Chapter 8

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Wow that last chapter was great right? If only that could really happen ;) Thank you for everything! Now I know you all want an update so here you go! Ava and Jack: ment to be or not so ment to be? -Orangelegend xx

Jack then pulled away and let me go. I slightly tripped backward, trying to collect my thoughts. So far all I knew was Jack and I were talking about love and then he kissed me. I started jumping up and down while mentally freaking out. Jack probably thinks I'm a freak, I concluded but then realized something... Wheres Jack?

I frantically turned around and saw him walking away with the picnic basket. "Jack!" I yelled, begging him to come back but he just kept walking. I ran as fast as I could to catch up to him and when I did, I pulled him into a small forest full of trees. "Ava, what the he..." I cut him off by planting my lips on his and he kissed me right back. We than pulled away and I noticed his stunned expression. "So are we gonna talk about this?" I asked, trying to break the awkward silence. "Sure," He replied very slowly. "Was I the one you were talking about?" I asked started small. "Yes, and I was the one you were talking about, correct?" Jack asked me and I nodded in agreement. "So we both like each other..." He concluded and I smiled. "Ok, so why did you kiss me?" I questioned and he smirked (yep, old Jack is back). "I wanted sandwhiches," He smiled and I slapped his arm. "Your kidding right?" I asked him and he chuckled. "Of course. At least a little," He responded. "Ok, so what do we do about us," I exclaim, thinking about what this might possibly mean. "Well, um..." Jack stuttered and thats exactly how I was feeling. "Do we date? I mean I've never had a boyfriend so I don't really know," I was once again intureppted by Jack grabbing my hands. "Look, I don't think our parents will be ready for this. I mean I met you yesterday so I think we should just be friends. For now at least," Jack concluded and without showing my dissippointment, I nodded. "Friends it is." I agreed and he smiled. "Nothing awkward?" He asked and I, once again, agreed. "Just like before." I then kissed Jack's cheek one more time before standing up and brushing off my shorts and top. "Lets head home Av," Jack suggested and extended his hand. I quickly grabbed it and we walked close enough together so nobody could see our fingers laced.

Once we got back to Jack's house, Jack held the door open for me like the gentlemen he is. "Thank you," I giggled and he laughed. "Of course, my lady!" We walked to the kitchen, surprised to find Momma Griffo waiting for us. "Hey guys, how was the picnic?" She asked. "It was fun," I replied glancing over at Jack, making sure he was ok with my answer. He winked back indicating it was good while I stifled a giggle. "Well thats fun," Momma Griffo answered, noticing the exchange between us. "Hey mom, do you mind if Ava comes to the mall with us tomorrow?" Jack asked while grabbing a water bottle. "Not at all! As long as you ask your parents Ava," She commented and smiled. "Cool, thanks!" Jack replied and offered me a water bottle. I politly declined so Jack closed the refidgerator and started pulling me towards his room. "What are we doing?" I asked and he just winked at me. After climbing the big staircase, and I asking many questions, we finally arrived at Jack's room. "So, what are we doing in here?" I asked curiously. "Whatever you want," Jack said and jumped on the bed. "Um," I started while Jack motioned for me to sit next to him. I climbed on the bed and rested next to him with my head on his shoulder. He then wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer. I looked around his finished room taking in eveything until I saw an acostic guitar in the corner. "You play guitar?" I asked him, surprised. "Oh yeah! Do you know how to?" He questioned and I shook my head. "I've always wanted to learn though," I commented. "Hey I can teach you if you want," Jack suggested and I laughed. "Totally!" Jack then got up from the bed and went to grab his guitar. He pulled out a stool from his desk and ordered me to sit down on it. "Ok so this is how you start," he instructed and placed my fingers on the correct chords. Jack then taught me the G chord, C chord, and D chord with no problem. "Wow your a fast learner!" He stated and I beamed quite proud of myself. "Hey soon I might become a legend!" I teased him and he laughed. "Well, I better watch out! Plus I can say I knew you when," He teased back and I giggled. This will come in handy one day, I concluded. I then looked at the clock in Jack's room and realized it was time for dinner already. "How does the day go so fast?" I mused while Jack nodded. "So I'll see you tomorrow right?" I checked while heading towards the door. "Of course! We have a mall adventure planned!" He squealed all girly and I couldn't hold in my laugh. "You, Av, also owe me a buttload of sandwhiches!" Jack reminded me and I sighed, faking my disappointment. "Well, you did win the deal," I answered back and he chuckled. "That I did." We then stood staring at each other for a moment, soaking in each others unique aroma. Nothing else in the world mattered at that moment except for me and him. Before I knew it Jack was standing in front of me, pulling me close and kissing the top of my head. I snuggled into his arms and rested my head on his chest, just listening to his breathing.

All of a sudden a ringing filled the air. Jack and I jumped out of each others grasps and ran downstairs to the source of the noise. "Mom, is everything ok?" Jack yelled running towards the kitchen. "Uh, yeah, honey its fine!" Momma Griffo yelled back. "Just don't come in the kitchen please!" Jack looked at me and I shrugged, slightly worried about what was happening. "Um, do you want to come to my house?" I asked him, confused on how to react to the situation. "For a little would be nice yes." He replied and I grabbed his hand, pulling him to the door. He followed me out and scooted closer to me so we could hide our hands together. We didn't really know how the neighborhood would react plus I didn't even know about where our relationship stood. Yeah we were friends but we acted much more like a couple I guess.

Once we crossed the street to my house, I opened our front door and ushered Jack in. "I'll meet you in the living room in a minute," I said and he left the room. I bounded up the stairs to my room when my mom stopped me. "Oh good honey your back from Jacks," She started and I nodded, trying to listen to her. I didn't want Jack to feel awkward down there. "Yeah, um Jack is in the living room waiting for me right now," I interuppted her and she nodded. "Do you want me to entertain him or something?" My mom asked but I shook my head, indicating a no. "I just need to use the bathroom. I'll be down there in a moment," I protested and she smiled. "Well ok sweetie!" My mom then headed downstairs towards the kitchen and I ran to the bathroom. Hopefully she doesn't start talking to him, I thought. Or then this will be going in a very embarrassing direction.

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