Epilogue: Happily Ever After.

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{~song for chapter: You Don't Own Me-Grace ft G-Eazy~}
Abriana's POV:
~8 years later~
We moved to Greenwich Village,Manhattan
We moved out of south Bronx which was for the better
Melrose was good but I had enough of the violence & crime..
We got married a year after he proposed to me
We've been married for 7 years
We have 3 kids..I know that's a lot.
I told Nate no more kids after all I'm so busy with them 3
I have 2 girls & 1 boy
There's the twins I had 5 years ago
Niles Weston
He has light brown curly hair & hazel eyes with the same exact dimples like his father
He's tan skinned & he's growing fast..
He's already passing my legs at 5 years old
Nance West
She has dark brown hair that's curly & hazel eyes like mines
No dimples on her face
She's tan skinned & she's short like me
The youngest princess is
Sadie Marie
She's 3 years old
She has a mix of dark brown with light brown in her hair
She has hazel eyes & is short like me also..
She's tan skinned as well...
My mom got married to Lorenzo 8 years ago
She got pregnant with my new step sibling Angela
7 years ago
She's now 7 years old & I love her so much
She looks like me & my mom.
I run down the stairs since I'm running late
for me & Nate's date.
It's been our first date in like forever
I tucked the kids in bed already
As I reach the last step
A small voice behind me says
"Mommy where are you going?"
I look to see Sadie
Her hair in two pigtails & she's clutching onto her teddy bear
"Mommy's going somewhere with daddy...mom-mom will be here" I say
my mom walks over
"Sadie! Shouldn't you be sleeping young lady?" She asks smirking
"Yes mom-mom." Sadie says pouting
"Why are you up?" She asks
"I heard mommy running" Sadie says
She's so adorable
I run up to her
I kiss her
"Sadie baby..I'll be back home I promise." I say kissing her temple
"Promise?" She says with her pinky out
I giggle & do the "pinky promise" with her
"I promise babygirl." I say
She giggles
"Go to bed now Sadie.." I say tapping her tiny head
"Okay not without a goodnight kiss!" She says
before my mom picks her up
I peck her tiny lips
She smiles & my mom carried her back to sadie's bedroom
I grab my purse & I wait for Nate to respond to my text
My mom walks down
"Have fun you two" she says
I kiss her cheek & I leave
I see Nate's car waiting for me
I climb in & he kisses me
He holds my hand
"What happened in there" he asks
I smile blushing
"Sadie saw me leaving" I say giggling
He smiles
"Well we're having a date night just us.." He says & pecks my lips
"No hotel okay?" I ask smirking
He sighs
"Really? It's bad enough I can't get any with 3 kids running around!" He says laughing
"Your fault. I told you after the twins no more." I say smirking
He rolls his eyes
"Plus I ain't getting preggo again mister" I add
He laughs
We arrive at the restaurant
We sit down at our table
There's candles lit & we order our food
I look at Nate
To think..I met him..the most oddest way..
I hear the door burst open
I see men run in & a curly haired man with a gun
"Let her go. You can't keep a hostage Diego"
"Diego does what he pleases to do Skate..leave me alone" he says wrapping his hand around my neck
I let out a cry
"Help" I say but it comes out funny since he's choking me now..
He directs the gun at the mad man
"I will kill you Diego.."
"You wouldn't-"
I hear a gunshot
I feel the hand leave my neck
I look down to see a bloody body on the ground
I scream & the man untied me
"It's okay your safe now" he says & picks me up
I cry & he wraps my legs around him & carries me into his car..
As we're in his car
I'm sniffling
"What about him?" I say my voice shaky
"Eh don't worry about him" the tan boy says from behind the wheel
I sigh
"What's your name?"
I shake my head
"Cmon talk to us..I saved you." He says
"You saved me..yes you did..but all of this wasn't suppose to happen..damnit where's the money?" I blurt out the last part
The car stops
the curly haired man who saved me stares at me
"What money?"
My lips tremble
Oh shit why did I say that..???
"It's just money-"
"Bullshit speak" a man behind my seat says a bit upset
"I...me...my boyfriend..-"
"Guys! talk to me princess" the curly haired man says
"Please don't hurt me.." I say trembling
He holds me tightly
"Guys you scared her you happy with yourselves?!"
Everyone groans
He whispers
"Talk to me later"
I nod & I hold onto him..
~20 minutes later~
We stop at a gold gate
"Where are we going?" I ask
"My mansion..you can't go home like this"
I raise a eyebrow
He pulls out a pocket sized mirror
I see a bruise on my cheek
Yeah..Derek wouldn't like that one bit..
"Okay.." I say softly
"Hello gentlemen" the guard says
The gates open & we drive down a long tunnel
We reach the end of the tunnel & I see a see a huge mansion
There's forest trees surrounding it
We park in a pebble driveway
He helps me out of the car
I walk into the large mansion
"I'll take you upstairs so you can wash up in my bathroom" he says
I shake my head
"I'm suppose to be home" I say frowning
He holds my waist
"You will go home. But first we need to retrieve the money you lost." He says
I sigh
"$50,000 down the drain" I mumble under my breath
Sure Derek would love that. (Not)
He walks me up the shiny stairs
That lead to rooms
He walks me down a long hallway
He twists a golden knob & opens the door
I see a plush velvet blanket covering a king sized bed
A red soft carpet placed on the ground
Good furniture surrounding the entire room
I gasp seeing the sight
He smirks
"I'll get your change of your clothes" he says
"Um..okay" I look around wondering
He comes back out with clean clothes
"I'm guessing you get girls don't you?" I ask smirking
As I see loads of women's clothes on one side of his closet
"I don't really..,my love life isn't exciting..like everyone thinks" he says frowning
I raise a eyebrow
I mean I'm surprised.
