Chapter 11: Back To Normal

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{~song for chapter: Little More (Royalty)-Chris Brown~}
Abriana's POV:
~2 weeks later~
Nate is healed from the accident
All he has is a scar on the back of his leg
we are now sitting down eating breakfast
I made breakfast since he likes my cooking..
I wrap my arms around him as he's sitting down
"My mom called me last night" I say smiling
"Really?? How is she?"
"Great. She wants to visit me.." I say scratching the back of my head nervously
She doesn't know about any of my boyfriends
She didn't know about Derek.
She doesn't know about Nate.
They are the only boyfriends I've had & both happened when my mom wasn't around
"She has to meet me sooner or later Bri" he says biting his lip nervously
"Your nervous too!" I say pacing around
"I have the right to be nervous!" He says biting his lip nervously
"'s my mom.." I say tearing up
"I haven't seen her in so long..-"
The phone rings
I'm hesitant to answer
He pushes me softly towards the phone
I answer it
I put the phone at my ear
"Hello?" I say
"Hello? Is this Abriana Castalino? I'm her mother Marcy Chavez.."
I almost drop my phone
My mom changed her last name after keeping it Castalino for so long..I wonder why?
Plus she has her maiden name now?
Chavez is my mom's last name
but when she got married to my dad..
which ended shortly sadly..
She changed her name to his last name
I liked my last name for some odd reason
It sounded exotic & just in general unique..
"Yes hi mom" I say
"Omg honey! I haven't heard from you since 2 years's everything?"
I feel bad now..
The reason I haven't talked to her in 2 years was because of Derek..
He made my life terrible saying she wouldn't want me to be with of course I was madly in love with him at the I stopped talking..
I still regret doing that
because if she died 2 years ago..I wouldn't be able to live with myself..
"Good." I say
"This is your old number right?" She asks
I nod
"Yes mom" I say smiling
"Oh Hun..since it's September..turns out I'm moving back home."
She lived in Seattle happily
I moved back to New York
because I was born here
I loved being here
I was raised here so why not live here?
I can't believe how the months flew past..
Is it really September???
I check the calendar & it says
September 6th 2016.
I freak out
"When are you arriving mom?" I ask
"In 3 days."
Omg..should I tell her about Nate?
"Mom..there's something I gotta tell you.." I say frowning & walking away with the phone
"Is it bad?"
" see me & this guy like each other..we fell head over heels for each other..a month ago we started dating..I wanted to let you know..since he is my boyfriend now & he wants to meet you mom" I say
I hear her mumble something
"Bri..don't lie..I know about Derek-"
I drop the phone
"What? What are you talking about?"
I say my lips tremble as I get nervous
"Derek Luh the big drug King..why him Bri? Your such a beautiful & smart girl!" She says
I frown
"Mom..we broke up & we became a couple 2 years ago..I stopped talking to you..because of him..he's nothing to me anymore..I have a new boyfriend & we're happy."
"Is he a drug King?" She asks
I look over to see Nate lighting up a blunt
I sigh
"Mom..don't judge.."
"He is isn't he??!"
"Bri! Why can't you find a nice guy for once?" She asks me her voice more softer this time
"I did he's with me right's not like he's bad like Derek..Derek tried to kill me..Nate would kill someone if they laid a hand on me..he isn't violent & he's very loving towards me & cares for think I love him" I whisper the last part
"You don't know what love is sweetie"
"Yes I do. I lost my virginity to Derek!" I blurt out
I cover my mouth & shake my head in disbelief
"You did what??"
"I'm sorry mom. I thought we were in love." I say tearing up
"It was such a stupid mistake..I wish it didn't happen..I blame myself..all the time..please don't tell me off..because I feel bad as it is already" I say crying
She sighs
"I'm not mad..I wanna meet this young man..but one wrong move & he's out you hear me?"
I nod & I sniffle
"Yes mom." I say
I hear her sigh again
"I'll see you soon Hun I love you.."
