This Little mistake [2]

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Pic made by me



it's been 2 months. Ratchet have been working really hard, even as far that he forget to recharge, so Optimus have to tell him to rest.

The other humans that are in the base, they are fine for now, but they are running out of food soon. Optimus, Bee, Arcee and Bulkh are the ones that go out to get food. While Ratchet and Ultra Magnus stay to make sure everyone is ok.

Wheeljack and Smokes are taking care of the children and keep them entertained.

(Y/N) have been.. doing better. as they guessed. she didn't even tried to escape before.

Not yet anyway..

As the others arrived with food and some survivors, Optimus transformed and let out a sigh. They run into a zombie horde and he slowly growing use to shoot them, even tho he knew well that they were once humans. it's painful to his spark.

While Arcee showed the survivors to where they should go, The other put the food away to keep them fresh.

Optimus walked over to Ratchet as he seem to look at the cameras. "How are they?" He asked seeing Ratchet put down some samples and test bottles. "They... Are better i guess." Ratchet put away his tools and tiredly sighed.

"You should Rest, old friend." Optimus said putting his servo onto Ratchet's shoulder. "Alright." He said in a really tired tone then slowly walk to berthroom. "Check on (Y/N), alright?" Ratchet reminded him. Optimus just nodded and waited until he was out of sight then he went to the far back of the base to (Y/N)'s cell.

As he got closer he heard quiet sobs. Who is crying? when he arrived he noticed (Y/N) in her cell in the corner at the wall. She seem to be crying, her eyes glowing in the dark. Optimus quietly walks is as usual and after closing the cell (Y/N) suddenly let out a gasp looking up at him.

For some reason She stopped crying.

"I'M here now." Optimus Knelt down and gently picked her up. She crawled up to his face and suddenly became calmer and closed her eyes.

Optimus felt heavy. His Chest feels heavy.

Ratchet have been experimenting to find the cure of this infection, Bringing in infected people and try them if it helps or not. It has been failed so far. Both him and Ratchet don't want to test on (Y/N) of the reason of loosing her.

No one want that.

They have to keep trying.


it's been 5 months

The Kids and Ratchet have been visiting (Y/N) and she seem to happy about it. Bringing her something to eat as they don't want her to get too skinny. June have been worried herself, 3 months ago, a kid got sick and it worried her as she saw the small child's hand turn greenish grey.

Children turned faster.So the child is staying with (Y/N). They seem to be ok. But they still giving them cooked food.

Optimus was worried as ever, what if people can get this infection like sickness? After the Child Turned, Ratchet have been working even harder.

As Wheeljack captures some infected to get the test on.

So far they are failing




It's been like this until Ratchet Threw his Wrench against the wall making a loud clang go through the base. "Why isn't it Working??" He yelled out, Optimus walked over and pt a servo on his shoulder to stop Ratchet. "Ratchet, keep yourself together."

He may not look like it, but even Optimus is slowly loosing hope.

Ratchet looks like he's gonna break down and cry.

Any everyone can understand why.

Everyone knows he's the cleverbot here, he know about cures and health. There is nothing much they can do.

Optimus asked Arcee to watch over (Y/N) and the child tonight as he stayed next to his broken old friend.

"Hey, there (Y/N).."

Hearing Arcee's voice made (Y/N) look up from what she was doing.. which is just lying on the floor while staring at each other with the child.

(Y/N) seem to be happy to see Arcee and stayed next to her eating some food they gave her, the child  curled up on the floor next to (Y/N), seem to be sleeping.

Arcee just stroked (Y/N) hair as she felt herself leaks out some tears.

She still hopes for the best. 


To be continued...

O3O I might be able to get more stories done in the weekend

hope you like it

GG out~

TFP: Optimus x Human!Reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now