A Dream

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Story based on the Video! It's a Kinda SAD Story!


A normal day at school, all alone, bullied. well (Y/N) was the one who got this fate.

Walking home all alone, She tough about everything she love. She tough about her favourite Show. Trasnsformers Prime. She always wanted alife like that, but looks like life is more crule to her then she tought. 

Stepping in her home, she slowly sneaked up to her room, hearing her StepParents haveing to much fun with the wine again. They doN't even care if she is living here. Her room is a mess, and she only have a Dresser a little shelf and a bed in it with a little lamp.

(Y/N) walked over to her bed with tears in her eyes, as she dropped her stuff next to the bed as she hugged her pillow, then crying herself to sleep.

In her Dream there was nothing but dark, she was by herself, hugging her legs close to her body. Her head was on her knees crying into them, until, there was a hand, made of iron maybe, she wasn't sure, but it was Robotic. As she looked up with tear filled eyes, she saw a Robot, oh but this wan't just a robot. He was a Prime. She know this look. 

This Drea Prime Smiled kindly at her offering his hand to her. As she looked him full of trust, she grabbed his Servo, but then Full of Flower petals flyed around them. The nothingness turned into a Big Garden room like place full of Blue Colored Flowers, like Energon. The Prime still herd her hand gently, as if he fear to break her, as (Y/N) looked around in amazed.

Prime Snapped his digits, that made sparkles fly around (Y/N) as she looked unsuse by what is happening. Her Regular clother magically turned into a Beautifull mediun sided Dress. (Y/N) Gasped by suprise as she blushed pink. She looked at Optimus in amazed, as he still herd her hand he started running with her, as if he want to show her something.

They stopped by a door, with a Rose symbol on the top of the door, as it shaped beautifully.

Optimus Showed her that this door is the exit, so she can go back. (Y/N) a bit confused she walked over to the door that Opened for her, and stepped into the darkness, she looked back to see him wave at her,as the door closed.

Next day she woke up suprised and confused. she went to school like tht, as the usual happend to her. The same bullies,and the pain but she barely noticed it today.

As she arrived home as she toughtfully looked at her bed, then decited to try to sleep again, maybe she will see him again? 

She falled asleep.

In her Dreams she found herself sitting on a bench. Fishies floating in the air, and around her.Optimus behind the bench holding a blue rose. As hea went close to (Y/N) she blushed while Optimus put the flower into her hair with a smile. After they had fun She Waved at him with a smile slowly leaving her Dream.

then she woke up with a smile, hope and Love in her eyes, with a blush on her face. At choold she daydreamed barely lookign what class she is in. The other kids frowned at her happy face, confused, as she ran towards her home. and after she arrived home she Went to sleep right away, with a smile.

Finnaly in her Dream, she blushed with a smile, as she looked around until she found him with an Ice cream cart next to him as he held out the ice cream for her. They had fun as always as She accidentaly poked Hip with her ice cream right there where his nose supose to be as he chuckled about her embarrashement.

Every day, she would Run home and Jump into her bed with happiness. Seeing him make her happy, and Feel magicall.

As they Dance arounf on the water, she never noticed his reflection on the water, She was looking at his face mostly. As they gugged each other blushing.

Winter came fast, her scarf around her, as (Y/N)'s bullies got more annoyed by her cheerful face. The other kind just smiled at her as she cheerfully answered to the question in class.after Class Her Bullies got her, as they angrily pushed her to the cold ground. makeing (Y/N) cry, running home, as she heard her bullies dark laugh.

She smiled as she finnaly arived home. Looking at her bed she got into her Pj then went to bed.

She woke up by the sound of her StepParents being loud, she walked into the bathroom finding the sleeping pills, then went back to bed.

The Two flyed around on a Predaking as he looked like he don't mind it. They are happy.

She took more pills. Falling asleep at Breakfast.

Optimus kissing Her forhead while happy creatures dances and sings around them. As (Y/N) blushed more.

More Pills.

She fell asleep in class and she accidentaly left her bag open, makeing her teacher notice the sleeping pills.The Teacher called her StepParents showing them the Sleeping pills, as (Y/N) sadly looked at the ground.

her StepParents got mad, as (Y/N) tried to explain herself, but only got a Strong Slap from her Step Mother. as her Step fater took the pills from her. Tears falling like waterfall as she ran into her room, finding the hidden sleeping pills as her Tears never stop falling. She tought about heveing enough pain from here.

She took all the Pills.

Happily finding herself in her Dream again , she smiled at Optimus who looked worried, holding her close. He pointed at the exit door that Crached up.

Then it's broke into Peaces.

Optimus watched the Door Peaces fall with a Shocked face, as (Y/N) just looked at it suprised. Optimus Worriedly took her wrists as (Y/N) smilled happily at him Explaining that She is happy, and want to stay with him forever. Optimus face torned sad, he took a hold of her right cheek and pulled her closer, and he Kissed her. Her cheeks Burned red by her blushing,as her eyes looked suprised.

Optimus's Optics Glowed more as he looked at her with saddnes and love at the same time, Around him the room colapsed. Everything slowly turned white.

The Flower ground stayed under her, as she looked around confused and scared a little. Behind her Optimus Got bigger and taller.

When (Y/N) turned back around, he got taller, and he is in the Beast hunters form as he Kneeled down to her weight, (Y/N) nervously looked at him Servo that held something.

Optimus Put the Blue Rore in her hair as (Y/N) let her Tears fall as she is Full of emotions. He smiled sadly at her, she almost can see the tears in his Optics.

He Picked her up and put her on his shoulder, walking towards the white light.

As her Step parents Cryed and regret everything they done.

holding their Step Daughter's lifeless body.

TFP: Optimus x Human!Reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now