Chapter 9: Car Crashes

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{~song for chapter: Battle Scars-Guy Sebastian ft Lupe Fiasco~}
Abriana's POV:
~a month later~
It's been a month since our date..
We've been dating for a straight month
Derek can't stop texting me
I ignore his texts & calls
I go out with Nate for lunch at Charlie's..
A restaurant that is owned by a guy Nate knows
I sit down eating some of my lunch with him
He holds my hand
" look so cute with your beanie on" he says touching my beanie
I giggle
"Nate..your so adorable"
I cover my mouth as I realized my New York accent came out
"I heard that. That's so sexy that accent!" He says smirking
He kisses me
"Let's go." He says after we finish eating
We walk to the car & we get in
We drive out of the parking lot
I sit in the passenger seat
We're in heavy traffic since it's 1pm on a Sunday
We take a short cut to get home quicker
A car pops out of nowhere & we try to slow down
as the fast car approaches us
Before Nate can stop the car to park it on the side
The car crashes into us
The glass shatters & I feel pain rush through my body
I look over to see Nate looking at me
He passes out
I scream
"Nate Nate wake up baby" I say smacking him & everything turns black..
Derek's POV:
I walk out of the car to see both of them slumped against the dashboard
I laugh evilly
My new girlfriend Caroline laughs with me
"You killed them baby?" She asks
I nod
"I might have done it." I say proudly
"Sir turn around with you hands behind your head" a officer says behind me
With a gun
I smirk & Caroline pulls out a gun
"Back away po-po.." She says smirking
He fires a shot at her arm
She falls to the ground in pain
I grab the gun & hold her
I fire shots at him & he dodges all of them
I cry as I see Caroline looking almost lifeless in my arms
"Wait they're moving!" Another officer exclaims
I look to see Bri moving
I drag her out & put the gun at her head
"Shoot me & I'll kill her" I say smirking
She squirms in my hold
He kicks my leg
"Bitch" I groan out in pain
The cops handcuff me after Bri gets out of my hold
She runs to the car & they get Nate out of it
The ambulance takes them both
I watch as I almost killed Bri..
I didn't care...
She knows who she's dealing with..
{~these battle scars..don't look like they're fading..~}

You Don't Own Me {~A Nate Maloley/Derek Luh Fanfic~}Where stories live. Discover now