Chapter 2: Big Deals

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{~song for chapter: Know Better-Kevin Gates~}
Abriana's POV:
~a week later~
I'm checking our last client's money
I run my fingers through the lump of money & I count very single dollar
"D baby..something is off about him" I say
"What's wrong Mami?" He asks me & crouches down to face me
I can't help the fact I'm short..
Plus I'm sitting down in a chair
"He gave us $180 last time he said he would pay you x3 the price since he slacked on paying us a month ago.." I say frowning
Derek lets him get away with paying the actual price
Which is $380
"I didn't realize that baby. Your good. I can't let something bad happen to you for sure babygirl" he says caressing my cheek
I hand him the money
"I always hoped you would give me a huge diamond ring.." I say sighing
"I will get you that ring baby" he says
He always promises that. But it never happens
I mean we've been together for 2 years already.
It hasn't been perfect.
We fight like most of the time.
He flirts a lot with other girls.
I should've not gotten involved with Derek
knowing how bad his business is..
I always wanted to end things..because I can't hide our relationship any longer
I haven't visited my mom in 2 years.
She doesn't know about Derek.
It's better she doesn't.
I get a text from one of the twins telling me to go downstairs.
I twist the knob to his bedroom door
He holds my waist
"Where are you going?" He asks whispering in my ear
"The twins are playing a movie downstairs. Gianni wants me down there with them"
I say
as he breaths on my neck making me get chills down my spine
"Only you?" He asks me again
I nod
The phone rings & he leaves me to answer it
I find it a distraction from me
I run out of the room
I run down the stairs & find the twins waiting for me
I smile & we go to the large living room & Gianni plays the movie..
Derek's POV:
"Yo X I can't let her out crazy son?" I say pissed
I know this is a big deal for my business but it requires Bri.
I can't let her get hurt.
"Cmon D.Luh you never let her out & she won't get hurt" he says
I slam my fists on my wooden desk
I clench my teeth
"No funny business right X? You aren't scamming me are you?"
He laughs
"D..would I ever do such a thing?"
I sigh
"When?" I say frowning
My baby can't do it..I'll be too scared for her..
"Tomorrow at 1am so no one will catch us okay?"
I sigh & I run my hands through my hair
I'm so stressed right now
"Sounds good." I say biting my lip nervously
"Great doing business with you Luh" he says & the line goes dead
I throw the phone across my large room & I yell out a loud scream
I break one of my lamps by throwing a glass at it
I hear steps coming up the stairs
Damnit she heard me.
I scramble to fix everything.
I open the door to see Bri with a worried face
"Are you okay?" her soft voice says
"Umm..we gotta talk.." I say scratching the back of my head..
She walks in & I shut the door so no one will hear us
Me & her sit on my bed
"It's about a deal we got.." I say sighing..
Abriana's POV:
"What is wrong?" I ask worried over the fact he's acting weird
"They want you."
"Me?" I say with a raised eyebrow
"You letting me go?" I add
He nods frowning
"I have to for tomorrow night. You'll be doing the big deal with big X remember him?"
I nod remembering the past visits by "X"
"Okay'll meet up with him tomorrow. I'm scared to be honest" he says
I cup his face
"Derek I'll be fine" I say & peck his lips
"Are you two getting freaky?" Daniella yells from the locked door
I laugh loudly & I get up from Derek's bed
I open the door & she smirks
"Did I interrupt anything?" She asks wiggling her eyebrows & giggling a bit
I shake my head & Derek sighs looking at me
I give him a smile & blow him a kiss
Dani drags me downstairs & we get dressed up to go out..
Just us..
~the next day~
I'm eating breakfast with Derek
He's drinking whiskey
I know it's 7am 
Derek doesn't care though..
I'm drinking orange juice
He sighs & looks over at me while I eat my BLT (bacon,lettuce & tomato) sandwich
"I still can't believe I'm letting this happen" he says frowning
I sigh
"Derek baby I'll be fine I promise.."
He fakes a smile & kisses my hand
I get dressed up
I slip on my black nike leggings
I put a black cropped tee with "Baddie" wording on it
I put a black leather jacket on & I put heels on
I apply a dark brown lipstick since it's my favorite lip color
I grab my bag
I walk downstairs & Derek stares at me
"Dress differently" he says sternly
"Your not the boss of me Derek" I say
He grabs my wrist
"Listen to daddy" he says glaring at me
I whine & I look at him
"Derek your hurting my wrist & you promised you wouldn't hurt me" I say tearing up
He lets go & I look at him with a glare
His eyes soften up
"Baby I-"
"Just leave it alone Derek..I'm leaving now"
"Wait..I love you" he says as I'm walking to the door
I sigh
"Bye Derek" I say waving & I open the front door not saying "I love you" back
I go through so much with him.
It's like we fight & he'll threaten me..yet I stay..I don't know why...
I can't seem to figure out why I do..
I'm glad I leave the house for once without him.
I also do a big deal
that I've been wanting to do since forever..
Finally it's happening..
No sign of X or his men yet..
I text him
"Where are you?"
A text instantly replies
"I'll be there in 2 mins"
I sigh & I tap my foot impatiently
I am a impatient person.
It's not my fault
I am the way I am!
~2 mins later~
He arrives in a black stretch limo
He's wearing his huge rings like usual
He smiles
"Hi babygirl. I see Derek told you" he says giving me a huge smile
He's wearing gold grills since it's his thing..
"Yes sir." I say smiling
"Where's the money?" I ask
He smirks
"Impatient one aren't you?" He says
I nod & I roll my eyes
He signals his men to get the money
They bring me 2 big bags
"$50,000 like Derek wanted.."
I gasp
Whoa that's a lot of money!
Yet Derek can't get a ring?..I'm starting to think he's lying to me..
"It's nothing compared to what Derek gets but for now here's something." He says
"Thanks for doing business with us X it's always a pleasure" I say
We shake hands & he walks to his limo & climbs in
His men & him drive away
I stuff the money in Derek's car when suddenly a hand covers my mouth
I let out a muffled scream
The person doesn't let me go
I yell when the person lets go of my mouth
"Help me!" I cry out
The person drags me out & I see men break in Derek's car..
I cry & I'm stuffed in a huge car
My phone & bag is still on me since both are strapped on me
I try to call Derek but the line is dead..
I tear up & my hands tremble..
I got kidnapped...
{~you should've know better..~}

You Don't Own Me {~A Nate Maloley/Derek Luh Fanfic~}Where stories live. Discover now