Smaller then I

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She always wanted to see space.
She even have her own star lamp so look at all night. (Y/n) and Arcee been decorating her room here and there while Arcee tell some stories about her home planet. While (Y/n) did the same, telling Arcee about her  family and boring life.

Both of them usually spend time together as (Y/N) look at Arcee as a protective mother. She always smiled about the thought. She teached Arcee how to brush her hair and how to do some tricks with it. She was happy about it.

While Both of them were talking they heard a awful exposion sound. 

"What in the name of-" Arcee started as she stood up and transformed so she can fit trough (Y/N)'s door. "Oh Fragging Darng it!" They both heard Ratchet yell out. Arcee Transformed again and stood tall while (Y/N) followed staying behind Arcee just in care Ratchet was experimanting on another one of his cybertronian Tech.

"Ratchet what is going on?" Arcee stepped closer looking up at the mech who suddenly shouted. "STOP! Don't MOVE!" He looked around under his feet. (Y/N) saw a small bot on the floor groaning.

"No Freakin way-" She said in awe as she run in front of the two bot and stood in front of the Autobot leader himself. But he's smaller than HER.

"Shrink ray?" Arcee asked and rolled her optics. "It had a fatal Error and it hit Optimus." Ratchet groaned shaking his head.

"Aww~ You are Smaller than Me now!~" (Y/N) said playfully and He's not half her size-

"Presicely." The Prime spoke. His deep voice is almost the same but a little lighter- probably from height differece. (Y/N) couldn't help herself and lifted him up and put him on her hips. "You can fit in my room now!~" She giggled and held Optimus close and hugged him. "And I can hug you now!" Optimus was smiling a little but then he turned to look at his old friend.

"How long will I be like this?" He asked while Ratchet tries to fix the Ray gun. "Possibly until i fix this- or a few days." Arcee chuckled and patted (Y/N) head. "I'll go get Jack from School. I'll be back." She smiled and waled a few steps and transformed and rolled out.

"I'll take care of Optimus while you work- Good luck Ratchet!" (Y/N) Held Optimus close to her and then ran to her room while Ratchet just waved her off but silently thanked her.


It's been a day and Optimus  slowly learned from his small human Friend while he is small. (Y/N) had been showing Optimus a lot- watching movies building a fort and cuddling him. He didn't really minded and he actually enjoy himself. he still can't get used to being carried around like a toddler.

He was enjoying it while he can listening to her heartbeat the seem to calm him down.

"-So That's why i love swimming!" She was ready to go to bed while she have Optimus in her lap, while she just told him why she loves swimming. Optimus was hapy and listened well then look  at her. 

"It's seem to be late, you should rest." He said and (Y/N) yawned, and nodded. "Alright-" she lied down and closed her eyes holding him close. "Goodnight Optimus."

After a while she was already fast asleep, Optimus was looking at her, staring how cute she is then he heard her gasps. she is still sleep- she must have a unplesant dream ash he Crawled close to her and held her tightly as he can.

"I'M here Sweetspark. I'm here. no need to shed a tear, No need to be frightened. It's alright." He whispered in her ear smoothly and she slowly calmed down. Her sleeping figure slowly smiled and leaned close to him. He'll guard her in any shape or form. He'll protect her forever.

"Sweet dreams Sweetspark." He said as he slowly went to rechard himself feeling comfortable heat coming from his human.


*dies and go to bed*

TFP: Optimus x Human!Reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now