Chapter 10 (not edited)

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Hey guys! I am so sorry that I haven't been updating! Things are just going insane in my life but it's break! I can now (hopefully) update more often. Thanks for waiting! I hope your lives are going amazing... Hope you enjoy this chapter and look foward to the next. I love you all -Orangelegend xx

I woke up to darkness on all sides of me. "What happened?" I thought to myself as I tried to peer through the dark. I could faintly see an opening on one side of me while my hands trail over some carpet. Everything then came rushing to my head about last night and Jack's parents. I shakily stood up and felt my way towards the opening. When I came in contact of it, I carefully climbed down the ladder and headed to my room. Before I knew it I was yanking the blankets up to my chest and falling into a deep sleep.

"Wake up! Ava, get up!" I slowly opened my eyes to find my little brother, Brody, standing next to me with Jack standing behind him. "Good morning Av!" Jack greeted and I groaned. "How is it morning already?" I asked, pulling the blankets over my head. I didn't want Jack seeing my like this, I mean I'm really ugly in the morning. "Time goes by," Jack replied and pulled the blankets off of me. Brody then squealed and jumped into Jacks arms, grinning like crazy. "Why is you so happy?" I asked Brody tickling his stomach making him giggle. "Probably cause I'm here," Jack laughed and I shook my head. Brody then whispered something into Jacks ear and he nodded. "Brody's hungry. Meet us downstairs?" Jack said, shaking me one more time. "Fine." I agreed and watched them leave the room. I then quickly got out of bed, stretched and combed my hair at record speed. As I walked downstairs I noticed my mom in the living room. "Hey mom, I was wondering if I could go to the mall with Jack today?" She looked up and smiled. "Well, I guess so... is Jack's mom or dad com..." All of a sudden she was interuppted by Jack walking in. "Uh hey Ava my mom just told me that she can't bring us to the mall. So is it ok if I just drive us?" He asked finally looking up. "Or I should just ask your mom," He stuttered and my mom laughed. "Well, I trust you Jack so I guess you can drive Ava. Just make sure your seatbelts are buckled and the music isn't to loud and that your careful at stop lights and..." I gave my mom a look and she stopped. "We'll be fine," I stated and my mom nodded. "If you say so." Turning towards Jack, I grabbed a tissue packet and stuck it in my pajama pocket before following him out into the kitchen. "So what are we having for breakfast?" I questioned sniffing the air. "Oh your dad laid out bacon and pancakes," Jack told me excitedly. "YUM!" I laughed happily and grabbed plates. I then handed Jack his plate and helped myself to three pieces of bacon and two pancakes.

After feeding Brody and eating breakfast with Jack, I raced upstairs to change. I grabbed a pair of jean shorts, a black tanktop, and red crop-top and quickly went to the bathroom to brush my hair. I braided it down my back and then brushed my teeth. After being satisfied with my look, I walked downstairs to find my mom. She handed me some money, kissed my cheek, and reminded me to be smart and safe. It was nice to know she trusted me, I mean being 16 and all. I tickled my brother goodbye then walked out. Quickly checking both ways, I bounded across the street and met Jack by the car. "You ready?" He asked and I nodded. He then held open my door for me and after closing it, jogged to the drivers side. As we were about to pull out of the driveway, his mother ran out and handed him something. "Have fun!" She then smiled at me and watched Jack back out. As we started down the street, I looked at Jack out of the corner of my eye. He had his tongue peeping out of his mouth, making him look really concentrated. It was actully very attractive. "You know you can put the radio on," He said, keeping his eyes on the road. "Oh, um ok," I replied and looked at the stereo system in front of me. To be honest, whenever we played music in the community it was only with instruments or a CD, so I had no idea how to work this thing. I decided to just push the big button and and pray that I didn't blow up the world. Turns out I didn't! Music started streaming through the car and I bobbed my head to it, not knowing any of the words.

Soon enough I spotted a big building towering over many parked cars. "Is this it?" I asked and Jack nodded. "Trust me you'll love it!" He exclaimed excitedly and found a parking spot towards the front. As soon as we got out, Jack grabbed my hand and led me to the front doors. "You ready for this?" He asked and I gave him a smile, confirming I was. Jack then opened the doors and I was surrounded by store after store, all inviting me in. "This is gonna be fun!" I squealed and Jack laughed. "Sure is! Come on we need to find a map cause I have some stores I need to visit." He informed me and once again grabbed my hand and led me to our destination.

Once we found a map, Jack led me upstairs and we found his favorite store. He pulled me inside and the first thing I saw was rows and rows of t-shirts. Loud music was playing through the store and I noticed some people singing along. Jack disappeared so I headed over to the side where I saw some really cute hats. I started trying some on and found a really cute black beanie that I decided to buy. I moved on to some hats called snapbacks and picked up one that was batman designed. I was about to put it on when someone snatched it from my hands and stuck it on my head. "You look good," The voice said and I laughed. "Thanks Jack," I started but turned around and noticed a guy a little taller than me smiling. "Oh um thanks," I smiled and looked down trying to get rid of the awkward tension in the air. "Your welcome. I'm guessing you thought I was your boyfriend?" The guy said and I laughed. "Oh um kinda but he's not my boyfriend." The guy laughed along with me and stuck his hand out. "I'm Jason. And you are?"

"I'm Ava," I introduced myself and shook his hand. "Well, a beautiful name for a beautiful girl," Jason complimented me and I could feel myself blush. "Here let me buy you these," Jason said and grabbed the beanie and snapback from my hands. "Oh you don't have to," I started but he shook his head. "Nope you can't change my mind!" He then walked up to the counter with me following him. Jason quickly paid and handed me the bag. "Thanks Jason. Here let me pay you back," I said but he cut me off, "Don't thank me. Maybe you could call me sometime and we could hang out?" He asked and looked down. "Oh. I guess," I replied trying to be polite. Jason then took the recipt out of the bag and wrote his number on the back. "It was nice meeting you Ava," He said. I nodded. "Likewise." He then smiled, waved goodbye to me and headed out of the store. "Wow," I said aloud trying to piece my thoughts together. Before I could really think about what Jason was trying to do I felt arms wrap around my waist. "Oh look whos back!" I said and turned around to see Jacks beautiful brown eyes staring down at me. "Hey, did you pay already?" He asked and I nodded. I wasn't ready to tell him about Jason because I didn't even know if I was ever gonna see him again. "Well then. I'm gonna pay and then we can go to a store you pick, sound good?" He suggested and I smiled. "Yay!" I cheered and Jack laughed. "Be right back," He told me and carefully let go of me. I watched him walk away and I decided to head to the front of the store to wait for him. As I was walking towards the front, some blonde girl ran into me. "Oh I'm sorry," I said, knowing to apoligize first. She just nodded and stared at me for a second before glaring at me and walking out. I frowned, not knowing exactly what I did to deserve that but in the back of my mind, my thoughts were going. I knew I've seen that girl before. Jack then emerged from the crowd and grabbed my hand leading me from the store. "So where do you want to go?" He asked and I pointed downstairs to a store we passed before. We started walking while I thought about the girl. Who was she? Then it hit me.

That was the girl in Jack's scrapbook. 

Hey guys! Please comment and vote! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I can't wait to get this story going! Thanks for the support... I love you all so much xoxo

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