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(Y/N) looked around the base, trying to figure out what to do in a HOT summer day. She tought about getting some watergun, and bring it to the base, giveing them to the kids and have a little water fight. But the little fear of Ultra Magnus being mad at her made her change her mind.
-(Y/N)'s P.O.V.-
The kids are laying on the couch with me with the same Problem. It's so hot that Jack even just put on a single T-shirt with Poor Raf. Miko wear a single Top shirt with me. Even Agent Fowler got us a fan bit it's barely do much for all of us.
"IT's HOOOT!" Miko whined flopping her arms agains the couch. "Tell me something I don't know" I said with a Tired voice. The Heat make me tired. So annoying.
"Why Don't we do something?" Miko Asked sitting up. "Well I have an Idea, but I don't want Ultra Magnus hunting me down for it." I answered fanning myself with my hand. "Like what?" Asked Raf who rubbed his glasses. "Well I tought about a Water Fight. and I have the WanterGuns but... Yah" I sait while reaching for my bag. "Then Let's try something Else." Said Jack as he smiled. "And I think I have an Idea."


Jack's Idea is Amazing! All we need to do is wait for everybody to be at the base, and get A LOT of water. The Bots are Getting Energons for themselfs, while Ratchet stays with us.
It's Preatty Great. While we waited Miss June Got us what we needed, and Talked about our Plan again. Miss June lauged with a smile about Our Plan, then she had to go back to work.
The Plan wa like this.

One human 2 Cybertronian
I got Optimus and Ultra Magnus
Miko got Jacky and Bulkh
Jack got Arcee and Smokescreen
and Raf Got Bee and Ratchet But I told him I'm helping him with Ratchet.

After ewerything was in place we went back to the main Room, just in time when Eweryone came back.
"Hello Arcee, and Mechs~" I said as I bowed a little playfully. The Bots waved and greeted back with a smile. Optimus nodded with a Smile as well as Ultra Magnus. "We have a little Suprise for you-" Miko started as I cut in. "All" I said looking at Ratchet too, who looked suprised. "what is this Suprise might be?" Optimus Asked with his Gentle Voice.
"You'll see, and I might have to ask you all a favor." The Bots were confused yet exsidet so they nodded. "Alright, Optimus, and Ultra magnus, Sir, Will you come with me?" I asked kindly, Knowing Ultra Magnus liked being called 'Sir' don't ask me why. When I saw them nood and walk towards me then Stops besides me waiting for me to tell them what to do.
" Now, Arcee and Smokescreen, with Jack Please. Bulkh and Jacky With Miko. And Bee, and Ratchet, With Raf Please." As They went ower to the Kids. They smiled , and nooded , signaling that they are ready. "Alright Eweryone, Follow me~" I said While going down the hallway, after I heard them following me. I stopped at the huge door behind the suprise. I looked up at Optimus, askinf him to open it, as he nooded and did so.
I walked in then Turned around with my hands in the Air. "Tada!~" I love the Reatcs of the Bots's face. Confused, Suprised, and their Optics are big. hehe~.
In the Room was a Pool, 4 Hose, 4 Bucket of soap water, and Towels, thaT's for me and the Kids.
I saw Optimus Try to Study and try to understand why is all the stuff in the room but could't understnad so he looked down at me. "May I ask why is all this?" He asked trying to understand the situation. "Well, because It's REALLY hot today, we tought that we give you guys a little 'Bath' or so called car wash." I said with a big smile. "After all, You guys Protected Our Home, at least this only fair if we pay back a little something" I said with a Gentle smile on my face, because I Speak the Truth. The Bots Smiled back Then Suddenly Jacky jumped up. "Then I want some little Wash!" he went forward then transformed. "Fine by me" Said Arcee as she Transformed too going next to the pool. Soon EweryBot is in place then the Cleaning and Fun begin.


As we finished, Every bot left happily, Even Ultra Magnus Relaxed, and thanked for the Relaxing 'Bath'. Everyone left, now it's just me and Optimus, now. I still feel a bit hot, so i went over to the pool and jumped in it. I know Optimus Watching be but I just Really need to swim a bit. Suddenly a Big servo Grabbed my shirt and Polled it off, I let out a yelp in suprise. Luckyly i wear swimming suit tho. "O-Optimus?" I looked up at him blushing as he hold my now wet shirt. "I want to thank you for today (Y/N), It was elaxing, But maybe I can do the same to you? 'Bathing' you?" he asked with a smile. I couldn't help but Smile back. "We.. sure, but don't use those, that Stuff isn't good for humans." I said pointing at the buckets full of soap/clean stuff. Optimus nooded and just stroked my hair, as he tried to 'Bath' me, tho it came out onto a little Water fight , as I splashed Water at him and onto him.
It was Fun.

I really hope this is Good, pls tell me if it's not >A<

TFP: Optimus x Human!Reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now