Chapter 15

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Hey everyone! Here's your weekly update! By the way I usually update on tuesdays but don't hold me accountable to that please! Anyway I'm thinking this story will be around 30 chapters. Hopefully thats ok with you! I'm so lucky to have you all with me and I am beyond greatful for your support. I love you all so much and I hope that you enjoy this chapter! Vote, comment, enjoy! 

             Once we arrived home, I went up to my room and decided to draw a little bit. You see, I have a secret artistic side to me that no one really knows about. I quickly got out a few pieces of blank, white paper and my favorite pencil then sat down at my desk. I laid everything out and picked up my pencil, waiting for all my thoughts to fill the page. My hand and mind worked as one as I watched a masterpiece unveil before me. Lines and shapes magically flower onto the paper, creating new designs as I went. 

"Honey?" My mom called from downstairs, signaling she had something to say. "Yeah mom?"

"Jack is here." I quickly moved all my drawing utilsils and hid them behind my bottom drawer of my desk. "Send him up!" I shouted back to her while I heard footsteps heading towards my room. A knock then interupted my process of putting away the paper neatly, attempting not to crinkle it. 

"I'm not interupting am I?" A voice asked from behind me. 

"Oh, um, not at all." I quickly shoved the last of the supplies into my top drawer, closing it as quietly as I could. Turning around, I noticed Jack leaning against the door frame with a smile hinting at his lips. "Av, you were obviously doing something. Come on, show it to me!" I shook my head showing him I really didn't want to. Drawing was supposed to be more of a secret hobby. "Please Ava," Jack pouted and stuck his bottom lip out. Shoot I'm giving in, I thought. 

"Fine. But don't tell anyone ok?" 

Jack nodded and bounced towards my desk while I took out the picture. "Woah Ava. Did you do this?" He asked in awe and I nodded. "Wow, your amazing!" Jack pushed and started tracing the detailed drawing with his finger. "Thanks," I replied blushing. "I love the contrast of the shapes and lines! And you know the," He started mumbling to himself, trying to think of the word. "Texture? Pattern? Detail?" I filled in for him and he nodded. "Yeah. That!" I laughed and lightly pushed his shoulder. "You don't know much about art do you?" I asked and he shook his head. "Aye you gotta give me points for trying right?" I laughed and sat down in the desk chair. Jack then grabbed the stool from the corner and brought it over to my desk so we could sit together. "How did you learn how to do this?" Jack asked, seeming very intrigued. "Well, when you have a little brother who needs attention you find something to do with your time," I replied and Jack understood. "I wish I could draw like this," He mumbled and continued tracing the patterns. "Well, you taught me how to play a few chords on guitar. Maybe I could teach you how to draw something," I suggested and Jack agreed. 

After a few hours of drawing nothing and everything, we decided to take a break to just relax. "Wow! Thanks Av for the lesson," Jack nudged me and I smiled. "No problem. Hopefully you can color in the lines though!" I teased him and he chuckled right next to me. "Don't mean to brag but I'm pretty good at coloring." I laughed and got up from my chair, moving to sit on the bed. Jack then followed me and rested his back against the headboard. I noticed him staring at a point on the wall and followed his gaze. "What are you thinking about?" I mused, ruining the silence. "Oh. Just life I suppose," He responded and I got to thinking too. After a few minutes of silence, I pushed myself off the bed and heading towards the door. "Hey Jack I'm getting some cookies. You want some?"

"Oh I'll come with," He said and joined me at my doorway. We made our way down to the kitchen and found the tin with the chocolate chip cookies in it. My mom just made them yesterday. "How many?" I asked Jack and he held up three fingers. I nodded and grabbed three for me too and two glasses of milk. I then set everything down at the table and sat down in my usual spot with Jack sitting next to me. We munched on the cookies talking a little until my mom came in. 

"Oh Jack, honey, your still here!" She mused and I nodded. "Yep. Thanks for the cookies Momma Mason! They're wonderful!" Jack complimented and my mom waved it off. "Why thank you Jack! Cooking is actually one of my hobbies," My mom said and Jack smiled. "Well, keep at it! If you every need anyone to try your food just call me over!"

"Of course Jack," My mom then grabbed Brody's food and left the kitchen. "What a suck-up," I commented and Jack stuck his tongue out at me. "Hey in the long run, more adults will like me and I'll get more cookies," He responded and I sighed. "I guess your right," I said and he did a victory fist pump. "Plus I like your mom. She's really nice, sweet, and funny!"

All of a sudden we heard my mom shout from the room over, "Thank you!" We both laughed as my mom continued her sentence. "I've been told I should have my own comedy show!" I chuckled and shook my head wondering who would tell her that. 

"You done?" I asked Jack and he nodded so I took his stuff and threw it away. "I should probably get going," He responded and I considered it. "Fine. Don't you want your drawing?" I asked and he went upstairs to grab it. I watched him run up and preceed back down with the two papers in his hand. "Thanks again for the lesson Av. It was fun," He told me and I blushed. "It was a lot of fun. Plus that was your payback for the guitar lessons." Jack then opened his arms and I stepped into the warm embrace, wrapping my arms around his neck. His body spray was evident and I took a big whiff of it, without making a gasping noise. I never noticed the tropical smell before. We then pulled away and I smiled at him as he made his way out the door. 

"By the way, Ava, you smell really good. Like flowers." 

I laughed and shook my head watching him chuckle while walking down the driveway back to his house. Oh how glad I was that we were friends again. Hopefully something more soon.

Thank you for reading! I love you all so much! Don't forget to vote for Jack Griffo for favorite tv actor on the Nick KCA's! (while your at it One Direction for best song and best music group :) CONGRATS ON THE NOMINATION JACK! (He probably won't see this but whatever). I'll see you next week! Stay wonderful! (Oh and if you ever need someone to talk to I'm here for you all). -Orangelegend xoxo

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