Chapter 29: Who Do You Choose?

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{~song for chapter: Treat You Better-Shawn Mendes~}
Abriana's POV:
~a month later~
It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood just kidding..pure horror has happened.
First me & Nate were happy this past month
Then Derek starts blowing up my phone
Suddenly I find out he's coming to "see me" at the grand opening for the company
Turns out they delayed for another month due to late deliveries
everything got messy & screwed up so we had to delay the company opening for today
I go through my closet
The event starts at 7pm

First me & Nate were happy this past monthThen Derek starts blowing up my phone Suddenly I find out he's coming to "see me" at the grand opening for the company Turns out they delayed for another month due to late deliveries everything got messy &...

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I put on a pink silk Gucci dress & pink fuzzy heels
With a matching pink silk choker
I straighten my hair out & leave it loose
I put makeup on & put a white feather coat on
I have the new necklace Nate bought me a couple of days ago
It says "N.M" engraved in it
I put on earrings & I walk out with my purse in hand
Everyone is all dressed up waiting for me
Gilinsky gasps
"OMG BRI!" He exclaims
I blush
He kisses my hand
"My queen.." He says before we both burst into laughter
We leave to head out for the event..
Sure enough a large show up arrives
I see a stretch limo park & Kylie Jenner walk out
"Omg Nate it's Kylie!" I say shaking a bit
"'ll get used to the fame in no time" he says & kisses my cheek
"My highlight!" I exclaim
"I hate you" he says laughing
I flip him off  while playfully rolling my eyes
"It's time for the ribbon to do's the founder & co founder of Sk8 Records..Nate Maloley & Abriana Castalino"
We walk out & stand in front of the ribbon
Cameras are flashing blinding me
The bug scissors are handed to us
We cut the ribbon & cheers erupt from behind us
We walk in the new Sk8 Records
Glass doors,glass windows,a soundproof music studio,writing room etc
Even bedrooms too!
Couches & hang out rooms along with a bar
You name it..we got it..
I feel arm drag me away as I'm looking around
Nate's giving the people a tour
The door is closed shut
I see Derek looking at me
"What do you want Derek?" I ask rudely
"That's rude of you nice.." He says smirking
"You made me go to jail Derek..I was in there a's horrible!" I say
"Bad girls get punished don't they?" He says winking
"I wasn't bad killed Chino..I know you did.." I say
"If I did..who will know? The cops don't know..the FBI doesn't know about my business..please..this company should've been left because you couldn't deal with my lifestyle..what you expect from a mobster huh? Love all the time? YOUR MISTAKEN! But I want you back now..Bri admit it your love life with Nate isn't with me.,you know me better than you know him.."
The door opens & Nate looks at me mad
"He's here?"
"I didn't invite him!" I say
"Then why?"
"Bri I wanna know..who are you gonna be with..the man you spent 2 years with or a complete stranger...let me know now Bri..I miss you"
"your not gonna feed into the lies he's giving you are you?" Nate says pissed
I stay quiet thinking
"Great..all of this for nothing right?" Nate says & leaves
Derek attempts to kiss me
"Leave Derek,.i don't want you"
He frowns
He leaves
I run after Nate
I find him in one of the private rooms
It has a chill out couch
That turns into a bed
He's smoking a blunt
I lock the door
I crawl on the couch
"Baby..forgive me...i love you Nate.." I say straddling him
He looks at me
"What about crazy ex Derek?"
"I choose you Nate..not was a bad relationship..I rather be with you someone who understands me & treats me better."
He leans in & hands me the blunt
"Your tense" he says
I shake my head
"Remember I stopped."
He lets me have it
"Only to relax you.."
I sigh & I take a puff
I hand it back to him
I exhale & he kisses me suddenly
He climbs on me & I'm pinned underneath him..
"Are you satisfied with your choice?" He asks smirking
I nod winking
"Yes Papi"
He bites his lip & kisses me again
I made the right choice picking Nate
~a week later~
He surprises me while I'm laid out in bed with breakfast in bed
I giggle & I start eating
He walks me out
Since it's 5am
It's sunrise
He brings me close to the Terrance
He smiles at me & moves a piece of my hair away from my face
"Bri..I wanna tell you something." He says
I nod & look at him
"Bri..from the moment I saw you..I knew you were gonna be mine.,I'm so happy you chose me..Bri I love your hair,smile,your giggle,your laugh,your body,I love how sweet & tough you are...I love how sensitive you are..I love how you care about me..that's I ask you..Abriana Arielle Castalino will you marry me?..I promise to love you forever even when we die..I'll love you in heaven..I promise to protect you.,to be the best man for be the perfect husband for you.,you deserve the world..I promise to show the whole world before we die..Bri..I love you so much.."
He's on his knees
I tear up as he shows a ring
I nod vigorously
"Is that a yes?"
I say in barely a whisper
"Yes I will marry you!" I say & we kiss..
He spins me around & I look over to see the beautiful sunrise
He looks at me
"The two most beautiful sights in this world..a sunrise & you." He says
I blush & he pecks my lips
"I can't wait to marry you.." He says
Mr. & Mrs. Maloley...
{~I can treat you better..than he can..any girl like you deserves a..gentleman..tell me why are we wasting time..are we wasting time..when you should be with me instead..I know I can treat you better..better than he can..~}

You Don't Own Me {~A Nate Maloley/Derek Luh Fanfic~}Where stories live. Discover now