Mini Prime - Cuddle budy

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(pic by me )



Nothing to do

Not even fanfics reading cure the boredom 

There is (Y/N) looking at her laptop, trying to find ANYTHING to read. She is kinda alone, because Optimus, who is still smaller than the other bots, Helping Ratchet with some datapad.

(Y/N) even thought about drawing but she felt too lazy to stand up and get her stuff. So she closed her laptop and placed it on the table next to her, as she sat on the couch. As she leaned back in a comfy position, she started to think.

After a while, as Optimus is smaller, yet taller then her, She spent more time with the Prime. The thought made her smile. She remember when She just sat on her bed while He finally got to look around her room. He told her that he was always curious how her room looks like.

It was funny.

sometimes The two would sleep together on her bed, or on the couch. Surprisingly Optimus is really comfy, even tho he is made out of metal.

Optimus is almost like a Child while he is smaller and study about humanity. (Y/N) didn't felt pleasant showing Human history to Optimus, because History kind of show what Human can made and The Autobots are already trying to don't let the Humans near the Energon, they would use it in a bad way like that M.E.C.H team.

She suddenly sat up and look at where The Prime and Ratchet are... Or Where Ratchet was.

Looking around she notice him walking down the hallway, looks like he need to check on something or.. do whatever Ratchet do. It's not like she don't care or anything, she's just know Ratchet don't want to be bothered too much.

And the less she know is the best.

People could kidnap her... But that's no-sense 

Optimus is always there to protect her.


When she finally looked at the Prime who is still on his datapad, she made a 'Rly' face, then stood up.

(Y/N) walked over to Optimus and hugged him from behind resting her arms on his hips area. Optimus was a little surprised and lifted his arm up to look at her, while his optics softened.

"How are you doing (Y/N)?" Asked the Prime who put one of his servo on her hand.

(Y/N) just sighed and grabbed his servo and hugged him more. "I'm bored" She said while she felt Optimus shift a bit.

Optimus just sighed while smiling. He is too use to thing kind of thing that he can't really help himself but smile more.

"Did you cleaned your berthroom?" Optimus asked, almost teasingly, knowing (Y/N) had a messy room sometimes. "...Yes.." She looked like she's telling half truth and half lie.

"Would you like to do something then?" Optimus asked turning around to face her. Doing so, He looked right at her cute face. She's pouting again. 

"Well.. Maybe, But I don't know what!" (Y/N) said climbing on the Prime, She is used to climb on Optimus, He's still tall.

Now sitting on his hips and him being Protective, he held her in place so she won't fall. Optimus let out a sigh, and just tilted his head to the side to look at her face that she kind of hides in his chestplates.

"Would you like for me to read to you?"

By that (Y/N) looked up at him with eyes sparkling. 

"Oh YES please!! But In Cybertronian!"

While she said this Optimus slowly walked over to the Couch and sat down with her in his lap. And he couldn't help but smile. He knows how much She loves Cybertronian History and Stuffs they had.

"I love it when you speak cybertronian... It almost sound like music to me..." (Y/N) asked cuddling up to Optimus With a Blush.

Optimus can't wipe off his smile. He leaned down and kissed her head, Gently. "It makes me happy  to hear that you like it..."

Optimus started stroking (Y/N) soft hair Then grabbed his Data-pad. (Y/N) leaned her head on his chestplates closing her eyes with a pinkish blush.

While Optimus Started to read.

TFP: Optimus x Human!Reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now