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It's cold...

I mean

Really cold

(Y/N) Exited her home ready to go to the base, her warm coat hugging her upper body, while her legs is freezing. Oh but that's not enough. She bumped into her Old classmates, she don't really like them, they always ignored her when they were in schools, but now they talked to her like it was nothing. that annoyed her a little. She called Optimus is he can pick her up and he said he'll be there in 30 minutes because the ground-bridge got some problems. 

(Y/N) is a little upset that It didn't snowed yet, but without the ground-bridge they can't go anywhere near snow now. (Y/N) lost in her thoughts and didn't noticed her Guardian pulled up next to her, just when he opened his door for her. "Good Evening (Y/N)" Said Optimus while (Y/N) climbed into him. "Good Evening Optimus." She let out a sigh of relief. It's warm inside Optimus.

"It's really cold, yet no snow..." Said (Y/N) looking out the window as he started to go towards the base.

When they arrived at the base, (Y/N) went over to Ratchet asking about the Bridge. "I'm really sorry (Y/N) but I can't force it to work today, but I'll try my best, alright?" Ratchet said with a frown on his faceplate seeing (Y/N) hang her head. "It's alright Ratchet.. Take your time" (Y/N) lifter her head up again looking at Ratchet with a small smile. 

(Y/N) is a little different from the kids. She have patience more then them,  and whenever there is something to fix, she always say, 'No need to rush' Or 'Take your time'. Ratchet is good friends with her, (Y/N) is always happy to learn about Cybertron. 

(Y/N) slowly walked away over to Optimus letting her head rest on his leg. Optimus already looking at her, seeing that she didn't took her coat off yet, he kneeled down to her weight to see her better. "(Y/N), are you alright?" Optimus asked, (Y/N) lifted her head up and she just lifted her arms up, like a Child who want to be picked up ehile she made a cute sad face, making Optimus smile a little.

Optimus lifted her up in his servo watching her hugging his digits. "It's cold" (Y/N) said. Optimus looked at her questioningly, wondering why would she be cold. 

While they talked, Jack went over to Ratchet and told him something. Jack know (Y/N) like snow, and she mostly want to see them, because she even cold in the base. Ratchet nodded and watched Jack walk away. He turned to look at the two talking to each other, smiling a little then called out to them.


Optimus and (Y/N) going to a place Ratchet told them he found a little signal. Well because The Bridge is out of the question, Optimus have to drive. But before they left, Jack gave her a big bag, she don't know why, tho he just smiled and walked away.

Now Optimus and (Y/N) is half way there. (Y/N) looking out the window, making little talk with Optimus. "Are we there yet?" (Y/N) asked trying to sound funny. Optimus just sighed but he is sure smiling even tho she can't see it. "Almost, don't worry." (Y/N) let out a sigh laying her hand on Optimus's wheel gently not to distracts his driving.

"Is something the matter?" Optimus asked, moving his rear-view mirror to look at her. "It's nothing... I'm just.. Ya know.." She pulled her arms back crossing it, she looked like she trying to find the words  she want to say, while looking at the Autobot signal on his wheel.

Optimus patiently waited for her to answer, when he heard her let out a sigh. "I... sometimes feel lucky that I met you guys, yet... I bumped into some of my old classmates. For 8 years they looked at me like I was nothing, and now they asking me if I want to hang out.." (Y/N) said honestly. She need to get this out of her chest.

Optimus listened while driving, he see something white right ahead falling from the sky, but he didn't told her this, She will notice it soon enough. "You know Optimus.. I wish I was Cybertronian... I would be big and strong.. I would be useful." (Y/N) hugged herself, but that is not enough for her. Even she felt the seat belt tightened around her making her smile a bit.

"(Y/N), I'm not telling you that I won't be upset if you were to be a Cybertronian, but You should accept the way you are. We have to fight so many times, we barely have time to ourselves. In my opinion, you are Perfect the way you are." (Y/N) couldn't help but smile at Optimus's words.

"You always understand what I'm saying, Optimus. And I'm glad you do." (Y/N) looked out of the window, and Gasped. "Snow!" She almost jumped out of the moving truck in happiness. "We are almost there." Optimus said slowing down. After a little time, he stopped by a large wooden house where he too can fit in, how weird. "Oh wow. What is this place?" (Y/N) said opening Optimus's door stepping into the snow. Optimus closed his door and transformed, walking forward. "This is the place Ratchet said we should go-" He stopped then opened his chestplates, taking out a bag. "Oh Sorry!! I left it in the back!" (Y/N) said worriedly, as Optimus lowered himself to give the bag back to her. "I don't even know why jack gave me this."

Optimus hummed then stood up. "Let's try to get in!" (Y/N) shouted smiling while running to the big Mansion like Wooden house. "(Y/N) be careful!" Optimus went after her behind the house. She walked over to the giant door that almost a Cybertronian could even fin it. "Let's go Optimus!" Optimus saw her by the door and nodded pushing it open. (Y/N) went after him and gasped. The inside is Beautifully wooden house like, any other. She always wanted to be in it once. Optimus just stood there in surprise. 

"This place is awesome!" (Y/N) shouted jumping on the big couch in the big room and a big fireplace is in front of it. Optimus closed the door and looked at (Y/N). 

They decided they would stay the night here, so (Y/N) placed the bag down and ran to the door. "Come on Optimus! we should take advantage that there is Snow!"

She shouted running into a growing snow around them. Optimus never saw her this happy before. She mostly don't like cold but when it comes to snow she just jump around like a child, who got their favorite toy. He walked out seeing her making a snow angle giggling. Optimus just kneeled down watching her, if he want to make a snow angle he could just put her servo into the snow and that would be just enougth. His servo is almost as big as a human.

(Y/N) sat up, some snow stuck on the back of her coat, but she don't mind it. "let's make the biggest Snowman!" She jumped up ran over a cleared snow place and started up with a Snowball. She rolled it as big as she could, then Optimus continued it for her, while she started the other 2 more snowman part. Finishing their snowman, they made it like 15 feet tall. (Y/N) felt proud. She gave the snowman stick arms, little rocks for buttons eyes ans a little smile on its head. She even made some hair for it with stick.

After the Coldest fun she had, she walked inside with Optimus , who looked happy, and Really calm. He sat down on the ground, while (Y/N) lit up the fireplace and sat in front of him on the warm couch, Optimus cold metal need to warm up.

"Ah, I feel so much better right now.~" (Y/N) let out a happy sigh, then she glanced at the bag That jack gave her. She reached out while Optimus leaned a bit closer. Opening it, she pulled out.. a Thermos? (Y/N) confusedly opened it and smelled it. "Oh! Hot chocolate!" (Y/N) sait pouring into the cup and slowly drink the warm Hot chocolate. Optimus just smiled watching the fireplace. His spark feels warm as well, seeing his Human happy.

After talking a little, the night came, and (Y/N) fell asleep leaning against Optimus's leg, while Optimus stayed up watching over her.


gave me the Idea of Winter :3

TFP: Optimus x Human!Reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now