Chapter 10: Hospital

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{~song for chapter: Milk & Cookies-Melanie Martinez~}
Abriana's POV:
~2 days later~
I'm stuck at the hospital with Nate who hasn't woke up since the accident
I'm scared if he died on me..
I can't believe
Derek hates me so much he would try to kill me..
I hold Nate's hand
His eyes are closed & he's in a blanket
He has cuts all over his top half
Some on his legs
"Nate baby please wake up for me. I love you so much baby. You make me so happy" I say tearing up
I find out after overhearing nurses in the next room
"Derek Luh has been rushed in due to a overdose"
Wait what?
I run out
"Where is he?" I ask mad
"Room 313 who are you?"
"Family" I lie & I find his room
I find him awake watching tv
I sneak in
He's eating snacks
"You asshole!" I say & jump on him
"Be lucky you survived Bri..I could've done worse" he says smirking
I slap his face
"You know what? You need to be quiet. I don't wanna ever see you again..Derek" I say pissed
"That hoe you cheated on me..yeah I found out she died.." I add
He frowns
"Caroline died?"
"You care so much right? You got her killed!" I say pissed
"It's all of my fault" he says crying
Now I feel bad..
"What did you even overdose on?"
"Coke." He blurts out
"You said you never did-"
"I lied." He says rudely
"Derek. I hope you enjoy your power for'll be gone soon" I say
I walk out & go back to Nate's room
I kiss his head
"I'm only yours baby..I won't leave you."
I see heartbeats
I get all excited
His eyes open & he looks at me
"Why am I here?" He asks
The nurses run in
"Sir you were in a do you feel?" She asks
He flinched when the nurse touched his leg
"You got major cuts here sir..we're gonna stitch up your cuts & then you'll be released tomorrow hopefully"
He looks at me
"Did I worry you? You look sleep deprived!" He says touching my baggy eyes
I nod
"I didn't want you to die.." I say tearing up
He wipes my tears
"I'm just fine..your safe & that's all that matters because I want you to be safe." He says
I hug him
"I'll take care of you as you get better" I say rubbing his leg softly
He winces in pain
I frown
"I'm sorry." I say
"It's okay" he says
He pouts his lips
"Can I have a kiss?" He asks
I nod & peck his lips
He's healthy & that's all that matters to me at this point..

You Don't Own Me {~A Nate Maloley/Derek Luh Fanfic~}Where stories live. Discover now