Chapter 4

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Heyo! So I'm trying to update as much as possible, and I really enjoy writing this story! I hope you all keep reading and voting/commenting! Love you all -Orangelegend xx

I studied the picture of the girl again, trying to push away the feeling that was slowly eating me away. I observed how pretty her eyes were, and how when she smiled, it brightened everyones day. Or at least  it seemed like she brightened Jack's day. Thats what I want to do, I realized. I finally decided to close the brown book and move on from it. Jack and I kept taking things out of boxes, having a short conversation about the object, then placing it in the correct spot. I didn't even realize how fast the time flew but soon enough, it was time to head home for dinner. "Wow, we did alot," I commented and he nodded. "We make a good team," He replied and smiled at me. I smiled back and took one last look around the room. We had put together his night stand and placed objects all over the room. He told me it reminded him of home. All of a sudden I felt a hand on my back and I looked up to find Jack smiling down at me, guiding me out of the room. We walked down the hallway, making small talk until we made it to the front door. "So I'll see you tomorrow Av?" He asked and I agreed until I remembered something. "Oh by the way at the Novices, we're watching a movie tonight. I don't think anyone will mind you coming if you want," I suggested. "That sounds like fun but can you meet me in front of my house?" He replied and I nodded. "Sounds good. See you in an hour!" I was about to leave but Jack than opened his arms and pulled me towards him. I wrapped my arms around his torso and he brought me closer so my head was in his chest. "Bye Av," He then pulled away and I stepped out the door. 

As I walked down the driveway, my emotions went crazy. Jack actully hugged me! His hug was so warm, nice, and comfterable. It made me feel safe. Insane right? I tried to stop smiling as I headed home so my mom wouldn't suspect anything but knowing her she'll find out soon enough. I might as well tell her myself, I mused but then turned away from the thought. It would make everything so awkward. I carefully looked right, then left, and scampered across the street.

"I'm here!" I called out and I noticed my mom decending the staircase. "How was it sweetie? You sure spent a lot of time with Jack!" I sat down at the table and watched my mom sit down next to me. "It went well, we got really far," I commented and she smiled. We sat there in silence for about a minute when I heard my voice ring out. "Mom, have you ever had that feeling where whenever you see a certain someone, you stomach gets all weird and your heart starts going crazy?" I asked and quickly clamped a hand over my mouth. I really need to think before I speak. "Of course honey," My mom laughed. "Thats what it was like when I met your father. I still get butterflies when he holds me." I started to fake gag and my mom just shook her head. "Let me guess, Jack makes you feel that way?"

I sat there for a moment, contemplating whether to tell her or not. Finally, I gave in I mean she is my mom. "Yeah. Its kinda crazy. And I really don't know what to do about it," I admitted and she thought for a moment. "Honey, this is your first crush yes?" I nodded in agreement and her face broke into a huge smile. "Awwwwwww well, I would go for it. What do you have to lose huh? And your a beautiful girl inside and out." I smiled at my mom and giggled slightly. "Your just saying that mom."

"No I'm not. Lyings not good honey therefore I don't do it!" And theres the mom side again. I then helped set the table and my family had a great conversation during dinner. Once we were done, I ascended the stairs and walked to my room. I then grabbed my pajamas off my dresser and slipped them on. I readjusted the shorts so they fit me perfectly and admired myself in the mirror. After I scraped up my brown hair and stuck it in a high ponytail, satisfied with my appearance. I walked out of my room and headed back downstairs to find my mom in the foyer. "I'll see you later mom!" I told her and she hugged me. "Right when the movie is done, come right home sweetie." I agreed and pushed the door open, heading across the street to the Griffo's.

After carefully checking the street, I pranced over to Jacks and put my fist up to knock on the door when it opened. "Wow, your fast," I commented and Jack smiled. "Well, I was waiting," He said and I laughed. "Lets go."

We then hooked arms and skipped over to the Novices house. Their door was propped open with a brick, welcoming people into their house. "Hi Momma Novice!" I greeted her and she smiled. "Why hello there Ava. I see you brought Jack."

"I thought he should be acquainted with his neighbors," I told her and she nodded. "Ava, darling, you are too sweet. The others are in the basement." She said and waved us down the stairs. "So do you call all the mothers Momma?" Jack asked and I nodded. "One of our things." I told him and he took it into consideration. We then reached the end of the huge staircase and I spotted Sierra sitting on the back couch. "Ava over here!" She called out and I bounded over towards her with Jack following me. "Hey Sierra," I greeted her and she scooted over to make room for us. "By the way this is Jack," I said introducing them. "Nice to meet you Jack," Sierra commented and Jack nodded. "Likewise."

"So what movie are we watching?" I asked and Sierra shrugged. "I have no idea. I'm just here for the popcorn!" She told me and grabbed a big box. I laughed and then dimmed the lights, indicating the movie was starting.

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