Chapter 23

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Woah chapter 23 already! Sorry I haven't really been going with my schedule I just have so much to do recently. I have soccer games on Tuesdays so I can't really update then. Sorry :( Anyway guys please message me on here or talk to me on kik! I really want to become friends with you guys and just have fun with you all! My kik is narrylarrystuff and feel free to start a conversation with me! Just say your from wattpad and bang we're friends! I love you all and feel very affectionate right now :) Vote, comment, enjoy!

I asked Momma Gates how much time was left in the game and she said two minutes. That means two minutes to beat the boys. It was tied three-three and Jack was in the goal, otherwise known as the perfect time to score. I dribbled the ball down the field and noticed Mark from two houses down coming for me. Passing it to Sierra I ran down the line and received the ball back. "Come on Ava!" Sierra cheered me on and I dribbled towards the goal. "You're not getting that ball passed me Av," Jack spoke trying to make me back down. I blocked him out and kicked the ball as hard as I could. Hearing cheers, I looked up and noticed Jack on the ground holding his head. "You did it Ava!" My mom shouted from the defense and I laughed happily, running to hug Sierra. "This is embarrassing. My girlfriend scored a goal on me," Jack laughed coming up from behind me and picking me up. "And you forgot that I kind of scored the WINNING goal on YOU," I said making sure he heard the winning part. "I'm very ashamed of myself," He said smiling and kissed my cheek. I decided to not question him here with everyone else around us and just kept on smiling.

"Cookies anyone?" Momma Gates asked pushing a container of freshly baked cookies under my nose. "Yes please," I responded grabbing one and heading to a picnic table. "These are really good," Sierra commented sitting on one side of me while Jack sat on the other. "Momma Gates sure knows how to bake."

"I second that," Jack spoke up, finishing his cookie. I nodded and realized that his phone was still in the grass. "Hey Griffo you want me to go get your phone?" I asked, getting up. "Oh, uh no I got it. You relax babe." He said quickly, gently easing my body back on the bench. "Are you ok?" I questioned, trying to see how he would react. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just don't want a winner like you to be doing to much work!" Jack then ran off in the direction of his phone while Sierra nudged me. "He doesn't seem ok. He was acting kind of suspicious if you ask me," Sierra told me and finished her cookie. "Ok good I wasn't the only one," I responded keeping on eye on Jack. He grabbed his phone off the ground and seemed to be typing on it. His fingers flew fast and furious on the touch screen and  he kept looking over his shoulder. "Yeah if that doesn't scream suspicious then I don't know what does," Sierra finished also having her eyes on him.

"Do you think I should ask him about it?" 

"Nah. If it's important he'll tell you. I mean you are dating right?" She offered and I nodded. "I guess you're right. Do you think he would cheat on me?" I asked insecurely and Sierra shook her head. "I don't think he would. He likes you too much plus he's a nice boy. Number two, you're gorgeous. No one could turn you down darling." I laughed when she finished, feeling a bit better, forming a plan in my head. "Thanks Sierra. For being younger then me you sure do give out good advice," I complimented her and she blushed. "Thanks Ava." 

"Hey babe you wanna head to my house?" Jack said coming up from behind me. "Sure. More time to rub my skills in your face," I teased him and he frowned. "You know I can always kick you out right?" 

"But you don't want to do that," 

"Yeah I don't. You are too adorable for that." I smiled at him and he grabbed my hand en-lacing our fingers. I looked at my mom silently asking to go with Jack and she nodded, smiling at our enter-twined hands.


"So what movie do you want to watch?" He asked me pulling out a drawer filled from top to bottom with movies. "How about that one?" I suggested pointing to Titanic. "Oh another romance film I see," Jack teased and bopped me on the nose. "I'm in the mood," I shot back and settled on the couch while Jack dimmed the lights. "Just warning you it's long," He informed and I nodded understanding. 


By the time the movie was over I was draped on top of Jack's legs with my head on his chest and he had one arm lying lazily on my stomach while the other was combing through my hair. "Wow. That was long," I commented and Jack laughed leaving a kiss on top of my head. "I warned you! But you enjoyed it right?" 

"Yeah of course I did! The guy who played Jack was very handsome," I said sighing dreamily for effect. "What about your Jack?" My boyfriend asked and I looked up at him from my place. "Well, he's ok. But Leonardo DiCaprio is a bit hotter," I retorted and stuck my tongue out at him.

"Ouch Av, I'm deeply offended. I think Rose was pretty attractive too."

"Oh shut up," I giggled and he fake gasped. "Ava Mason! Did you just say a sassy word? What have you done with my girlfriend?" 

"Maybe she was influenced by her boyfriend hm?" I responded and laughed to show I was just joking around. "Whatever. Your such a butt," Jack said chuckling.

"Now now no name calling," I told him and waved my finger at him. He then grabbed my finger and started playing with it, making it dance. A silence hovered over us and I decided now was probably the best time to ask him. "Hey Jack do you trust me?"

"Of course I do darling," He responded looking down at me and placing his lips lightly on my head.  "Why?"

"It's just that," I started pausing for a moment trying to place my thoughts into a sentence. "I know you've been seeing Amy and I know you like her. I just don't understand why you wouldn't tell me."

Jack flew up from the couch, accidentally making me fall off onto the floor. "You what?"

OH AVA TOLD HIM. Hopefully Jack and Ava can make everything work out between them right? Anyway thank you guys for always being here for me and stuff. I love you all and I will try to update as soon as possible! My face hurts since it's sunburnt :( See you next week! -Orangelegend xoxo

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