Chapter 24: Locked Up

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{~song for chapter: Russian Roulette-Rihanna~}
Abriana's POV:
A loud banging is heard from downstairs
I run down the stairs
I open the door to see cops
They force me to turn my back
"Abriana Castalino your under arrest for the murder of Chino Sanchez" a cop says
Nate holds my mom back
I tear up & I feel so confused
Why I am being arrested?
I didn't kill anyone..
Derek you son of a bitch..
~at the jail~
I'm standing at the mugshots
"Smile princess" the irritated woman says sarcastically before flashing the bright light
Almost making me blind..
"Next!" She yells
They lead me to the jail cell & I'm stuck with some thieves..
I cover my face & i start quietly crying.
I'm called in for questioning
The detective sits me down
"Abriana..did you kill Chino Sanchez?"
I shake my head
"Idk who you are talking about?" I say confused
"Chino Sanchez..he's the biggest drug lord in New York City by far.." He says
"I didn't kill anyone officer sir..I'm being framed!" I say
"Idk the evidence is clear enough to show you killed him"
"No I didn't. Sir I was at home with my boyfriend of almost a year!"
"So chino wasn't your boyfriend?"
"Chino? What? Really? I'm dating Nate Maloley..he's a rapper" I say frowning
"You get one phone call..I say you make it special Castalino" he says sternly
I nod & I dial Nate's number
"Nate..I'm being framed..I don't know the guy at all..who I supposedly killed..Nate please call a lawyer for me..I'm scared,,it's so cold & scary over here" I say my voice cracking
"Baby I'll save you..I'm calling one right now"
I sigh & the cop rushes me
"Chop chop buttercup" he says sternly
I tear up
"I love you Nate.." I say
"I love you too" he says
I hang up & I sit down..
"Here's the witness who saw it all" the cop says leaving me alone with Derek
He sits down & he smirks
"You look great" he says laughing
I slap him
"You dumbass I never killed anyone why don't you confess that you did it..I know you did.." I say tearing up & I'm pissed
"Oh please..i wouldn't kill a client.."
"You've done it in the past why stop now?" I say smirking
He flips me off
"You better have a good lawyer" he says glaring at me
"You better be ready to see me at court Derek" I say
"That's enough!" The cop says now walking in
"Back to your cell!" He says
I nod & go back to the cell
I slide down the concrete wall & I pull out a Polaroid picture of me & Nate that we took a few days ago
I tear up & curl up in a ball..
Why do bad things happen to good people..?
{~you can see my can see it through my chest..that I'm terrified..but I'm not leaving..know that I must pass this just pull the trigger..~}

You Don't Own Me {~A Nate Maloley/Derek Luh Fanfic~}Where stories live. Discover now