Chapter 3

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Hey guys! I'm back! I'm trying to write as much as possible! Thank you all for the feedback, I appreciate it so much! Keep commenting and voting please! It would be the bomb! *bomb sound* Ok enough of that, lets get to the story! -Orangelegend xx

I quickly walked into the house and sat down in my specific chair, waiting for some tasty food. A delicious smell filled the air and I could hear my stomach start to rumble. "Wow, darling, you must be really hungry," My dad commented, walking into the room and kissing my cheek as he always does. "Yeah, I guess..." I responded and tried to keep my thoughts away from Jack. Let me tell you, it is one of the hardest things I have ever faced. "You look deep in thought honey, anything on your mind?" My dad asked while taking a seat at the head of the table. "Oh, uh nothing much," I told him and went back to staring at the table. Finally, after what felt like a million, hundred hours, my mom walked into the room with a big plate of sandwhiches cut into triangles (the way I like them). "Ok, we have peanut butter and jelly sandwhiches or ham and cheese. Pick what you like!" She then swiftly set the master plate on the table and went to fetch my little brother. I carefully grabbed the plate and took two peanut butter jelly then passed it off to my dad. Knowing it was my turn for drinks, I stood up and walked over to the refridgerater. "Dad, what would you like to drink?" I asked. "We have lemonade, coffee, orange juice, and milk."

"I would like a glass of milk please darlin'. And you know what mom likes." I nodded and set to work. Once I finished getting two cups of milk, one cup of coffee and a small bottle of orange juice, I brought them over to the table and set them down in front of the respected person. "Oh, thanks sweetie," My mom said, patting my back, and letting me sit back down. "Well, family, what is going on for the rest of the day? Any plans?" My dad asked, taking charge. Everyday during lunch, all the families in our neighborhood are required to have a conversation with each other so we dont "fall apart". It usually consists of our daily plans, things that have happened so far during the day, and how were feeling. "Well," I spoke up, "I'm going to the Griffo's after this to help Jack unpack. Do you mind daddy?" My dad looked at me for a second before nodding his head. "Sure sweetie! It's great to know that your being a helpful neighbor." I smiled and then continued eating while my mom and dad discussed how sweet the Griffo family was. Not soon enough we were all done and ready to clean the table. "Ok lets see, Ava your on washing the table duty, Scott dear your doing the dishes. I'll clear the table." My mom announced and I rushed to work. I didn't want to be late to Jacks. After a quick wipe-down of the table, I admired my work. The table looked perfect as it always did. "Hey dad, I'm going to the Griffo's!" I yelled. "Ok, be careful crossing the street!" He responded and I bounded out the door.

After crossing the very busy road (hint my sarcasm) I walked up the Griffo's driveway. When I approached the big, dark blue door, I rang the doorbell to hear a delightful noise start to play. I hummed along softly to the oh so familiar jingle (all of our neighbors, including us, have it) when all of a sudden a woman opened the door. "Oh, Hi! You must be Ava!" The woman greeted me. I recognized her from this morning as Mrs. Griffo, Jack's mom. "Yes I am! How are you?" I politely asked and she beemed from ear to ear. "Absolutly fantastic darling. Jack's upstairs in his new room, just walk in he won't mind," She instructed me and I gladly obeyed. I stepped into the house and saw boxes stacked up everywhere, with different labels suggesting what was in the box and where it was supposed to go. Knowing the way (all of our houses are structured the same) I climbed up the giant staircase and stopped. I wonder what room is Jack's I thought so I just called out, "Jack you hear?" I heard a small response coming from the end of the hallway so I headed towards the room. "Hey Av!" Echoed in my ears as I walked into the room. "Hey Jack! Hows the unpacking going?" I asked. "As you can tell amazing," Jack said and I giggled quietly. All around the room was box upon box, the only thing that was actully assembled was a bed and the headboard attached to it. "Wow, I can tell," I commented and he laughed. "Well, thats why I asked you to come over!" I nodded then walked over to the first box I spotted. "Just dig through my stuff and I can tell you where it goes," He instructed and I mummered back to him. The first thing I picked up was a trophy. I read the engraving and it said: 1st place talent. "Jack, you won first place in a talent show?" I asked, slightly astonished. "Oh yeah! That was a while back. I did a monologue that was pretty entertaining." He commented with his head still in a brown box. "Impressive," I mused and placed it on the ground next to some other medels. Seems like this boy is talented, I infered. The next thing I picked up out of the box was a brown book like thing. I carefully opened it and found a multitude of pictures. It looked like Jack when he was younger with some friends of some sort. I flipped to the next page and their was a picture of a baby who I'm assuming is Jack. "Ah the olden days."

I jumped when I heard his voice behind me, luckily he caught me in his arms. I could feel my face get red and when I looked up at Jack, he was blushing too. My thoughts flew around in my brain, giving me random feelings I was not ammune to. I then realized how muscular Jack was and found myself blushing more. Dang, he had some nice arm muscles. "Um, Jack?"

He looked down at me. "Yeah?"

"My feet would like to meet the ground again." He laughed and carefully set me down. "Is that better Av?"

"Much better," I replied and cracked a smile. "By the way, you were an adorable baby."

He blushed slightly then started smirking. It made him look so evil... and I liked it for some reason. "So your saying I'm not adorable now?"

I placed my hand on his chest and pushed him so he slightly stumbled back. "I never said that."

He then laughed and I joined in when we were interuppted by his mom pushing open the door. "Hows it going in here?" She asked and we both replied right away. "Good."

"Ok well if you guys need anything, tell me!" She chirped and then winked at Jack. "What was that about?" I asked. "My moms' just like that. Get used to it." He said and went back to his corner. I then went back to looking at some of the pictures in the photo album. On the next page was a picture of Jack and some girl. It seemed like it wasn't taken that long ago since Jack looked about the same, just slightly younger. He had his arm wrapped around the girl and they were both beaming. I was about to flip the page when I got this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. I tried to push it away but it wouldn't leave. I couldn't place my finger on what the feeling was called until I remembered a conversation I had once with my mom. The feeling I had right now was an "enemy" called Jealousy.

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