Chapter 7: The Truth

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{~Song For Chapter: Do Me Good-Amy Winehouse~}
Abriana's POV:
~a week later~
What upsets me isn't the fact Derek hasn't called in a week
It's the fact he didn't fight for me.
Meaning I'm no longer "special" to him..
I climb out of my new large bed
The silk sheets smell like brand new blankets
They're soft & comfortable
I slip on my fuzzy slippers
since I haven't been able to buy new ones since last week.
Mines look like crap..Nate's are Gucci or Versace sandals..I'm walking around like a bum..
I walk to the bathroom & I turn on the faucet
As I'm brushing my teeth
I hear a faint knock on the bathroom door
I look over & I see Nate with a hoodie over his head
"Good morning" I say & I wash my mouth out with mouthwash
"Good morning. I got a fresh cut" he says
He uncovers his hoodie
I see his hair short yet still curly & styled nicely
"All handsome looking for a odd reason?" I ask smirking
He wraps his arms around me
He whispers in my ear
"We need to talk."
"Right now?" I ask
From the way he sounds it must be serious..
"Yes right now" he says & walks to my bed
He sits on the edge & I sit next to him..
"Bri who are you really? I don't know you at don't give me any there a dark past I'm not suppose to know?..Bri you can talk to me Ma..I feel like I'm being lied to by you..I don't like feelings like before you speak..please tell me everything about you..I wanna know you Bri.." He says frowning
He cares about me?
"Well..Nate..I don't wanna talk about my-"
I sigh loudly
"Close the door." I say
He raises a eyebrow
"I want you the only one to know about me" I say faking a smile
"Okay" he says & locks the door
He sits back on the bed
" name is Abriana Arielle Castalino..I'm Italian & Puerto Rican...I'm 21 years old..I previously worked as a parents are mom got so depressed she started drinking & became a she's recovered & doing dad well..I haven't heard from him..since I was 7 years old..which was the age they divorced..I was in a 2 year relationship with my was awful one TBH..I don't know why I stood with him..even with his past..-"
"What kind of past?"
He wants the truth..I might as well say the truth..
"So my ex before I was with him..he was addicted to drugs..I never knew..he said he was clean & bettered himself for the sake of his wasn't the truth..he would do drugs when I wasn't around..but I slowly started finding out..because I found him one day passed out..he had no pulse & I had to revive him..he's still alive..he started selling drugs as a way of getting helped a lot..he's probably a millionaire by now..but I didn't find his "business" a good way of getting money..we got in trouble a he had unpaid car bills & the cops loved raiding our house every weekend or so..just to check for drugs..I'm glad I'm away from all of that.." I say
He looks at me
"Whoa..Bri..that is..crazy" he says stuttering on his own words
"Look..I'm talking to a mobster about my boyfriend who's one." I blurt out without thinking
"How did you know I was a mobster?" He asks raising a eyebrow
"The money..there's no way unless you are a rapper or something you can live this good in New York" I say
" how did you figure it out?"
Here comes the hard truth..
"Nate there's another thing I haven't told you about my ex.."
"What is that?"
"His name is Derek Luh.."
"Wait what?" He asks
"I should've told you before we kissed or anything but..yes Derek & you..I know you two are rivals..I'm sorry if I ruined your life..I'll leave gladly..." I say tearing up knowing he'll kick me out..
He has the right to..
"No please don't leave. Wait so you dated Derek?"
"Yes..I'm sorry..for keeping a huge secret like that. My life has been crazy ever since I got in this new way of mom lives many states away & I never see her..she's been sober & clean from alcohol for 3 years now..I'm scared if she'll relapse.."
"It's okay. I understand you Bri.."
"How do you? I'm so complicated & messed up."
"Your messed up because Derek had you thinking crazy..your with me & sound" he says grabbing my hand & placing it on his chest
My fingertips touch his chest
I get butterflies
"Well..I think I should get dressed-"
He kisses me interrupting me
"Nate..what about breakfast?" I ask as he has me pinned below him
"Forget about that for now..I wanna be with you right now" he says kissing me
I unzip his hoodie
"Do you wanna or wanna wait a little more?"
"Well..I don't sleep with people until after a few dates" I say
"Were you a virgin when you got with Derek?"
Sadly yes..
"Yes sadly" I say frowning
"I'll treat you better than him don't worry" he says & places his soft lips on mines
He cups my face & moves my hair away from my face
" wanna go out tomorrow night just us..alone..?" He says
I nod & he smiles
"Your so beautiful Bri.."
I blush
"Aww I see that blush of yours Ma"
"You keep calling me that!" I say squealing
He giggles & tickles my sides
"Because your my Ma" he says & pecks my lips
It feels good to let out the truth finally..
{~do me good..I'll tell you anything you wanna hear..~}

You Don't Own Me {~A Nate Maloley/Derek Luh Fanfic~}Where stories live. Discover now