Chapter 25

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Hey everyone! Sorry about not updating I've been having issues with life, but good news schools over and I passed all my classes! Yay right? At least I have more time to type now. Hopefully you all enjoy this chapter! Read, comment, vote! 

        Getting out of bed that morning was one of the hardest things I have ever done. All I wanted to do was sleep my life away and not care about anything, but sadly that was not an option. "Ava! Someones at the door for you!" My mom yelled up the stairs making me sit up fully. "I don't wanna talk to them!" I responded back and set my feet on the ground staring at the wall. "Okay," Was heard and I sighed. Before I knew it my bedroom door flew open and Sierra was standing there doing a ridiculous pose. "Get up sweetheart! We're gonna do something fun!" 

"What if I don't do fun anymore?" I whined and her smile turned into a frown. "Come on Ava, you can't let a boy get you down. This is your life not Jacks!" She then came over and sat down next to me on the bed staring at the same point I was. "What, do you expect a plant to grow there?" 

I chuckled lightly at her joke then looked back at the ground. "Do we have to? I just want to stay home." 

"Not an Option." Sierra pointed out and gave me a grin. "Be dressed and ready in twenty minutes or I will come and force you out in what you're wearing. And believe me you don't want that to happen." She then shot me a smile and skipped out of the room. I looked down at my pajamas and frowned. Were they really that bad? I guess they were for going out. Getting up, I grabbed a t-shirt and shorts and quickly stuck them on before throwing my hair into the messiest bun possible. It literally looked like a birds nest on my head, but there was no point in looking good. I grabbed my bag and headed down the stairs passing my little brother. He poked my leg and looked up at me smiling while I just patted his head. "Don't grow up Brody," I whispered and he laughed not understanding what I meant. Figures. 

        "Hey Ava, you ready?" Sierra asked, looking up from where she was chatting with my mom. "Yeah I guess," I responded. "Good. Bye Momma Mason!"

"Have fun girls!" My mom spoke waving at us as Sierra pushed me out of the house. "So where exactly are we going?" I ask trying to be polite. "Dress shop down the road. You'll need something for later." She pointed out and I groaned. "Please tell me I do not have plans later!"

"I could tell you that, but then I'd be lying," Sierra smiles and grabs my hand, pulling me down the driveway towards the little dress shop right at the end of the neighborhood. "Well, I'd rather you not lie to me. I know I've had enough of that in the past days." 

"Ava don't be such a Debby Downer. Lets make this day a good one!" I sighed and just let Sierra drag me along in the hot sun until we made it to the dress shop. Opening the door I was met with a blast of air conditioning making the small sun burn on my nose not as painful. 

"Hello ladies. How may I help you today?" The store owner asks and Sierra speaks up. "We need a dress for a special event tonight."

"Oh and what is this special event?' The lady asks and Sierra whispers something in her ear. "Gotchya. Well I think a red dress would look best with your tan skin darling." I nod not really wanting to respond and follow the woman towards a rack in the back. "We have tight, long, short, flowy, and many other styles here. Just call if you need me! My names Jen." Sierra responds with a thank you and starts pulling out different kinds of red dresses. "Dressing rooms are in the back of the store. Try this one on then come back over here," Sierra orders and I go, obeying her commands. 


After putting on the short, flowy, red dress I look at myself in the mirror and let my mind wonder. I could picture myself at a fair in this outfit. Sitting on the pier with a boy eating ice cream and having a good time maybe. Jack then comes to mind and I smile thinking of our time at the boardwalk before letting the thought drop. You don't like Jack, Ava you don't like Jack. I keep trying to convince myself, but every time I say it I just see his perfect face and I hear that laugh that could make my whole year.

"Face if Av, you still like Jack." 

Sorry it's short, but thats for a reason! Next chapter will probably be long and you will enjoy it cause this is just the build up! See you very very soon ;) Vote please! -Orangelegend xoxo

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