Chapter 14: Gambling

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{~song for chapter: Needed Me-Rihanna~}
Abriana's POV:
~the next day~
I get a random text from Dani
"You got time?"
I start thinking of ways
to sneak to the bathroom without Nate following me
I crawl out of the bed making sure he doesn't hear me walking
I close the door quietly & I lock the door
I call Dani
"Hello?" She says her voice in barely a whisper
"So much has been happening since you left..Derek is onto girlfriend #10 think..I lost track after a while.." She says her voice cracking
"Babe what's wrong?" I ask whispering
"Remember the night me & Dillon-"
I interrupt quickly
"Yes yes I know" I say cringing
"I'm pregnant" she says before I hear her crying
"Are those tears of joy?"
"No. Dillon doesn't want it & I wanna move out.,Derek won't let me leave" she says
"Dani..babe relax.."
"I gotta go..thank for you talking to me."
"It's no problem babes..congrats! Your gonna be a mama!" I say giggling
I hear a sniffle
I sigh
"Bye Dani" I say & we hang up
I wash up & brush my teeth
After I'm done..
I walk out & I'm pinned against the wall
"Who was that?" Nate asks smirking
"A friend." I say as I get nervous
He's very intimidating at times..
Wait scratch that..all of the time..
"It was one of your old gang friends wasn't it?" He asks getting sad
"Nate..I don't care about guys are my family now.."
"I know that. But why did they call?"
"She's pregnant" I say
"Ooh..I see.."
"Yeah..she wants to move out."
"Good. She's getting away from the awful vibe Derek's mansion has.."
I sigh & I look at the floor
"I'm sorry babe I forgot you lived-"
"It's okay Nate..I didn't enjoy much of the 2 years I was staying there anyway" I say
I go into my closet & I pick out a outfit
"Whats the plan for tonight?" I ask him
"Gambling at the casino you in?" He asks
I nod
"I always wanted to do it." I say giggling
"Gambling is serious's not like fake money your lose actual be careful okay?" He says as we get dressed
I nod & I slip on my heels to match my dress
~at the casino~
I'm sitting at a poker table with Nate
He's playing & I'm just in the corner drinking a bit
I see a dark figure walk to the table
The person turns around & I hide my face by turning.
Derek himself is at the table now..
"What are we gambling on tonight boys?" Derek asks chuckling & glares at Nate
"Idk yet.." One of the men says
"What about her?" Another man asks pointing to me
"No no she's my-" Nate was about to say I'm his girlfriend but Derek stands up
"Deal." He says biting his lip at me
I get worried
"Nate please win..I can't be with him.." I say
He nods
"Also...the winner gets to dance all night with her & maybe depending on how she feels..might get lucky..with her.." Derek says winking
All the boys whistle
"That sounds like a deal" a man says laughing
I hide
"I look so cheap" I say frowning
Nate raises my chin up with his finger
"Relax..I'll win for you baby" he says
~almost the end of the game~
It's only Nate & Derek left playing
My nerves get tensed up
"I got..a Ace of Diamonds" Derek says laying down the card
I scream
"Omg no!"
Nate puts his head down
"I'm a screw up" he mumbles
"No no it's not your fault..he's cheating I know he is.." I say
"No excuses..come with me now" Derek says sternly
I shake my head
"No try to make me Derek & I'll beat you up" I say glaring & threatening him
He grabs my arm
I groan in pain
He's so rough with grabbing my arm..
He drags me to the dancefloor.
I cry looking over my shoulder to see Nate sitting down crying as well..
"Don't look over there.focus on your prize" Derek says giving me a smile
I spit at his face
"I'm no prize. Your lucky I don't call the authorities on you" I say
"You do that & you'll land in jail babygirl...remember you helped me out & I have proof..I'm not the bad guy in the situation at this time.."
"You robbed a bank while we were together along with drug dealing" I say
He covers my mouth
"Don't talk about that stuff here"
"Why not? Get caught already Derek! You've been under the radar for most of your've always been a troublemaker..I hate that I ever met you" I say yelling
I try to push him but he holds me in place
"Be nice to daddy baby" he says in my ear
I groan trying to get out of his hold
I kick him a couple times but I'm still stuck..
{~you needed me..~}

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