Chapter 27: Marriage?

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{~song for chapter: Beneath Your Beautiful-Labrinth~}
Abriana's POV:
~2 months later~
My mom went on a date 2 months ago
I went back working at Bartending at a bar
But I work in the day rather than the night
Everything has gone back to normal
Nate opened a huge music company down in Manhattan
The opening day is tomorrow
We'll be cutting the ribbon tomorrow also..
Derek tries hitting me up
I blocked & deleted his number from my phone
It felt so good getting rid of him
My mom's bringing her date over tonight
to meet me & Nate for the first time
I look through my closet
My hair is tied up in a messy bun
Which speaking of hair..
I recently dyed my hair
It's Dark Brown
Which looks way better than Black Hair
I pull out a outfit

I curl my hair & do a half up-half down hairstyle I put some makeup on & I put a nude lipstick on I put on my heels & I walk downstairs Nate gasps He's dressed in a white dressy shirt & slacks with fancy shoes on I blush & peck his lipsMy mom walk...

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I curl my hair & do a half up-half down hairstyle
I put some makeup on & I put a nude lipstick on
I put on my heels & I walk downstairs
Nate gasps
He's dressed in a white dressy shirt & slacks with fancy shoes on
I blush & peck his lips
My mom walks downstairs looking beautiful with a huge smile on her face
I gasp
"Mom! You look stunning"
She blushes
"Like mother like daughter" Nate says smirking & wrapping his arms around me
While behind me
I giggle & he spins me a bit
We hear a knock on the door..
My mom rushes to the door
She peaks through the window
She smiles
"He's here." She says
I smile & we hold hands
The door opens
A tall mature man walks in with flowers
"For you Marcy you told me you love lily flowers." He says smiling
I smile seeing her so happy
"Thank you Renzo!" She says excitedly
"This is my daughter Abriana" she adds introducing me
"& this is her boyfriend Nathan"
He shakes both of our hands
"Bri this is Lorenzo De La Rossi the man who makes my stomach full of butterflies" she says smiling looking at him
I giggle
"So Bri how old are you?" He asks
I smile
"21" I say proudly
"Are you working?"
I nod
"Bartending sir" I say
"Good. You should think of working at the bakery I work at" he says
I smile & think to myself
Do I really need bartending?
"Think about it" he says smiling
~a long time later~
We sit down at the table after talking & we start eating..
~after dinner~
I cleaned up the dishes & I serve dessert
We sit down & start eating dessert
During dessert
Lorenzo grabs my mom's hand
"Marcy..I need to do something I've wanting to do for some time now.."
He gets on his knee
We all gasp
"Marcy you make my heart beat millions of times every time i see you..there's no one I would rather make my future wife..Marcy babydoll will you make me the happiest man alive & be my wife..I promise to be 100% faithful to you for all of my days..I will focus on you & the growing family that includes your beautiful daughter. Marcy I'll treat you better than he did.." He says pulling out a diamond ring
I tear up
My mom nods with tears rolling down her face
"I will marry you Renzo"
He slips the ring on her finger & they kiss
We smile & hug each other
I go to the kitchen
I find brand new champagne bottles
I pop them open & pour 4 glasses for us all
We make a toast
"To the new Mr. & Mrs. De La Rossi I wish you the best mom & soon to be Dad" I say as my eyes tear up
We clink our glasses & I down the glass
"I'll be right back.." I say & go to the bathroom
I hide in there for some time
My mom comes in
The diamond ring flashing on her finger
"Are you okay princess?" She asks
I shake my head
"I give you guys my blessing's like I don't remember dad at all.."
"It's better you don't..he was a bad man Bri.."
"Do I look like him?"
She shakes her head
"You look like me." She says
"He accused me of cheating after I gave birth because you looked like me & not him." She adds tearing up
I wipe her tears
"I'm sorry I'm being selfish.." I say
"No your not."
"You took so much abuse from dad..why?" I ask
"I guess you could say..there was a small piece of love hanging on.." She says frowning
"Do you love Lorenzo?"
She nods
"I do. He's the best thing I ever had. Besides you of course" she says
I giggle & I hug her
"Go be with him."
"Are you coming out?"
I nod
She walks out & I wash my face & I walk outside & we all start talking..
~later that night~
It's 11pm
Nate drags me outside
I excuse myself leaving Lorenzo & My Mom alone
He turns on his speakers outside & plays "Beneath Your Beautiful" by Labrinth
He holds my waist & we sway to the music
I hold him tightly & he holds me in his embrace
He kisses my neck a little
while whispering the lyrics to the song in my ear
He leans in closer & kisses me softly
I look up to see the full moon
I smile & we continue slow dancing..
{~would you let me see beneath your beautiful?..would you let me see beneath your perfect?~}

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