Chapter 22

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Hey guys I'm back! Thank you for all the people who we're checking up on me and just being amazing. I don't deserve all of you and I hope you guys realize how special and perfect you all are. I love you all so much and I can't describe how much you all mean to me. Enjoy the chapter! Read, vote, comment! 

One Week Later:"Ava!" My mom's voice interrupted the silence that encased the room. "Get up please! It's community walk day!" Community walk day is when everyone in the neighborhood takes a walk together around town, ensuring we get exercise. It happens once a week. "I'm up, I'm up," I mumbled flipping on to my stomach. "Good. We're meeting outside in ten minutes honey." I lifted one eyelid and watched my mom exit the room, smiling as she went. Sighing, I sat up and attempted to leave my comfortable bed, but falling off the bed instead. Bottom line: I'm not a morning person. Standing up I grabbed a pair of athletic shorts and a tank top to throw on. Checking my calender, I noticed today's activity was soccer which means I needed my hair up. After getting ready, I dashed out to the picnic tables arriving just in time. "There you are darling!" My mom spoke up while juggling Brody to her other hip. "Morning," I responded. Looking around I found Jack talking to Momma Griffo and I started towards them. "Hey Ava!" Sierra greeted waving her hand. "Yeah?" I asked a bit annoyed, but not showing it. "I was wondering why we haven't hung out that much recently. Is there anything I'm missing?" She asked raising her eyebrows. "No not really." I responded keeping an eye on Jack. "Oh. Ok well we should walk together!" Sierra exclaimed and I shrugged. "Unless you plan on walking with someone else, cough cough Jack.," She exaggerated and I blushed. "YOU ARE! Oh my goodness I knew it!"

"Shhh Sierra, yes I'm walking with him," I whispered trying not to make a scene. "This is so exciting! Go, go, go!" Sierra urged me away winking and I laughed, allowing her to lift my mood a bit. Jack then turned from his spot on the picnic table and waved. I smiled back and walked to him, hugging him briefly when I got there. "Hey Ava," Momma Griffo grinned and hugged me. "How are you this morning?"

"I'm good, you?"  I asked politely and she responded likewise. "So Av, you sleep good?" Jack questioned and I nodded. 

"Ok everyone! After the walk today, we are playing soccer! Let's have a good day!" Momma Gates announced leading us on our way. "So babe why do we do this?" Jack asked, still learning the ropes. "Basically everyone gets exercise since exercise is proven to make you happier. It also helps with endurance." Jack nodded in understanding and we set off.


After walking around the block, past the houses and the bank, we came back to meet at the picnic tables. "So now what?" Jack asked me and Iaughed. "I kick your butt at soccer."

"Why can't we be on the same team?" Jack whined, nudging me. "Cause it's boys against girls silly. Must stink for you," I added and gave him a huge smile. 

"Ok Ladies and gentlemen today we are playing soccer! Boys against girls as usual!" Momma Gates proclaimed and we all got on our respective teams. Momma Gates then set the ball down and started the game. 


"Hey babe," Jack whispered from behind me as I watched the ball go between our defense. "Don't try to distract me," I whispered back, concentrating when I noticed the ball coming towards us. "Oh I don't have to try. Just looking like this helps!" He then winked and dribbled the ball away from me passing it to a midfielder. "You're a butt," I retorted and Jack laughed. "But you like me," He teased and I sighed. "Well..."

"Don't even deny it Av!"

"Fine, I like you, ya goofball." Jack then shot me a wide grin and returned to the game. 


It was just a bit after half time when I noticed Jack's phone on the ground. The blinking light was glowing red showing he had a message. I really didn't want to snoop through his phone like an annoying, clingy girlfriend, but it was really annoying me. I quickly picked up his cell and pressed the lock screen button seeing a picture of him and I at the boardwalk. "Awwww," I cooed, remembering last week. Then easily swiping the screen I saw Amy's name pop up. Mumbling a bit to myself I quickly opened the message, planning on turning the screen off right away. I glanced at the greeting and frowned. Deciding to read the rest of the message, I skimmed through. 


Here's the picture you asked for from yesterday. It's my background already and I love it a lot! See you tomorrow :) Love you tons! 

Picture attachment: pic3568

Amy xoxo

I gaped at the message and regret opening the picture, but I had too. In it was Amy and Jack kissing! Well, this might be from awhile ago and Amy's just lying I thought. I then took a closer look at the picture and noticed Jack was wearing the same outfit as yesterday. Pure coincidence I assured myself. Lastly I checked out the design on Jack's shirt. Hmmm that's funny. I thought. That shirts new we just got it...

I quickly shut off Jack's phone and started paying attention to the game, my thoughts running wild in my head. Jack's cheating on you.

You're not worth him.

Amy deserves to have him. They obviously love each other.

"Shush!" I yelled out loud and Sierra, who was sitting a few places over, gave me a weird look. "Ava, are you ok?" She asked. "Yeah," I responded.

"Just fine."

Probably the worst lie I've ever told.

There you go! Drama is here! How is Jack going to get out of that one? The real explanation or is it all a misunderstanding? Thank you all for reading and sticking with me on this! I can't wait to start my next story and finish this one! I love you all so much and could never thank you enough! See you soon -Orangelegend xoxo

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