Chapter 20: Jacuzzi Nights

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{~song for chapter: Side To Side-Ariana Grande ft Nicki Minaj~}
Abriana's POV:
~a week later~
We'll be leaving Miami in the matter of 10 days..
I don't wanna leave since I'm having so much fun..
We have a jacuzzi behind our hotel room
It's our private one..
We've been in bed all day..
I climb out & realize it's 5pm & I'm hungry for dinner
We ate breakfast,lunch etc earlier
But now it's dinner & I'm starving
I order dinner from room service & I wait for the knock on the door
Nate is passed out
I don't blame him..
I've been under the weather these couple of days..
Plus I've been craving so much food's crazy..
I hear the knock & the man walks in bringing in the food
"Have a good night miss" he says & leaves after fixing up the plates
I smile & close the door
I wake up Nate & we eat dinner together
"Wanna go in the jacuzzi later?" He asks
I nod
"I wanna try something though.." He says giggling
"What's that?" I ask
"Skinny dipping." He says
I raise a eyebrow
He's out of his damn mind..
"In the jacuzzi?" I ask
He nods
"Only if you want to.."
"As long as no one sees us.." I say
He smiles
"There's a curtain covering the jacuzzi from any sight of outside..don't worry..they'll see a red curtain.." He says
I smile & I finish eating
I wash the dishes & I change into a bikini
"You won't be needing that" he says smirking & untied the bikini top
I sigh & I undress
We both walk out butt naked to the jacuzzi
We climb in & I gasp feeling the warm water against my hot skin..
I sigh feeling relief in my body
The water makes all of the stress go away..
My phone buzzes
"Baby..stop I need to get this" I say as Nate kisses my neck
"Answer it then.." He says still kissing my neck
I sigh & answer
"Bri can we talk?"
It's Derek.
I hang up quickly
"Who was that?" Nate asks
I shake my head & turn off my phone
"No one..let's relax just" I say & we kiss
I look up to see a full moon..
"Beautiful isn't it?" I say
"Just as beautiful as you are" he says & pecks my lips
I blush & I run back inside to clean up
I see 10 missed calls & 5 text messages
All from Derek
"Stop ignoring me Bri..I wanna be with you.,even if it means breaking you & Nate up..for good." I read
I go to the bathroom
I tear up & I turn on the shower
Why can't he leave me alone..???
{~got me walking..side to side..~}

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