Chapter 8: Date Night

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{~song for chapter: Love Me Harder-Ariana Grande~}
Abriana's POV:
~the next day~
I'm dreaming that I'm in a car
It's foggy & it's chilly outside
I look over to see Nate
"Wake up gorgeous.."
I'm shooken awake by Nate
I snap out of it
"Omg babe okay I'm up!" I say
"You called me babe finally!" He says hugging me
I roll my eyes playfully & I move his arms off of me
"Let me get cleaned up.."
"Mind if I join you?"
"Our date is tonight you gonna get all special for me?"
I nod smirking
"You might get lucky..idk.." I say biting my lip
He winks at me & as I'm brushing my teeth I hear him chanting to himself
"I'm gonna get luckyyyy!"
I giggle loudly & i hear the chants stop..
I smirk & I wash my mouth out..
~later on in the day~
My hair is in a perfect ponytail
I get the 100th text from Derek
"Baby forgive me. I was stupid..let me back..lets restart this.."
I ignore it
just like I did with the last one he sent me..
"2 more hours" I see pop up on my texts
It's from Nate.
I blush realizing our date is in 2 hours..
Oh shit..
I hop up & I walk into my closet
I'm looking through my closet
which Nate had bought me loads of clothes
I feel so spoiled at times..
I find a plastic wrapped dress
"For tonight xoxo-N.M" I unwrap the plastic off of it
I take a look
It's a light blue silk Chanel dress with a matching choker to go with it..
I blush & I look down to see white Christian Louboutin pumps
With a small note stuffed in one of the pumps
"Wear these..I found them pretty & brought them for you-N.M"
I shrug & I giggle
I grab the clothes & pumps & I walk to the my bed
I lay them out on my silky bed
I lock the door
so Nate won't walk in on me changing..
Which happens a lot..
I should be used to it by now..but I'm still insecure about him seeing me..naked.
I undress & I walk to the bathroom
I wash myself up
I grab a shaver
I shave my legs & bikini area
After a long shower I walk out in only a robe
I tie my wet curly hair up in a bun
I put on blue lace panties & matching bra
I happen to like the color's odd for a girl like favor a color like blue..
I put on the dress & I look in the mirror
My small curvy frame looked great in this dress
I didn't have a big butt..but it was perfect for my body..
I'm petite so it's only natural my body is small..
My butt is medium sized & compacted
My boobs are 36B so truly I've been small all of my life..
My hips are oddly wide for my frame of body..
So my body type is interesting to me ..

I smile & I slip on the heels I put on the matching choker & I walk over to the bathroom I do my makeup & I curl my hair I finish doing my hair & I take a glance at the mirror I giggle hoping Nate will like how I look