He's attractive,sweet & rich..
How could he have problems with his love life???
I walk into his bathroom
I see a gorgeous sink & shower
Along with a bath tub that has a gold faucet on it
It's Gold-land here..like everything is gold in his room
I walk to turn on the shower
"Um..I gotta undress"
"Go ahead i don't mind" he says lighting up a cigar
"Um..I can't do it-"
"Just relax. I'll look away if it makes you feel better"
I sigh & he turns his head away
I undress myself & I climb in the shower
I sigh feeling the warm water on me
~after the shower~
I walk out in a towel
"I'll get dressed now.." I say waiting for him to leave
Yet he doesn't again
"Go ahead" he says turning his head again
I roll my eyes & I get dressed
I walk out & he walks out of the room
I look & I see N.M initialed on his pillows
I look around the room & I find a paper with Nate Maloley written on it
I gasp & I run to the bathroom
I lock the door & I crawl up in a ball..
Omg Derek told me about him..
They are sworn rivals.
It was always war between them.
If only I knew before I let him lead me back here
I hear a knock
"Are you okay?" I hear from behind the door
I walk over & I wash my face refreshing myself
I shake off the scary feelings
I open the door to face Nate with his arms crossed
"What were you doing?" He asks
"Using the bathroom."
"I know that but were you shitting or-"
"Peeing" I lie
"Okay come out so you can eat with me downstairs" he says
I raise a eyebrow
"It's 3am now" I say
"Yeah we have late night food downstairs..do you like pizza?"
I nod
of course I love pizza.
Who doesn't love pizza..?
"Great I'll meet you downstairs"
~flashback over~
"Your food sir & madam" the waiter says snapping me out of my mini trance
He gives us our order
Two large plates of shrimp pasta
Two huge glasses of wine to go with our food
I start eating
Nate looks at me eating
"Are you gonna eat? Let me know now...I'll eat your plate" I say with food stuffed in my mouth
He chuckles & wipes the corner of my mouth with a napkin
"Your so cute baby" he says & smiles at me
I giggle
~after eating dinner~
We ordered our dessert
Nate hears a Christmas song
Its December 10th btw
"Come with me"
We start dancing to the music
I laugh & I look into his chocolate eyes
The same eyes I fell in love with 8 years ago
All of sudden before we go back to our table
"The Trouble With Love Is" by Kelly Clarkson plays
I feel warm feelings
I grab his hand & drag him back to the dancefloor
We dance until the song finishes
We sit down & start eating our dessert
He takes a piece of his chocolate moose filled cake
Even though I have a piece of my own
He motions me over
I move closer & he places the spoon in my mouth
I chew the cake
He smiles & I feed him some of my cake
We hold hands throughout the whole time..
~driving home~
His hands are gripping the steering wheel not so tight
The snow starts coming down randomly
I get worried
I have no snow coat for this weather
Only a heavy jacket
We park the car at our house
I throw on the jacket & I climb out of the car shivering from the cold
I reach my hands out
The snow falls onto the palm of my hands
I giggle
As I'm about to unlock the front door
Nate grabs me & pulls me into the snow
"I always wanted to do this" he says before cupping my face
He leans in & presses his soft lips on mine
I kiss him back & he wraps his arms around me
I hear a tapping on the window
I look back to see
all 3 of our kids awake staring at us smiling with my smirking mother
I laugh & hide my face
We unlock the door & we get in
We turn on a heater & we all relax downstairs
Nate brings sleeping bags,pillows & blankets from upstairs
We set up a huge tent made with bed sheets & the couches
We put pillows,the blankets & sleeping bags in the entire tent
We put white Christmas lights on
We make hot chocolate & Smores
Sadie sighs in relief
"You okay baby?" I ask
She nods & curls herself up in my arms
All of the kids eventually fall asleep
Me & Nate lay down in our bed made from blankets & pillows
We look down to see 3 small bodies on top of ours asleep
I giggle & he pecks my lips
I whisper it back & he closes his eyes
I play with his hair
It all turned out in the end..
I knew I wasn't meant to be with Derek..
I was meant to be with Nate..
I look at our 3 beautiful kids & I smile
I'm the queen
Nate's the king
Our kids are the princesses & Prince
We all lived happily ever after...
Derek didn't own me & wont own me
I belong to one man & his name is Nate Maloley.
The love of my life.
{~you don't own me..~}
Hi guys💜
Well here it is..
The official end to "You Don't Own Me"
It seems so fast how it's ending..
It seems like yesterday when I first started this book.
Now I'm ending it!
I wanna thank you guys for the support & love 💜
I also wanna thank my boothang💜 Natebabymama
Because without her I wouldn't had made this book.
If it wasn't for her brilliant idea.
Thank you so much & Ilysm💜
I started this book on
August 15 2016
It became complete on
September 14th 2016
Peace & Love💜

You Don't Own Me {~A Nate Maloley/Derek Luh Fanfic~}Where stories live. Discover now