Chapter 24

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Sorry for not updating in almost a month! Soccer is done for now and school ends next week which means I can update even more! I hope you enjoy this update! Vote, comment, enjoy! 

Continue from last chapter:

"Hey Jack do you trust me?"

"Of course I do darling," He responded looking down at me and placing his lips lightly on my head.  "Why?"

"It's just that," I started pausing for a moment trying to place my thoughts into a sentence. "I know you've been seeing Amy and I know you like her. I just don't understand why you wouldn't tell me."

Jack flew up from the couch, accidentally making me fall off onto the floor. "You what?"


 "I know," I answer and Jack looked towards the floor. "How did you find out?" He asked and I sighed. "Well, I maybe, sorta went through your phone," I confessed. "YOU WHAT?" Jack yelled and brought his gaze from the floor to me glaring. "I didn't mean too! My curiosity got the best of me."

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean you actually look through a person's phone! My God Ava!" 

"If you were a caring boyfriend you would of told me! In a relationship, you need to trust each other!" I argue raising my voice every sentence. "But I DO trust you!" Jack screams back. His voice volume then drops back to normal as he grabs my hand. "I just didn't think it was the time or place to talk about it. When you're happy it makes me happy and I didn't want to ruin it."

"Well," I rip my hand away from his grip, "You already did. If you don't like me you can just tell me. I'd rather have no boyfriend then one who fakes his feelings." I turn away and start to head up the stairs. "Babe please listen to me! You haven't heard my side of the story!" He protests chasing me. "I already know the story Jack." I spit harshly. "So please just don't talk to me." I hurry towards the door willing my tears to go away before Jack see's he broke me. "No Ava you haven't! Please just speak to me! I can't stand seeing you and not being able to hug you or touch you or kiss you! Ava, let me explain!" I open the door and turn to him quickly with tears in my eyes. "Jack please don't." I then walk out the door with him standing in the entryway. 

"I can't afford to have my heart broken again by you."


After our little showdown I decide to walk to Sierra's house which is a few down. I lift my hand and knock three times on her door before she answers. "Hey Ava, how's it go..." Before she can finish I have tears rolling down my cheeks and probably look horrible. Sierra leads me into the house and towards her room where she motions for me to sit on the bed and closes the door behind us. 

"Ava, what happened?" She asks once I've calmed down a bit. "Jack happened," I sniffle out and she pulls me into a hug. "You wanna explain?" I nod slowly and take a deep breath calming myself.

"Well, we are dating," 


"I ment were. We WERE dating and I felt like he was hiding something. So me being me went through his phone and I found a picture."

"A picture of what?" Sierra interrupts and I sigh, wiping my eyes. 

"Him and someone else now be quiet please." She obeyed and I continued my story. "It was a picture of Jack and his ex-girlfriend kissing. At first I thought it might be from a long time ago, but I proved myself wrong. We were at his house right before this watching a movie and I decided to bring it up. He got mad at me at first because I went through his phone and I mean I thought I could trust him, but apparently couldn't. Then we got into an argument about trust and I fled, not letting him see me cry." Once I finished a new set of tears exploded and Sierra rubbed my back lightly. "Ava, everything is going to be OK. He's a totally jerk if he cheated on you. You are beautiful and wonderful and amazingly made and I know anyone would be lucky to have you." 

"I thought he was the one though," I cried letting all my thoughts out. "He was so sweet and loving and I've never had someone like him before. It was perfect." I then started hiccuping while Sierra wrapped her arms around me.

"Well Ava, not everyone is as they seem. I hate to say this, but true love doesn't just happen. Your first boyfriend may not be the one for you and all the ones after may not be the perfect guy either. I know people always say someday you'll find the perfect guy for you, but you might not. It always depends on your attitude and how you except things." I nod and urge her to continue shifting out of her grip. "If you feel like Jack is worth going for than fix this. Forgive him and make sure he knows that you won't be so ready and accepting every time." She finishes and I launch myself at her. "Sierra, you are one of the most intelligent and caring people I have ever met." 

"Thank you Ava. I'm always here if you need me." I smiled while she wiped the last of my tears away. "So," she spoke standing up and grabbing my hand. "You want a cookie?" 

"Bring it on," I responded and follow her to the kitchen our hands still connected. 


The next morning I wake up to the sun shining and trees swaying just a bit. "Good morning Ava!" My mom greets, shaking me lightly. "What time is it?" I ask groggily. "Ten a.m. I let you sleep in since you didn't look well," My mom commented and I sighed. "Thanks mom."

"No problem honey. By the way I don't know if anything happened, but Jack has called the house phone over ten times and has stopped by here once asking for you. I told him you weren't feeling well and to come over later." I groan and flip over to my other side, having my face bury into the pillow. "What if I don't want to talk to him," I mumble. "Well than that stinks for you since you have to be friendly." I whip my head back to look at my mom and glare while she opens the door. Before she leaves though, my mom turns back to face me and winks, "Life isn't perfect sweetie. Just make the situation better and than it can become close to a dream." 


Hey everyone! Sorry for taking so long, but I've been so busy once again. Hope you enjoyed and please comment! If you make any fan art or anything I would love to see it! Just inbox it to me over kik and you will get a dedication! The name is narrylarrystuff so please just come and talk to me! Exams soon then schools over and that means more time for you guys! I love you all so so much! -Orangelegend xoxo


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