Chapter 20

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Heyyyyyy guys! Wow chapter 20 already? Guess what I got? ThE 5sos EP!!!! Yay! I love these songs like my gosh haha. Anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter! Comment, vote, enjoy!

From last chapter:

Jack then grabbed my hand and brought it to his lips, daintily kissing it. "Av, I've had such a great time so far. Your such a beautiful girl, inside and out and I love that about you. I love how you are always making me laugh and I couldn't thank you enough for being such a good friend, but now I was hoping we could be more than just friends. So Ava Mason,

Will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?"


"Well," I said, pretending to think hard, "Yes, I would love too." Jack smiled and kissed my knuckles while I was beaming. I've been waiting for this for awhile. "So now that we're boyfriend and girlfriend, I can kiss you openly right?" I asked and he laughed. "Totally. And I can kiss you openly," He said. I laughed and Jack leaned over and kissed me lightly. "So you ready to get out of here?" He questioned. I nodded agreeing and we stood up, pushing our chairs in and walked hand and hand to the front of the restaurant. Jack then paid and we left Olive Garden.

"So, how far is the boardwalk from here?" I asked. "Two minutes in a car," He responded.

"I see you did your research,"

"I wanted everything to be perfect," He winked at me and led me to the car.


After the two minute drive, Jack parked at the beginning of the boardwalk and opened my door for me. I grabbed his outstretched hand and pulled myself up, shutting the door after. He then laced our fingers together and headed towards the boardwalk.

"Wow, the boardwalk looks so perfect!" I exclaimed and Jack agreed. "It is. So you wanna do the cliche romantic movie scene where I win you a stuffed animal?" I giggled a bit and nodded, wanting to see if Jack would make a fool of himself or actually win something. It might actually be cute if he failed, I thought.

No such luck on that one. Jack won me a stuffed rabbit on the first try. "Dang, Griffo, you got game!" I commented and he flexed his muscles. "Ah well I DO work out," He said and tried to make a show of his so called "guns". "And that impresses me because?" I asked and he just laughed. "It doesn't. I don't have to impress you anymore since your mine," He exclaimed and kissed me lightly on the lips. "True, true."

"Now let's see if I can win you something," I playfully teased and paid the women behind the booth for three ping-pong balls. "Not if I win something for you first!" Jack told me and paid the women too. "Your going down Griffo."

In conclusion, he went down.

"How did you do that?" Jack exclaimed shocked. "One shot skill babe," I commented and stuck my tongue out at him. "Can't say that I'm not proud," He replied back and kissed my cheek. I laughed and pulled him towards me again, kissing him fully. "So how about that walk?" I asked. "Or we could just keep doing this," Jack suggested and I shoved him. "Hey, it never hurts to try," He chuckled.

We then joined hands again and walked down the boardwalk, laughing at childhood stories and enjoying the setting sun. "You did what?" I gasped and he laughed. "I brought a bees to show my mom and she got stung all over! I only got stung a couple times. It was pretty funny, she had a swollen thumb for three days!" I laughed along with him and started on my hornet story. "So our back door was open, but I had no idea! A giant hornet flew into the living room and literally landed on my head. I had no idea though since I didn't feel it! But then my mom started freaking out and smacked my head. The hornet fell off my head, landed on the pillow and started crawling around. By that time I was freaking out! It was so gross."

"Did you get it to leave the house?" Jack asked and I nodded.

"Yep. It took a lot of screaming and ducking though. I mean its not like your going to touch it, but you don't want it in the house you know? It was horrible," I explained finishing. "Wow. I'm surprised you didn't get stung."

"Same here," I said and looked at the sun lowering in the sky. I then sighed, trying to capture this moment. "Hey do you mind if I take a picture?" Jack asked and I shook my head. He then fished out his cell phone and lifted it up to get the both of us and the sun into the frame. "Smile babe," He said and kissed my cheek right as the flash went off. "Aww that's cute," I commented and he nodded. "That's totally being my background."

I laughed and then wondered on to the sand which was still warm from the sun. "We need to come here again," I requested. "Course. Anything you want," He replied and sat down, motioning me to join him. I dropped to the ground and pulled my knees towards myself so my skirt still covered everything. Jack then leaned back and I scooted closer to him, making myself more comfortable. "I wish I could spend my life here," I said awed by the sight. "Trust me I would if I could. But life is life and we just have to get through it. Even if you don't have that certain someone by you to get through it."

"That's true. But I have you so I'm good," I exclaimed leaning in towards Jack. He then wrapped an arm around me and beamed. "And you'll have to deal with me for a long time baby," He teased and gave me an Eskimo kiss. "Nope," I whispered and closed the gap, pressing my lips to his. Jack responded instantly and kissed me back, sweetly.

"Woah, PDA alert!" I voice sneered from behind us. I quickly veered away from Jack and looked behind me. Rolling my eyes, I looked at Jack to see him sighing. Not again, I thought.

Well, there ya go! Their together now! Yes right? Anyway thank you for reading! I love you all so much and it's not an April fools joke man. I really do love you all. Thanks for everything! See you next Tuesday if possible! Maybe even sooner *wink wink* -Orangelegend xoxo

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