"" I say in between sniffles
We hang up & I run up the stairs & I hide in my room
Tears roll down my cheek
Why did I do such a stupid thing 2 years ago? & gave myself to Derek..
I regret doing it & I feel so used..
I hear a faint knock on the door
I don't answer & I undress
I turn on the golden bath water
I throw in a Lush bath bomb & as it fizzes
I put a robe on & I walk downstairs
I reach into the fridge & grab strawberries..
I find a opened bottle of whiskey
As I'm closing it..curiosity takes the best of me..
I grab the bottle & I go upstairs
I lock my door & I undress myself again & soak in the bath
I snack on the strawberries as I bath myself
I grab the whiskey bottle & I take a large gulp
I choke
"Omg this burns" I say squinting my eyes in pain
It goes away after a few seconds
"Ooh..I like" I say giggling & take more gulps out of it..
~a hour later~
Nate's POV:
I'm worried.
Bri seemed upset on the phone with her mom
She left to her room
I knocked & she didn't answer..
I put the open whiskey bottle that Gilinsky bought home on "accident"
Accident my ass..
On the kitchen counter & I walked away to go wash up..
I come back to find it gone
I think Gilinsky took it so I rush to his room
His door is locked
I bang on it & he opens the door
"Where's the whiskey?" I ask
"I don't know" he says shrugging
I raise a eyebrow & I get a crazy thought
I walk down the long hallway
I knock on Bri's door again
"Babe..are you okay?"
No answer..
I try to open but it's locked shut..
I bang on it
"Let me in baby." I say
No answer
Oh my god..what's wrong??
I burst the door open by kicking my foot
I rush to the bathroom
where she's passed out with a empty bottle of whiskey
She's also almost done with a package of fresh strawberries
I try to wake her up
But my attempts fail
I carry her naked body out & I dress her as she groans in pain
After I dress her up
I put two Advil's on her dresser & a glass of cold water
"Baby look at me" I say raising her chin with my finger
She groans & mumbled something
"I'm such a mess" she says slurring
"No your not baby. Your perfect to me."
"I'm not perfect Nate.." She says
"To me you are..please drink this.." I say handing her the pills & water
She rolls her eyes
"Don't roll your eyes at me missy" I say sternly
She drinks the water with the pills
She swallows it & she places the cup on her dresser
"Happy now?" She says
"Baby what happened?"
"My mom's moving back..& I feel like I've done bad choices in my life" She says frowning
"Baby..your not the bad guy okay? Derek messed up & that's all that matters.."
"That's not the point..Nate I haven't gone to college..I'm 21 & I have to have a college degree if I wanna be something.."
"What do you wanna be?"
"A nurse" I say
"Seriously?" He says
I nod
"I always liked nursing growing up. Don't judge..I wanted to go to nursing school..bit it never happened..-"
I sigh & I cuddle her in my arms
"Baby rest you look worn out" I say stroking her hair
She sighs
"Baby do you love me?"
I feel excitement rush through my body
It's the right time to say I love her I guess right?
I mean she's feeling awful but..maybe this will cheer her up a bit?
"Bri..I wanna make you so happy..I wanna be the best boyfriend I can be for you babygirl..cause I don't want anyone but you Bri..I love you so much & you mean the entire world to me.." I say confidently
Abriana's POV:
I get butterflies & I tear up with tears of joy
"I love you's" never felt so loving when Derek would say it
"Omg Nate..your the best I've had in a long time..I love you so much Babyboy.." I say
He leans in
Our lips centimeters apart
"Nate..can I sleep on your chest?" I ask randomly
He nods giggling
I lay my head on his chest & while he plays with my hair
I close my eyes
I smile as it tickles as he plays with my curls
I fall asleep on his chest hearing his heartbeat..
I guess we're back to normal now..
{~wake me up before you go..ooh..I need a little more..just a little more..a little more..of your love..~}

You Don't Own Me {~A Nate Maloley/Derek Luh Fanfic~}Where stories live. Discover now