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(Y/N) was hugging This Optimus Plushie all week.

It was (Y/N) Bith day, and Miko Suprised her with this Plushie. And she never let it go. Why, you ask? Because Optimus Went out for a mission for THAT LONG. It's warm outside yet she always waited for Optimus. She always talk to Optimus Tho, Every night before she go to sleep. He would speek to her untill she fel asleep.

Optimus's mission is kinda a Training for himself. Who knows why.

Right now it's night time. (Y/N) is Ready to go to bed. She stood up from the Couch and wawed at the kids. "Night Guys, I think I'll go and hit the hay" Jack and Raf waved with a tiresome Smiles, as they and Miko haveing a Sleepover here. "night Then (Y/N)!" Said Miko as she went back to Draw. (Y/N) before Going to sleep she's going to talk to Optimus again. So She went over to her little Bed like Matress a little farther away from the kids so they can stay up as they want. She pulled out her Phone as she pressed the call button. As She waited for Optimus to answer she noticed Ratchet is still in the room doing some of his work.

"I tough you went to Recharge, Ratchet." The said Bot looked up from his work. "I could say the same. (Y/N)." Ratchet let himself smile a little as he packed his stuff away and Clean his table. "Well I'll go to sleep soon, I let the kids stay up a bit more, Ya know." Ratchet let out a chuckle, then look at her again. "it's 3AM, they should sleep soon." She just smiled at the Doc Bot. "Good night Ratchet." She said. as Ratchet Started to walk away from her. "same for you" Ratchet waved his Servos leaving the room.

After that Optimus called her back, ans she quickly answered. "Oh Hi Optimus"

"Hello (Y/N), How was your day?"

(Y/N) Hugged her Plushie close to her with a Smile. "Doing fine, Having a Sleepover with the kids at the base. How about you?"

Optimus let out a happy humm as he answered. "I'm doing just fine. And I have Good News for you."

"Really?" (Y/N) Asked curious.

"I'm Coming back in the afternoon." (Y/N) Gasped as she happily Cheared. "NICE! Oh my Gosh! I'll be waiting!" Optimus Could Just Image her and her big Smile on her face. But he have a Bigger Surprise for her.

"I'm happy you'll do."

After that little talk Optimus Started talking about his day, while (Y/N) slowly fell asleep, hugging her Plushie.


Optimus called for Ratchet A bit more earlier for the Ground-bridge , for (Y/N)'s surprise. Ratchet was a little surprised at first but opened the ground bridge anyway. 

Optimus had that little Surprise for (Y/N) in his Servo. And when He Noticed that (Y/N)'s heavy sleeping Figure Next to Ratchet's Computer he Tried to step as quietly as possible. It's 7 in the Morning by now. (Y/N) is Probably gonna wake up at 9 or 10.

As She slept, Optimus Put the little surprise around her, as he waved at Ratchet that he can go back to Recharge. He noticed the Plushie that she is hugging. He tough it's cute. (Y/N) hugging his mini self. He just Smired and one of his Digits stroked away the hair out of her face.

---Timeskip to 9 in the morning---

(Y/N) is waking up. She slowly let Stretched out and yawned. When she opened her eyes she saw something is around her. Around her there lied the Stuff she always wanted in her life. She Smiled with a little Teared up eyes, as she sit up on her matress. "Oh my Gosh" She whisper yelled, because she know that the Kids are still sleeping. But then She looked up.

Optimus was Sitting on a giant like chair reading a datapad with a smile on his face. (Y/N) Looked at her with a smile, but then she had a plan. She grabbed her tiny pillow she had and Threw it at Optimus for fun. Knowing he would never be mad at her.

She got a head-shot. As she Giggled, while Optimus looked up at her, surprised, but when he saw that she giggling figure he smiled. 

"Good morning (Y/N)." He said calmly and in a quiet voice.

"Morning!" She whisper yelled. Optimus Stood up and walked over to her and put a little box in front of her.

"This is Your Gift for you, I made it." Said Optimus as he pushed the present close to her.
She looked down at it and then back at Optimus, but all she saw is Optimus nodding for her to Go on.

(Y/N) smiled and opened the box. Inside was The Brightest Crystal she ever seen. But it was made into a Necklace. (Y/N) almost felt like crying, as she gently pulled out the Necklace.

"This, Is made of my Spark." Optimus said as he Lifted his Servo over his Chestplates. "So you know, you are never alone."

(Y/N) stared at him. Then she let her Tears fall.

Tears of Joy.

She put on the necklace with a smile as she jumped over the fence into Optimus Servo, and leaned on his Chestplates as she laughed while her tears never stop falling. Optimus hugged her as much he could, as his Bright Optics looking at her with Happiness.

As the plushie is laying on the matress, lookig at the Them.

A Plushie Of him. 

TFP: Optimus x Human!Reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now