Chapter 23: Pregnant?

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{~song for chapter: Never Ending-Rihanna~}
Abriana's POV:
~the next day~
I woke up a couple of hours ago
I ran to the toilet since I felt nauseous
I'm feeling sick again like last time in Miami
I puke in the toilet & I flush it quickly
I hope Nate don't realize I'm in here
After I'm done
I brush my teeth & wash my mouth out with mouthwash
I lay back down in bed to rest more..
~during the day~
I'm eating soup
since nothing will stay down due to me feeling ill..
My mom looks at me worried
"You don't have a also aren't it a possibility your pregnant?" She asks
I shake my head vigorously
I wanted to get married first then have a child.
I can't be pregnant!
"Hun you don't know that. I didn't know I was preggo with you until I missed my period..have you had your period?"
I think to myself
Oh shit..
"Umm..not recently.."
"Get a test Bri please" she says
"Mom. I feel uncomfortable getting one."
"It's the most accurate thing at this lease you know it's Nate's right?"
I nod
"Of course it'll be his..if I'm pregnant..I mean I've been with him all the time.." I say
She smiles
"I love you both together..will you two marry each other?"
I shrug
"I hope so..I mean I love him mom" I say tearing up
"What's wrong?"
"Derek's trying to ruin our lives again..I don't wanna start over again..I wanna be with Nate only.." I say breaking down in front of her
She hugs me tightly & it some how soothes me
"Don't worry..he won't.." She says & kisses my head
~later that night~
I bought pregnancy tests earlier
I rush to the bathroom
now that Nate is currently napping downstairs
I can go do the tests
I pee on them & I set the timer
~5 minutes later~
I hear a ding
I look over..
I sigh in relief
All negative..
But then a huge frown comes across my face
"I would've been a good mother..I think.." I say frowning
I hear a faint knock
I open it to see my mom
She looks at me
"Positive or negative?" She asks
I say in barely a whisper as I tear up now wishing it was positive
My emotions are everywhere today
She hugs me & plays with my long black hair
"It's okay'll happen when the moment's you wanna be married first right?" I nod & she smiles
"See? So don't worry.."
I throw away the tests & I curl up on the couch with Nate..
Derek's POV:
I wait in a lonely street for "Chino" one of the newest gang lords in New York to show up
He claims he found my money I lost
when Bri stupidly got robbed
Only it's more than I thought
Turns out there's $1 million in the bags
She counted them wrong of course..
She may have finished high school
But it seems I'm smarter than her..
(A/N: lies she's smarter guys Bc girls rule!😂👸🏻-Chrissy💙👸🏻)
I see Chino come out of his shiny red Ferrari that's parked
"Well well...look who's here..Chino Sanchez right?" I ask
He nods
"Yeah that me D" he says
"Where my money at?" I ask getting straight to the point
"It's in my backseat." He says
"Hand it over" I say sternly
"Well..I will..if-"
"If? You didn't say shit about trading Chino!" I say pissed
"Well you really think I would give you $1 million like nothing? want one of your girls." He says pointing to the Yomailiz in my car
"No..she's not for trading"
"She your girl?"
I shake my head
I mean we're "friends with benefits" but we ain't a item..
"Then let me smash" he says
I push him
"Give me my money chino"
He pulls out a gun
Liz screams
"Omg D!" She says in fear
He grabs her & drags her out
I pull out my gun
"Let her go Chino.." I say pointing it at his head
He places the gun at the side of her face
"Let me have her. I'll spare her life D..if not..I'll kill her & you."
I close my eyes
It's gonna bother me doing this.
I pull the trigger & shoot chino in the head
He falls down & blood is all over the floor
I hear police sirens
I hide my gun & grab Yomailiz
"What happened?" The cops ask
"A girl.."
I smirk getting a devious idea
"A girl...she came out dressed in regular clothes.she had black long hair & green & gray eyes..she has a slight tan..she was fighting with him..he was about to leave when she shot him & my girlfriend freaked out.." I say lying
He says
"How tall would you say she is..?"
"5'2 exactly" I say
He writes down everything
"I'll track her down..this is first degree murder." He says
He leaves & we drive off fast..
I smirk
I'm coming for you Bri..
{~never ending..~}

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