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I smile & I slip on the heels
I put on the matching choker & I walk over to the bathroom
I do my makeup & I curl my hair
I finish doing my hair & I take a glance at the mirror
I giggle hoping Nate will like how I look..
I grab my new Coach purse
I walk out of the bathroom
I see a white leather Wilson's jacket
"Also for tonight"
Hmm my door is did this get here???
I see a note stuck on the door
"I got a spare key Bri xoxo-N.M"
I laugh & I roll my eyes playfully
I put on the jacket & I walk out of the room.
I close the door & as I'm walking down the long hallway
I bump into someone
I look up & I see Gilinsky on his phone
Obviously texting someone
"Watch where your going" he says rudely not looking up
"Grumpy much?" I ask
He rolls his eyes
"Can you just go be a hoe now?" He asks
"I'm not a hoe!" I say in shock
"Really? Why are you here? Obviously if Nate let you stay..he wants something from must be sexual the something he wants.." He says smirking
I slap his arm
"I'm not a prostitute!" I yell
"Your dressed like one" he says scoffing
I spit at his face
"Can you just fake being happy? I mean.. Damn it's been a week since I moved in & your so negative!" I say having enough of his behavior
"I don't trust you Bri..somethings wrong about you..I will find out what that is..& you'll be out of this house.."
"Hey bri!" I hear from below the stairs
I push Gilinsky away from me
I walk down the stairs & I see Nate in awe
"You look beautiful. You don't mind the outfit right? I have zero fashion sense" he says giggling
"I don't mind at all..matter of fact I love it. Can we talk in the car?" I ask
He nods & grabs my hand
He glares at Gilinsky
Who's staring at us both
"Gilinsky go get dressed for the deal with both are arranged to get my money...stop staring at my girlfriend btw.."
I get all flustered hearing him say those words..
Even though we aren't a item yet..
It's cute he says we are one..
We walk to the car & close the door as we both climb in
He puts his hand on my thigh
"Gilinsky hates me.." I say frowning
"He can't hate you..he's suppose to get used to new people..-"
"New people? So you had girls live here before me?" I ask a bit hurt he lied
"No. I meant people as in gang members from different gangs..we haven't had girls besides my mob's girls.."
"Don't get worried. He won't hurt you." He adds
"But he says he's gonna find out the truth about me." I say worried
"He won't find anything. I promise you that" he says & I tear up
"Hey's our date..forget about Gilinsky..I brought you somewhere really nice"
I giggle & he wipes my tears
"Let's go inside shall we?" He says as we park in the parking lot
I nod & he opens the door & helps me out of the car
holding my hand as he does so..
We walk into the fancy restaurant
"Reservation for Maloley" Nate says to the man in a suit
He smiles at us both
"Right this way" he says & walks us to our table
*play song here*
Nate pulls out my chair & waits for me to sit down
I sit down & he sits down finally
He holds my hand
"You look so beautiful..I can't get over how beautiful you look tonight"
"Aww thanks Nate.."
"What will you two be ordering?" I hear a voice from above us
I look up to see..
A old (ex) friend from high school
We were cool until things went south
We were both drunk at a party & we were dared to kiss
I kissed him but he quickly fell in love with me..
He got so obsessed he became like a stalker..
I ordered a restraining order against him & everything
I look at my feet
"Bri?" He asks
Nate looks at me
"You know him?" He asks with a raised eyebrow
I nod not looking up
"Yeah..unfortunately..Quentin stay away from me!" I say backing my chair
"Listen'd be great if you got rid of that order..-" Quentin says
"What order?" Nate asks
I sigh & shake my head
"Quentin was obsessed with me..he was so bad..I got a restraining order against him." I say hiding my face
Nate stands up
"Sir I would like another waiter..this one is causing my date to freak out" he says to the manager
"What is he doing?"
"She's in distress because of him"
"He's lying" Quentin says smirking
"No. Your lying leave." I say tearing up
Remembering the hell I went through..
He embarrassed me so much during high school..
"Qin leave already." The manager says
"Hand me your card before you leave..your fired..I saw the've been stealing money from our cash register..I'm disappointed in you Qin..goodbye" his manager says
I look at Nate
"I'm sorry babe" he says getting on his knees
"Nate get up. It's not your fault" I say as he wipes a tear from me
"Yes it is..we'll go outside." He says
We get to a different table that's outside
There's lanterns & lights all around..
We sit down & we ordered our food with our new waiter
Nate looks at me frowning
"I ruined our first date,"
"No I did." I say
He shakes his head
"You haven't done anything wrong at all Bri..I wanted this night to be special." He says
I get a text after he says that
"Hold on" I say sighing
I look at my phone & it's a text from a new unknown number
"Bri I know where your at..bad girl thinking you can leave without daddy saying so..your coming back home I'll find you Bri you'll be sorry. -DL"
I almost drop my phone
Nate looks at me funny
"Are you okay?"
I shake it off & I nod
"Yeah..lets continue with our date.,no phones" I say
We both turn off our phones
~2 hours later~
We ate our food
We leave the restaurant
He takes me on a carriage ride through Central Park
I grab on his arm & lay on his chest
He kisses my head
I smile & I look into his chocolate brown eyes
Nothing makes me more happier than being with him..
~a hour later~
We get back home
All of the lights are turned off
As I'm about to walk up the stairs with Nate
He grabs my waist & pulls me closer to him
"Bri..I can't help myself..I need you."
I smirk & I nod
"I know..your lucky..I packed a condom with me just in case" I say reaching into my purse & pulling out condoms
"How did you get this?"
"You have loose pockets"
He had them until they fell out
He runs up the stairs dragging me along with him
He smirks & we go to his room
" gentle.." I say unbuttoning his shirt
"Anything for my Mamí" he says & presses his lips on mine
I kiss him back & he shuts the door
He takes off his shirt & I bite my lip as I touch his abs
He throws me on the bed
You know the rest..😉😉
~the next day~
I wake up & feel pressure in my hips..
I get out of the bed & my legs are wobbly
"Nate!" I whine
He laughs
"You said you'd be gentle"
"You weren't complaining last night.." He says winking
I roll my eyes & I attempt to leave his room
He grabs me & covers us in a blanket
"Stay in bed babygirl..I wanna cuddle" he whines
I sigh
"Fine..but I need to shower."
"Wear my shirt & take a shower here" he says
I smirk
"With no undies?" I say wiggling my eyebrows
"Yes won't be needing them anyway" he says smirking & kisses me
"Nate..wait..are we..a couple?" I ask
He nods
"Yes..but since you asked..I will do this for you..Abriana will you make the happiest man in the entire world & be my girlfriend?" He asks
"I gotta be yours because I had sex with you after only one date..I don't do that usually" I say giggling
He smiles & pecks my lips
"Your all mine" he says
"All yours baby" I say & he holds me
"Can I shower now?"
"Can I join?"
"Hell no" I say laughing
He sighs & I go take a quick shower
I put on his shirt & I walk out
I climb into bed & I curl up in his arms
He kisses my head
It feels so good to be with him..
{~so if you wanna keep to love me harder.~}

You Don't Own Me {~A Nate Maloley/Derek Luh Fanfic~}Where stories live. Discover now