly good at this moment
"Relax ma..your so tensed up..lets watch a movie."
He turns on Netflix
"Really? Netflix & chill?" I say smirking
He laughs
"No. Not the "chilling part" just strict Netflix.." He says smiling
I smile & I look at the screen as he scrolls down the movies list..
{~Me & Mr. Jones..~}

You Don't Own Me {~A Nate Maloley/Derek Luh Fanfic~}Where stories live. Discover now