Chapter 11 (not edited)

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Hey readers! How are you? Anyway thanks for reading this story! I love you all and hope you enjoy this chapter! -Orangelegend xoxo

As Jack and I headed towards the escaltor the girls face invaded my mind. I wanted to ask Jack about her but I was kinda afraid. I had a feeling she was an ex girlfriend but I didn't think I had the strength to hear Jack confirm it aloud. "So what store did you want to go to?" Jack asked as we stepped off the escaltor. "That one," I pointed out and we walked towards it.

As we entered, once again, music was playing but much softer. I rushed towards a rack that had a really cute t-shirt with a cross on it. I carefully looked at the price and noticed it was in my range. I found my size and picked it up, drapping it around my arm. Next I noticed a table full of shirts, with a sign saying half off. I dug through the mountain and found two off the shoulder shirts, one saying a dream is a wish your heart makes and the other just being a plain red color. I then noticed Jack looking through the t-shirts so I made my way over to him. "Hey! Whatchya lookin' for?" I asked and he turned around. "Oh Av, I'm just looking for plain colored t-shirts. I already got a red and a light green." I nodded and held up my red shirt, noticing the matching color of his shirt. "Nice choice," I smirked and he laughed. "I know right?"

I then started shifting through the purple t-shirts, thinking he would look amazing in the color. After finding the perfect shade of purple I held it up against him. "You better get this one. If not I'm buying it for you," I stated and he looked at it closely. "I like it." He commented and I smiled. He then grabbed it from my hand and we walked up to the counter together.

Leaving the store we decided on having a snack. Heading down one more flight towards the food court I noticed the blonde girl again, a little ahead of us. I shrugged it off, knowing there were so many people here, whats the chances of her seeing us again? Jack and I entered the food court and I was shocked at how much fast food there was here. "Ok, Av, what do you want? I'm paying," Jack told me and I looked around, inspecting all the menus. After a moment I responded "Can I have a ham and cheese sandwhich and a banana smoothie?" Jack nodded and told me to grab a table. "I'll be back," He promised and left me, heading towards the smoothie shop. I decided to look at my purchases so I dug my hand into my bags, pulling out a recipt. On the back was a phone number. I then recalled, It's Jason's.

Jason is a sweet guy I concluded but I don't have a cell phone, and I don't feel comfortable calling from the home phone. In our community, you don't get a cell phone until your seventeeth birthday which is also when you find a weekend job. It's part of our growing up plan. I then placed the recipt back in the bag and looked around for Jack. I looked towards the smoothie place and sure enough I found him balancing two smoothies and two sandwhiches in his hands. I was about to go up and help him when low and behold,

The blonde girl came up to Jack and grabbed the smoothies.

I watched them walk over and could hear their conversation before they arrived. 

"So Jack what are you here for again?" Again, I thought. So she already talked to him today.

"Oh I'm here with a friend. Thats who the food is for," Jack replied and by that time they were at our table. 

"So you must be the friend," She started and I smiled holding out my hand. "I'm Ava," I introduced myself trying to be polite. "Oh. Well, you must eat alot. I mean a whole medium smoothie and a sandwhich? I usually only..." Jack then gave her a look and cut her off. "Ava, this is Amy, my friend from my old town." Amy turned towards Jack and playfully hit him. "What are you talking about Jack? 
Actully Ava, We used to date." She then gave me a smug smile and I looked over at him. He was rolling his eyes and seemed frusterated. "Well, Amy it was nice to meet you," I stated but it sounded more like a question. "Darling, if your so close to Jack you'll see me again. Thats a promise." Amy then set down the smoothies and walked away towards the exit.

"Wait what?" I asked very confused and Jack sighed. "Av, you deserve an explantion. Amy and I started dating a while ago when I went to my old school. She then started getting really clingy and hung out with the kids who didn't have the best attitudes and ways. So I broke up with her. I saw her earlier in the first store we went to and she seemed nice like the old her. So I talked to her and we had a good conversation. But what you just saw was another reason I broke up with her. She's very competitive when it comes to other girls and Amy becomes really rude. I'm sorry she talked to you like that." 

I nodded and smiled. "I understand. Thanks for the reasoning," I said and he smiled back at me. "No problem. And don't listen to what she said. I'm surprised you don't eat more!"

I laughed. "I can of course, but I'm good." He laughed and then went back to a smile. "Just remember, your perfect in everyway Av. No one should tell you otherwise." I felt a warm hand on mine and looked up, noticing how perfect Jack's hand fit on mine. I then laced our fingers together and found Jack's eyes, searching mine. "Your perfect in everyway too. Never change," I reassured him and he kissed the back of my hand.


Hope you guys loved the chapter! I've got some big plans coming up! I love you all so much! Java forever right? Haha please vote, comment, and follow! Muah! 

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