Chapter 16

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Hi everyone! Hope you are all doing well! Heres the new chapter for you all. I hope you enjoy it :) Vote, comment, Enjoy! 

I woke up to the pitter-patter of raindrops lightly hitting against the roof. Slowly glacing out the window, I noticed the giant, gray cloud looming over our neighborhood but I was determined not to let that ruin my mood. I checked the alarm clock that was next to the bed to find that it was about six-thirty in the morning. With the red numbers seering into my mind, I flipped on to my other side and stared at the wall before quickly falling asleep again.

"Hey Ava!" Jack called from behind me, and I turned around to face him. "Hi." I whispered as he picked me up and twirled me around. "Hi you," he whispered back and gently nudged my nose with his. I gigled silently and tilted my head upward so he could have access to my lips. Getting the message, Jack pressed his thin, pink-ish lips to mine and sparks flew. Our lips moved perfectly in sync and it just felt so perfectly perfect, I couldn't even describe it. I then pulled away and pecked his lips once. "So hows my beautiful babe doing today?" He asked me and I blushed slightly. "Well, my day is going amazing thanks to you," I exclaimed and he laughed. "It seems like I'm doing my job then,"  He spoke and I nodded. He then leaned down again to kiss me,

and I woke up. Of course, I thought. "Isn't that always how it works," I said aloud and of course no one responded to that. I then turned towards the window and noticed the downpour outside. I grinned slightly and flipped the covers off, slightly tripping over the bag I left next to my bed. I skipped downstairs and ate some breakfast, enjoying a short conversation with my mom when the doorbell rang. "I got it!" I told her and she nodded. I stood up from the table and walked towards the door, wondering who the heck would stand outside in the pouring rain. I swung open the door to find the one person I was really hoping for.

"Hey Jack!" I greeted and ushered him in. "Your soaked," I commented. "And your beautiful," He replied and I laughed. "Well played Griffo, well played." 

"Why thank you," He said as I helped him shrug off his coat. "So, why you over here?" I asked and Jack just shrugged. "Its storming and I have nothing else to do. Might as well come over here right?" He suggested and I nodded. "So what do you wanna do?" I asked. 

"Well we could watch a movie since its still dark outside," He suggested and I agreed. We then headed down to the basement.

"Ok so we have Despicable Me 2, Monsters Inc., or Endless love. Which one sounds good to you?" 

"Endless love. I'm in the mood," Jack told me and I grabbed the DVD to put it in the player. We then snuggled up on the couch. "Quick question: why do you own this?" Jack questioned. "Oh it was date night for my parents a few days ago. I guess we're putting it to use again." I said and smiled. He then nodded and kissed my head lightly making me think I imagined the whole thing.


After the movie, I had to shake Jack awake since he fell asleep. "Jack," I whispered my lips barely touching his ear, "Time to get up."

"What?" He asked in a groggy voice. "Good morning silly head," I greeted and he stretched. "When did I fall asleep?" He questioned and I laughed. "Just about twenty minutes ago during the fire scene." Jack nodded and snuggled into my shoulder, closing his eyes and faking falling asleep again. "Hey, I know what will wake you up!" I exclaimed. I sat up and pulled Jack's arm towards the stairs with him yawning the whole way up. 

"Av, where are we going?" He kept mumbling until I shoved him towards the door. 

"We are going outside!" I declared and opened the door. "But Av, its pouring out!" He complained and I shook my head. "Come on Jack, I love the rain! Lets enjoy it!" I pushed and grabbed a rain jacket. I then laid one around Jack's shoulders and pranced outside. "Come on don't be scared!" I called out and watched Jack enter the rain. "I'm not scared!" He yelled back to me. I threw my head back and jumped around with the warm rain cascading down my face.

All of a sudden I felt some on grab my hand and spin me around. "Jack!" I yelled and ran away from him only to get captured again. "Ava!" Jack mimicked me and lifted his head up towards the sky. We both stood staring at the sky for a while with our eyes closed just thinking. I was really going to miss this during the school year. I then started spinning around and trying to eat the giant rain droplets but failing miserably.

"Who knew rain was so nice?" Jack asked breaking the silence. "I've loved it since I was a kid," I commented. "The sound and smell of it is just so perfect," I told him and he agreed. Jack then pulled me towards him so I was pressed against his chest.

"Well, hello there," I smirked and he squished his face up.


I then caught myself leaning in, semi creating the dream from last night and Jack seemed to be responding. I could feel his breath on my lips and I quickly glanced at his mouth before almost closing the gap.

Well, there you go! Hope you enjoyed it! By the way thank you all for your support on this story and just on life in general. I've been encountering some problems recently but I know I can always get through it especially with you guys by my side. I love you all so much :)

"I'm not into gymnastics but I'm into flippin' things" ;) -orangelegend xoxo

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