Chapter 19: Truth Or Dare

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{~song for chapter: Wild Things-Alessia Cara~}
Abriana's POV:
~a while later~
I took a puff from a blunt
"I'm bored." Hayes whines
"Okay..lets play a game.." I say
The high from the blunt has worn off now..
"Okay..which game?" He asks
"Would you rather,never have I ever?-"
"Truth or dare!" Gilinsky yells out smirking at me
"Fine we'll do that" I say rolling my eyes at him
He sits next to me,Nate & Nash
Everyone crowds up making a circle.
"Who goes first?" Johnson asks
"Hmm..I'll pick the person to go first!" Andrea says
"Okay..I pick Sammy..Sammy truth or dare?" I ask smirking
"Truth" he says smirking
I mumble something under my breath
"Is it true you love being called daddy?" I ask
The boys wolf whistle
including John who's high from smoking
"'s true.." Sammy says
"I ain't afraid to admit it either.." He adds crossing his arms
"Geez chill Sam.." I say giggling
"Correction. Daddy."
"No only I call Nate that..but it's in Spanish.."
"Okay my turn!" Gilinsky says
"Bri truth or dare?" He asks
a devious smile plastered on his face
"Dare." I say
Not caring what will happen..
"I dare you to run outside in bra & pantie singing loudly "aye ma" by Sammy boy here.."
"It's 10pm outside." I say
He smirks & I get up to go to the bathroom to change
When he blocks the way to the bathroom
"Right here damn?"
I say
He nods & I sigh
"Don't look none of you" I say
Everyone covers their eyes
I run out
It's humid outside
"Aye ma whatcha looking at? No more hiding away.." I add louder then ever
Nate drags me in covering me with his jacket
"Okay she did person" he says glaring at Gilinsky
I sit back down after getting dressed
"Johnson truth or dare?" Sammy asks Johnson
"Kiss Bri for 5 minutes"
Nate clenches his jaw
"Babe it's Johnson...he's like a brother to me." I say
He relaxes & Johnson moves closer to me
He looks nervous
He grabs my hand
"I'm sorry.." He says calmly
I smile
"Don't be..-"
He kisses me softly
I raise a eyebrow & stay there for a bit
His lips are oddly soft..& plump.
"5 minutes are up!" Sam says
We pull apart & Sam looks at us
"Did u guys use tongue?"
We shake our heads
He sighs
"Y'all are weird.."
~3 hours later~
The circle has died down since loads of people left
Believe it or not..we're still playing..
"Bri..truth or dare?" Johnson asks me
"Dare" avoiding the truth questions
"Jump in the pool with all of your clothes on.."
I take off my glasses & hat
I slip off my sandals & I stand at the edge of the pool
Andrea has her phone out recording it all
I turn so my back is facing the water
"I'm dared to jump in the pool..fully we go" I say giggling
I turn around & I bounce a little
I jump in & everyone cheers
I surface & everyone starts jumping in
Even Andrea herself
"Thank god my phone's waterproof" she says laughing
I giggle & I grab a corona
"Let's slide down the slide.." Andrea says pointing to a inflatable slide
"I didn't know you-"
"I did." She says giggling
We climb up & the boys follow
Me & her hold hands
"Ready?" She asks
I nod & we both go backwards & slide down into water
We get bored of the water real fast
I smirk
"You got soap?" I ask
She nods
We start putting soap in
We climb up
occasionally slipping on the climbing steps
We grabbed a swan pool ring
We get on it
We slide down & scream as we land on each other
We get out covered in bubbles & soap
She rubs her eye by mistake
"Owww! Shit! I got soap in my eye!"
I rub my eye also at the time same
"Ahhhhhh help!" I say in pain
"Babe can you see me?" Nate asks
"Can you see I'm legally blind?" I ask & he laughs & we go back inside
We dry off & my vision gets better
I start feeling tired
"Time for us to head out now guys" Nate says lifting me up bridal style
I'm basically passed out only I can hear them talking still
"Be safe you two" Sam says
I see Sam with his arm around Andrea
"Are they a couple?" I mumble since I'm so sleepy
He giggles
"Idk what they are baby" he says & we leave..
~at the hotel~
He helps me wash up & I get dressed
I'm wearing one of his large shirts with panties & bra underneath
I climb in & I lay my head on his chest
"Today was lit!" I say
He rubs my back & kisses my head
"It was please.." He says turning off the lights
I nod & he cuddles me in his arms as he turns off the last light
He nuzzles his head on my neck & I giggle
He pecks my lips & I fall asleep in his arms...
Perfect way to end a wild night..
{~find me where the wild things are..~}

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