Chapter 13: Sin City

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{~song for chapter: You Know You Like It-DJ Snake ft Alunageorge~}
Abriana's POV:
~the next day~
I rub my eyes as I wake up from my beautiful slumber..
I look over to see Nate snoring
I straddle him
"Nate baby wake up its 10am & I wanna get ready for the casino"
Yeah we're staying at a casino/hotel
So it's awesome to me to stay here..
He pushes me off like nothing
I roll off the bed & fall on the floor
I groan in pain
His eyes open quickly
"Omg baby what happened?" He asks helping me up
"I tried to wake you up..I got the message let him wake up by pushed me off & I fell" I say rubbing my back
He frowns
"I'm sorry I hurt you"
"Babe it's no big deal" I say smiling
"Yes it is. I hurt lay on your stomach" I shake my head
"Nate baby relax.."
I sigh & lay on my tummy
He starts massaging my back
" don't have to.." I say
As I'm feeling absolutely amazing with him rubbing my back
"I have to..I'm so sorry..I didn't know baby...I will never hurt you like this again.." He says & kisses my lower back
I muffle a giggle
He's adorable & I love it..
After he is done with my back
He attempts to make me stay in bed
"No Nate..I'm going to the casino" I say getting out of the bed & walking to the bathroom
"I can see your cheeksters" he says referring to my panties
I fix the shirt in the back & I start brushing my teeth
~after a while~
I'm wearing a long white printed sundress & a sunflower flower crown on my head
I curl my hair & leave it loose
My waves flowing
I put on a red lipstick & some eyeliner
I finish off my makeup with mascara & I grab my purse
Nate looks at me
"Well look gorgeous" he says biting his lip leaning against the wall
"I'd like if you changed into better clothes right now" I say pushing him
He sighs
"Fine I'll get a outfit"
"Meet at the casino" I say giggling & I walk out of the room
I walk down the long hallway
I wait for the elevator doors to open
I get in the elevator & I press the first floor
The doors open & before I walk out
I see Derek checking in with a new girl wrapped around his arm
I freak out & I press the buttons again so the doors will close
I slide down the wall
Why does this keep happening?
He follows me around lately..
It's like he's tracking me down for a reason..
A reason I don't know yet..
The doors open & a nicely dressed Nate walks in
He looks worried as he crouched down
"Babe you okay?"
I shake my head
"I saw Derek downstairs..I'm scared" I say
He wraps his arms around me
"He's not gonna hurt you..I'll make sure it doesn't happen" he says & pecks my lips
As a tear rolls down my cheek he quickly wipes it
"Don't look beautiful..let him eat his heart out." He says & kisses my hand
"Because your mine now." I giggle blushing
He presses the first floor
"Just stay close to me" he says & I nod
~later in the night~
We went out dancing & it was fun
I play around with the slots
I look over to see Derek sit next to me
I get all tensed up
I sigh quietly & I continue playing
As I'm walking out of the casino to meet up with Nate
Derek grabs my arm & I face him
"Bri,..? You look-"
"Please get your hands off of me Derek" I say
"'s sin don't have to act like the innocent girl you think you are.." He says smirking
I slap him
"I am a innocent girl..who was that girl? not that I care anyway..we broke up." I say
"She's a friend"
"Lies. but who cares anymore..I don't" I say
"Bri I wanted to talk about our relationship-"
"We don't have one.." I say raising a eyebrow
"Exactly..I want you back baby..I'm sorry I hurt you so much..I wanna marry you like I promised & I'll get that beautiful ring you always wanted..i won't hurt you ever again"
"Derek your just broken promises. You say things but it never happens. I'm not believing you this time.."
"You really love Nate?" He asks
I nod
"Of course I do..he's my every-" he slams his lips on mine
I don't kiss back
I kick him but he holds my arms down
I kick him on the knee with my foot
He groans
"Get away from me.." I say tearing up & running away..
It's called "Sin City"  for a reason right?...
{~you know you like it..but it drives you know you like it..but it drives you insane..~}

You Don't Own Me {~A Nate Maloley/Derek Luh Fanfic~}Where stories live. Discover now