A Thought (A/N)

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Have you ever just stopped and thought.

He don't deserve any of this.
He don't deserved those scars he got.

He don't deserve to die.

Do we deserve a good hero like him? A True Leader?
Have you just stopped and looked at the star and said-

"I trust him no matter what."

Would you be there for him when you see him frown?
See him stressed, Troubled, Lost, Betrayed?

Would you stroke his servo for comfort?
Would you shed a tear for him, when he don't leak any?

Would you cry when you see him broken?
Would you cry for the team he lost, His friends?

Would you apologize to him when humans are just cruel greedy beasts? when they promised safety and they back-stabbed cause of the decepticons?

It wasn't their fault

Would you punch and probbably break those people's nose who were rude to them? Who spoke lies and, and talk like the world is agreeing with them?

would you be able to sleep knowing He suffered a lot?

Would you just go for a drive and tell him something peaceful? just look at the stars.

Wouldn't you wish you could live longer and could go to space without dying?

Optimus Prime

You Brave warrior

Strong Hero

And perfect Leader

Strong enough to be gentle

He's like a god, wouldn't you agree?

He's not flawless himself, let's admit it.

But instead of seeing him frown. would't you want to see him smile? or hear his unknown laughter he's been hiding?

Wouldn't feel overjoyed when you could at least make him chuckle? Se him relaxed?

He need a break now and then

Wouldn't you want to see him relax and enjoy life for once?

let him have peace.

No matter wich Optimus we are talking about.

He always want to protect us. make sure he have our rights. He knows what's wrong with Earth. he really do. 

Even when a President is banning them from earth with other different people., the other civilians would deny saying that they voted for that.
They saved the earth many times they don't even know. And that's upsetting

If i would be there i would say-

"Over my dead body."

I respect Prime so many ways. when he got betrayed i wasn't surprised he was pissed. i think everyone would be pissed. I love all the versions of Prime he respect his friends/team and care for us. even when we don't deserve a kind soul like his.

I could freakin rewatch TONS of films and shows where he is always gentle and make sure everyone else is ok before he checks himself if he is ok.

if that's not selfless then idk what

What do you think?


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2019 ⏰

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